View Full Version : Aug 27, 2015: EFILive Public Pre-Release

August 27th, 2015, 09:09 AM
Please download and install both the V7.5 and V8 software packages.

Both the V7.5 and V8 software were updated in this release, you must update both software packages.

Download V7.5 Software (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.7.292_Setup.exe) (101 MB)
Download V8 Software (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILiveV8.2.2.285_Setup.exe) (64 MB)

Release Notes:
Whats New (http://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_285.htm)

The Auto-Lock implementation for E39, E92 and E98 controllers requires that tuners and customers upgrade their AutoCal and FlashScan firmware to V2.07.86 or later. The upgrade is required to prevent *.ctz and *.coz tune files created using this pre-release (or later) from being used with older software or firmware.

Tuners: If you update your software and/or firmware and attempt to deliver new tune files to your customers, then your customers must also update to V2.07.86 or later version or they will not be able to flash those new tune files.

Existing tune files will continue to work normally with the new software.

Known Issues
Please post new issues, questions or clarifications (large or small) in this thread.

As new issues are verified they will be posted in the Known Issues thread (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25898-Known-issues-with-Aug-27-2015-Public-Pre-Release).

Version Numbers:

After installing the latest release you should have the following software, boot block, firmware versions installed:

EFILive V7 software: V7.5.7 Build 292
To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).

EFILive V8 software: V8.2.2 Build 285
To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).

Boot Block: V2.07.07 (Feb 07, 2014)
To view/update the Boot Block, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.

Firmware: V2.07.90 (Aug 27, 2015)
To view/update the Firmware, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.

The EFILive Development Team

August 28th, 2015, 08:05 AM
When viewing data logs in V8 i am seeing boost displayed in KPA even though it was recorded in PSI, and the chart is set to display PSI. No mater what I change the units to in the chart, it still shows KPA. On the "F3: Data" tab the correct boost pressure value will be displayed, but the minimum, average, etc are in KPA.



August 28th, 2015, 09:50 AM
When viewing data logs in V8 i am seeing boost displayed in KPA even though it was recorded in PSI, and the chart is set to display PSI. No mater what I change the units to in the chart, it still shows KPA. On the "F3: Data" tab the correct boost pressure value will be displayed, but the minimum, average, etc are in KPA.

Can you please send me that log file (paul@efilive.com).


August 28th, 2015, 10:26 AM
Just to clarify the units display in the [F3: Data] and [F4: Charts] display in the V8 scan tool.

In the [F4: Charts] display, you should be able to plot the same PID multiple times, each with different units. While I was invetigating post #2, I noticed a bug that causes the stats (avg, min, max and stddev) to be computed using the entire log file instead of just the selected data. That will be fixed in the next update.

In the [F3: Data] display, the units and stats should always be displayed in metric. However, in this version the value of the PID is being incorrectly displayed in the most recently charted PID's units (which may not be metric). That is a problem because you may have the same PID plotted multiple times in the charts each with different display units. You could plot boost in kPa and psi. Doing that makes it impossible for the software to use the chart's PID's units because each PID may be plotted in multiple units. So the [F3: Data] page will be getting its own units selection option.

Note: the data is not logged/recorded in either metric or imperial. Instead it is logged as raw PID data from the ECM and it is converted to the user's selected units when it is displayed. Well that's what should happen, obviously there's some issue with the units display that will be fixed in the next update.


August 31st, 2015, 02:35 AM
Can you please send me that log file (paul@efilive.com).


Log sent. Thanks for the explanation.

September 2nd, 2015, 06:31 AM
I have 2 customers that cannot load a .coz file using the "program" function on their autocals into E86a and E86b controllers. They get a $054d error. All of the settings are right and I can re-produce the issue here on an Autocal. Quick setup file that has the issue sent to paul@efilive.com

September 2nd, 2015, 07:58 AM
I have 2 customers that cannot load a .coz file using the "program" function on their autocals into E86a and E86b controllers. They get a $054d error. All of the settings are right and I can re-produce the issue here on an Autocal. Quick setup file that has the issue sent to paul@efilive.com

All the *.ctz and *.coz files in the *.bxx quick setup file have the Lock flag set. If the original *.ctz file (from which you created/saved the *.coz files) had the Lock flag set, then that flag is automatically transfered from the *.ctz to the *.coz when the *.coz file is created/saved.

