View Full Version : Can't record Analog voltages in pass through mode!!!

July 16th, 2015, 12:52 PM
Tested all four analog in channels.

On self test can see moving voltages.
When BBX logging can see moving voltages.

When trying to use my laptop and EfiLive Scan 7.5.7 build 283 latest version on website all I see is 0 volts on all four channels. All over PID logging and functionality appears to be working. Possible bug?

Has anyone heard of this issue?

July 17th, 2015, 11:02 PM
PM me a link to this thread.

July 18th, 2015, 12:47 PM
Try installing V7 build 286 from here: July-08-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25758-July-08-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release)

July 19th, 2015, 01:15 AM
Hi Joe,

I have updated to the suggested version in the links above. Happy to announce a partial success.

When I try to connect to flash scan only and only select the analog 1 PID I can see the moving voltage. Hurray!

Howver, when I select my normal PID file I get an error and can't log. I will try to rebuild my PID file to see if it fixes the issue but due to limited time resources on my side it could take a couple of days to report back.


July 19th, 2015, 10:38 AM
Post your calc_pids.txt file here.

July 19th, 2015, 12:06 PM
Hi Joe,

I have updated to the suggested version in the links above. Happy to announce a partial success.

When I try to connect to flash scan only and only select the analog 1 PID I can see the moving voltage. Hurray!

Howver, when I select my normal PID file I get an error and can't log. I will try to rebuild my PID file to see if it fixes the issue but due to limited time resources on my side it could take a couple of days to report back.


That "error response 5" message was a bug in an old version of the software/firmware.
After updating your V7 software, make sure you also updated your V8 soaftware and your FlashScan firmware using the [Check Firmware] button on the main window of the V8 software.


July 26th, 2015, 01:03 AM
I can't exactly say what fixed this but the error message is not coming up anymore. Logging is working. Thanks to all!

July 26th, 2015, 04:24 PM
Stuff unhappens... :)

July 31st, 2015, 07:51 AM
Well junk. It seems that the fix is still partial. Some PIDs can be logged through pass through mode and other cause it to have the same error as above.

July 31st, 2015, 02:39 PM
Which pids are loggable, and which are not...?

Post your log file.

September 7th, 2015, 03:04 PM
I had the same issue - couldn't see any analog voltages in Scan Tool, when they were showing on the FlashScan V2 fine. Is there a solution to this issue?
Hadnt had any problems for a long time, then the other day went to use Scan Tool and got the "not compatible with this firmware" type message and was forced to do the whole Firmware / V8 / V7.5 update dance again... wish i could have just been left alone and not bothered... but ended up losing the external voltage feature for my LC1 which had worked just fine before. Now I have a new issue though
I tried the build linked above but it was "404 error"d so I tried the Sept2015 build then got the Response $03 error and couldn't connect to the vehicle. Yes, the firmware and bootblock is ok per v8 check tool. Is there any solution for the external voltage issue OR the scan tool connect issue?
Sorry I'm just a bit frustrated STILL being in the transition phase between 7 and 8 which complicates things every time an issue comes up.

September 7th, 2015, 03:51 PM
I had the same issue - couldn't see any analog voltages in Scan Tool, when they were showing on the FlashScan V2 fine. Is there a solution to this issue?
Hadnt had any problems for a long time, then the other day went to use Scan Tool and got the "not compatible with this firmware" type message and was forced to do the whole Firmware / V8 / V7.5 update dance again... wish i could have just been left alone and not bothered... but ended up losing the external voltage feature for my LC1 which had worked just fine before. Now I have a new issue though
I tried the build linked above but it was "404 error"d so I tried the Sept2015 build then got the Response $03 error and couldn't connect to the vehicle. Yes, the firmware and bootblock is ok per v8 check tool. Is there any solution for the external voltage issue OR the scan tool connect issue?
Sorry I'm just a bit frustrated STILL being in the transition phase between 7 and 8 which complicates things every time an issue comes up.

Install V7 and V8 from here (looks like you already did this): Sep-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25922-Sep-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release)

Then start V8 S&T and click Check Firmware, and follow the lead to update your V2 firmware (looks like you already did this);

then do this, post #1 only, of this thread: Setting-up-a-FSV2-from-scratch (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?20699-Setting-up-a-FSV2-from-scratch)

September 7th, 2015, 04:29 PM
well I did the ol' uninstall / reinstall of everything and made some progress... now as long as I have the external analog input unplugged it connects and I can view data fine, then plugging the external input in after makes the voltage signal start working. I just cant stop and re-start connection/data with the external plugged in. I could have sworn just earlier I read someone else having that symptom, but cant find it again...