View Full Version : Known issues with the September 2015 Public Pre-Release

September 7th, 2015, 11:10 AM
Currently known issues and possible workarounds for the September, 2015 Public Pre-Release of the EFILive Software and Firmware

Download the current/stable release software here: http://www.efilive.com/latest/cat/download-efilive
Download the public pre-release software here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25922-Sep-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release

Public pre-release software versions:

Software: V7.5.7.293
Software: V8.2.2.286
FlashScan/AutoCal firmware: V2.07.91

Issue 1:
If you are Black Box Logging PIDs from an ECM and TCM simultaneously and you have selected a PID from the transmission controller (TCM) that has an identically named PID in the engine controller (ECM), then when the log file is loaded back into the V8 software for viewing, that TCM PID will be displayed as if it originated from the ECM. The PID's data will have correctly been logged from the TCM, only its name will appear to indicate that it was logged from the ECM.
It is a restriction of the *.efi (V7.5 log file format). That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available.
Issue 2:
DMA PID links defined in E40_Link.ini are incorrect.
DMA PID links defined in E92_Link.ini are incorrect.
See this post: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?25934-06-gto-bolt-on-tuning&p=222648&viewfull=1#post222648.

September 10th, 2015, 03:27 PM

What would cause an $053E code on an LMM and an LML remote file saved with only a security Cannot be read or viewed and a restriction for ECM SN# and Flashscan SN# and no restriction applied or in place for the actual VIN#.

My production machine runs the May 1st, 2015 and I am sending files to dealers/customers using both the May 1st and later versions of software.

I got two today with that error code ?



September 10th, 2015, 05:56 PM

What would cause an $053E code on an LMM and an LML remote file saved with only a security Cannot be read or viewed and a restriction for ECM SN# and Flashscan SN# and no restriction applied or in place for the actual VIN#.

My production machine runs the May 1st, 2015 and I am sending files to dealers/customers using both the May 1st and later versions of software.

I got two today with that error code ?



Before jumping in to try and explain this I found that the error descriptions for $053D and $053E in the PDF error doc are swapped.
$053D is shown incorrectly as "VIN security restriction in *.ctz file does not match controller's VIN."
$053E is shown incorrectly as "Device license number is not valid."
The error descriptions in the [F8: Tools]->[F8: Lookup Errors] tab page show the correct description but the wrong "Cause" and "Action".
I'll have those error messages fixed in the next update.

Meanwhile, the error $053E is "VIN security restriction in *.ctz file does not match controller's VIN.". It is caused when the VIN security field contains more than 1 character and those characters do not match the target vehicle's VIN. Because you said that there is nothing in the VIN this error should not occur. Is it possible the VIN has a bunch of space characters in it that are impossible to see?

Can you please send me the file that won't flash? (paul@efilive.com)


September 10th, 2015, 10:34 PM
I will verify that and let you know.

The error code pdf had no mention of that code, I found an older pdf version that listed it.

Thank You.

On Edit:

Opening/clearing/saving only the "ECM SN# for a restriction" worked........maybe there was an extra space that was populated by accident in the VIN area ??? .

September 11th, 2015, 09:46 AM
DMA PID links defined in E39_Link.ini are incorrect, also.