It should not be possible to set the Lock flag (via the Auto-Lock option) for E86A/E86B files, but there may have been an earlier version of the V7 or V8 software that incorrectly allowed that to happen. If you are able to reproduce the conditions (with this pre-release software, https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25899-Aug-27-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release) that allow you to set the Auto-Lock option when saving E86A/E86B *.ctz files, then please let me know.

To fix the problem, you will need to remove the Lock flag from each of the original *.ctz file(s):
Connect your FlashScan device, then for each file:

Click the [Clear All Security Restrictions].
Re-Apply the "Cannot be Viewed or Modified" flag (and any other options that you want set).
For the *.ctz file, resave it as *.ctz.
For *.coz files, resave them using the save option: "Save (Calibration Only), for AutoCal...".

Then rebuild the *.bbx file with the newly saved files. Make sure the "Lock" column for each file in the *.bbx setup is set to "-" and not set to "Lock".


September 2nd, 2015, 08:27 AM
When I try to unlock the .ctz files it gives me an error saying that the file cannot be unlocked because the locks were created and saved before the reset option was implemented. I have used these same files (I did resave the .coz files today to see if that would fix the issue) many times before. Files that I have used since last calendar year are still giving this same error.

September 2nd, 2015, 08:33 AM
When I try to unlock the .ctz files it gives me an error saying that the file cannot be unlocked because the locks were created and saved before the reset option was implemented. I have used these same files (I did resave the .coz files today to see if that would fix the issue) many times before. Files that I have used since last calendar year are still giving this same error.

Ahh yes, makes sense now. In the early days when the security options were first implemented there was no concept of using a "master FlashScan" to prove who original applied the security options and therefor who has the authority to remove those security options. I'll try and figure out a solution...


September 2nd, 2015, 09:06 AM
If it makes any difference, the .ctz files that .coz files were created from were saved just using the "save as" option. They were not saved for Autocal so they should not have had any kind of restrictions in place.

September 2nd, 2015, 09:27 AM
If it makes any difference, the .ctz files that .coz files were created from were saved just using the "save as" option. They were not saved for Autocal so they should not have had any kind of restrictions in place.

Do you still have the original *.ctz files that have no security settings active? You would need those files if you ever wanted to edit the tunes. If you still ahve them, then using the latest software save them as *.coz files. That will create *.coz files with no security settings. Then when you add the *.coz files to the *.bbx quick setup, you can apply the "Cannot be viewed of Modified" and the "Remote AutoCal" options.


September 2nd, 2015, 10:38 AM
The quick setup I sent you should have just that done. I resaved the .ctz to .coz today to see if it would make a difference.

September 2nd, 2015, 03:12 PM
The quick setup I sent you should have just that done. I resaved the .ctz to .coz today to see if it would make a difference.

What I meant was there are 4 *.coz files in the *.bbx quick setup file. Those 4 *.coz files were originally created from 4 *.ctz files, either by explicitly saving them as *.coz files in the V8 tuner software or by conveting them to *.coz files in the BBX quick setup. Those 4 original *.ctz files must have had the "Lock" flag set (called Auto-Lock in the V8 tune software) because the lock flag gets propagated to the *.coz files. Because the original 4 *.ctz files also had the security setting: "Cannot be Viewed or Modified" set they cannot be edited in the V7 software.

So what I was trying to ask was: do you still have copies of the *.ctz files from before the "Cannot be Viewed or Modified" and "Lock" options were set? If so then just recreate the *.coz files from those *.ctz files that don't have their "Lock" flag set. Then the *.coz files won't have their lock flag set and your users won't get the error.


September 7th, 2015, 11:36 AM
Update posted here: