View Full Version : HELP! EFI Live Scan and Tune not responding and freezing

September 16th, 2015, 03:50 PM
My computer is on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit operating system. I'm on EFI Version and I've experienced the same issues with the latest version--

When I open the program, with the scanner connected, and click on F7: Licenses the program freezes and produces the error message, "Error: $0101: No data received". When I close out of the program and attempt to reopen it, the message appears, " Cannot communicate with the EFIlive_Hapi background Process" Error:$0024: EFILive_Hapi is not running.

I am unable to end EFI live off of my process tree. Only way to reopen the program is to restart the comp

When i'm using my v2 scanner on my old laptop. Windows 7, 32 bit, with the old .276 and new version-- everything works perfect!

When I manually try to open the EFILive_Hapi file, nothing happens on my computer. Location: Program FIles (x86) > EFILive > V8 > EFILive_Hapi

Where should I start? I manually uninstalled the drivers per another thread, and reinstalled them. Still no luck. The system is really querky on my new laptop. It is a Solid State Drive computer, could that have any affect?



December 10th, 2015, 02:35 AM
Was there ever a fix proposed for this? I have the exact same problem!

December 10th, 2015, 04:39 PM
Try deleting the EFILive V8 installation folder and all the subfolders and files within that folder.
Usually the install folder is \Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8
You may need administrator privileges to do that.

Then re-install the latest version of EFILive (install V7.5 and V8):

Or it may be a USB driver issue. This could be one possible cause:


December 11th, 2015, 07:12 AM
After following your advice and looking into the USB side, it seemed possible that the firmware (V2.07.94) update had something to do with affecting the USB line (since it worked before the update, but not after). I installed a powered USB isolator (a powered hub would have probably worked as well), and the problem went away. Why the update would work OK on my desktop but not on the laptop is a mystery. Maybe the laptop's USB power is marginal, and if the firmware update added to the USB power load enough to push it over the top - I just don't know. Anyhow, it's back up and working. Thanks a million!

December 11th, 2015, 10:24 AM
Not all USB connections, cables, hubs are created "equal". Testing at EFILive on just a single PC showed this type of inconsistency:
In the table below, "thin" and "thick" USB cables refer to different gauge wire in the cable.

