View Full Version : Compare/Copy Between CSP5 Programs

August 19th, 2015, 09:08 AM
Hey guys, I'm just getting started on EFIlive and have one major operational question so far:

CSP5 is pretty handy, other than the fact you can't easily compare to non-CSP5 tunes, between multiple "Tunes" you've copy/pasted into your program slots, or even easily copy/paste a whole program without opening every page.

Any suggestions for how you guys deal with this? It would be nice if you could compare against individual tables, even within your own tune, instead of a whole file. For the copying I have a feeling scripting will be the answer, but I haven't dug into that yet.

August 20th, 2015, 12:26 AM
there are scripts you can run

August 20th, 2015, 04:17 AM
That wasn't particularly helpful :P

I did some experimentation, and was able to script copy the Gift Tune between the various program slots using the following procedure:

-Load fresh factory converted CSP5 tune (as baseline to catch differences)
-Manually Copy/Paste Gift Tune into all Program #1 tables, save as new tune file
-Open Factory tune, compare with new tune file
-Create Script
-Use text editor to find and replace all "A91" entries to "A92" (for example, to copy Program 1 to Program 2)
-Run Script on whatever tune file you're wanting to copy this into (make sure cal units are the same)

This worked fairly quickly in this situation, but I guess if you wanted to use this method frequently you'd have to keep a pretty good incremental copy of your tune file, so you can always go back and get those differences to copy to other tables. Feels a bit clunky, manual, and slow. Considering the popularity of the CSP5 tunes now, it sure would be nice if EFILive would build in this sort of manipulation.

This also doesn't really address conveniently comparing differences between program slots (unless you use the copy procedure to create multiple tunes with your differences in the same program slot), or trying to compare a program slot's values to a non-CSP5 tune.

I don't suppose this sort of thing is something EFILive is working on in V8?

August 20th, 2015, 09:57 AM
I'm not sure I follow, the same tables don't exist in the non CSP5 tune to compare to.

August 20th, 2015, 10:29 AM
Maybe not with the same table name, but technically they are duplicates of the same table.

I.E. The Main Injection Pulse table D0502 is moved and duplicated into A9103, A9203, A9303, A9403, A9503, and A9603.

So for example let's say you had a Factory non-CSP5 tune that uses the D0502 table. In your CSP5 tune, you've made some incremental changes across the 5 switchable A9X03 tables. It would be nice to be able to compare each of those tables back to your factory tune. Or better yet, if you could compare A9303 to A9203 to see what those incremental changes were.

Am I making more sense?

August 21st, 2015, 12:06 AM
I like what your bring up. So you want to see if your main timing starts at -3 deg on tune 5 and your main timing starts at -1 on tune 4 you want to see a 2 deg difference somewhere?

August 21st, 2015, 02:13 AM
Right, or how you can press CTRL+4 or 5 to switch between the main and alt tunes, maybe 6 7 8 9 0 could switch between your 5 programs for whatever table you have open, AND compare those to the alt tune (CSP5 or non-CPS5), and the software would know how to correlate the different table names to each other.

Would REALLY speed up making incremental changes, and comparing back to a known baseline.

August 21st, 2015, 02:32 AM
You could always hook up 2 or 3 monitors and run 2 or 3 sessions of the same tune. Thats what I do, I have 2 monitors hooked up and I run 2 sessions of the same tune and look at the differences in the charts and graphs.

August 21st, 2015, 02:35 AM
Yeah I do that as well, but when the differences are subtle the percentage view is really handy. Also the difference overview readout makes sure you don't miss anything, especially when copying stuff around.

It's gotten to the point where I don't even bother editing on my laptop, I must have two screens :wallbash:

August 21st, 2015, 03:32 AM
I do IT work and I cant function without having at least 2 screens. When you have it you cant go back. Only time I use the laptop is when data logging and remotetuning

August 23rd, 2015, 12:11 PM
This worked fairly quickly in this situation, but I guess if you wanted to use this method frequently you'd have to keep a pretty good incremental copy of your tune file, so you can always go back and get those differences to copy to other tables. Feels a bit clunky, manual, and slow. Considering the popularity of the CSP5 tunes now, it sure would be nice if EFILive would build in this sort of manipulation.

This also doesn't really address conveniently comparing differences between program slots (unless you use the copy procedure to create multiple tunes with your differences in the same program slot), or trying to compare a program slot's values to a non-CSP5 tune.

I don't suppose this sort of thing is something EFILive is working on in V8?

Yes, the old V7 scripting is clunky and difficult to use. It is being replaced with a full scripting language in V8 to allow you to automate pretty much any task that you want. The scripting language for manipulating the calibrations in V8 is the same language that we use for the V8 calculated PIDs. Lua: www.lua.org


Move'n Up
November 16th, 2015, 08:08 AM
Yes, the old V7 scripting is clunky and difficult to use. It is being replaced with a full scripting language in V8 to allow you to automate pretty much any task that you want. The scripting language for manipulating the calibrations in V8 is the same language that we use for the V8 calculated PIDs. Lua: www.lua.org

Paul, any update on a time table for this to be released?