View Full Version : Known issues with the October 2015 Public Pre-Release

October 28th, 2015, 08:22 PM
Currently known issues and possible workarounds for the October 2015 Public Pre-Release of the EFILive Software and Firmware

Download the current/stable release software here: http://www.efilive.com/latest/cat/download-efilive
Download the public pre-release software here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26072-October-2015-EFILive-Public-Pre-Release

Public pre-release software versions:

Software: V7.5.7.296
Software: V8.2.2.287
FlashScan/AutoCal firmware: V2.07.92

Issue 1:
If you are Black Box Logging PIDs from an ECM and TCM simultaneously and you have selected a PID from the transmission controller (TCM) that has an identically named PID in the engine controller (ECM), then when the log file is loaded back into the V8 software for viewing, that TCM PID will be displayed as if it originated from the ECM. The PID's data will have correctly been logged from the TCM, only its name will appear to indicate that it was logged from the ECM.
It is a restriction of the *.efi (V7.5 log file format). That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available.
Issue 2:
In the V8 Scan Tool, opening or switching to a different dashboard that contains one or more PIDs that are not supported for the currently selected controller type will trigger an "Access Violation".
Manually select the correct controller type for the dashboard before opening or switching the dashboard.
Please see post #2 below regarding "Dashboard" vs "Scan Display".
Issue 3:
The EXT.AD1 and EXT.AD2 PIDs are named incorrectly in the sae_generic.txt file.
The Serial wide band BEN factor PIDs are missing from the sae_generic.txt file.
Download and save the corrected sae_generic.txt file into the folder: \Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration - overwrite the existing file.
Issue 4:
V7.5 dashboard names are not being saved correctly into log files during black box logging. That means the requested dashboard does not load automatically when opening those BBX log files.
None. Will be fixed in the next update.
Issue 5:
Full flashing is not yet supported for E86B controllers with boot block 12664192.
Download the attached E86B_12664192.zip file and unzip it into the folder: \Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8, overwrite existing files.
If you are using Black Box Flashing, then after unzipping the attached file you must perform a [Check Firmware] option from the main V8 screen to update the files to your FlashScan device. If the files were unzipped successfully to your PC then E86B_F.obj file should display as "Update Required".
Issue 6:
Calculated AFR PIDs that should refer to EXT.AD2, instead refer to AD1.
Download and save the corrected sae_generic.txt file into the folder: \Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration - overwrite the existing file.
Issue 7:
Calculated PIDs that are defined in the V8 scan tool using a prefix (i.e. source name) other than "CALC" (e.g. WO2A.AFR_LC11) are not automatically loaded/displayed when opening log files that contain those PIDs.
After opening the log file, re-select the desired calculated PIDs.
Will be fixed in the next update.

October 29th, 2015, 06:33 PM
Dashboards are meant to have been renamed to "Scan Display". However, some text still shows as "Dashboard" as shown the images below.
If you see any other reference to "Dashboard" where it should really be "Scan Display", please post a screen shot.




November 5th, 2015, 03:23 AM
Rail pressure pids will not scale properly with CMD logs. The default scale is 1000psi max and when you click to auto scale the range goes to 100psi max. The actual data is displaying fine, just cannot see the graphs.

November 5th, 2015, 07:35 AM
Rail pressure pids will not scale properly with CMD logs. The default scale is 1000psi max and when you click to auto scale the range goes to 100psi max. The actual data is displaying fine, just cannot see the graphs.

Try selecting some portion of (or all of) the chart, then try auto scaling.
If that still does not work. Try zooming in on the chart (Ctrl+Alt+I), then try auto scaling, then zoom back out again (Ctrl+Alt+O, or just click on the X-axis).


November 5th, 2015, 07:37 AM
You can also manually scale the charts by using the mouse scroll wheel (if you are using a mouse, not a track pad) while positioned over the y-axis of the data-series you want to scale.

Use scroll wheel to move axis values up/down.
Use Ctrl+scroll wheel to expand/contract axis range.
Click on axis to restore it to the default range.

The same thing can also be done on the x-axis to zoom/scroll the charts horizontally.


November 9th, 2015, 09:15 AM
Hey Paul,

I am still having the issue with issue #5, i extracted the files as you said and it did not give me I did not have an option to update file. So I did extracted the files and loaded the files into there folders manually, still did not give me an option to update files. You also had sae_generic.txt attached, was I supposed to do anything with this?


November 9th, 2015, 09:31 AM
Hey Paul,

I am still having the issue with issue #5, i extracted the files as you said and it did not give me I did not have an option to update file. So I did extracted the files and loaded the files into there folders manually, still did not give me an option to update files. You also had sae_generic.txt attached, was I supposed to do anything with this?


Sorry, my mistake. I zipped up the E35B_F.obj (LMM) file instead of the E86B_F.obj (LML) file.
I have attached an updated file, please try again with the updated file.

The sae_generic.txt file is for a V7 Scan Tool issue #3 and does not affect issue #5.


November 9th, 2015, 09:42 AM
Sorry, my mistake. I zipped up the E35B_F.obj (LMM) file instead of the E86B_F.obj (LML) file.
I have attached an updated file, please try again with the updated file.

The sae_generic.txt file is for a V7 Scan Tool issue #3 and does not affect issue #5.


It worked this time, truck starts again. I love you, thanks a ton for the quick response!


November 11th, 2015, 09:32 AM
When BB Logging with V2. Calculated pids are not showing up on the V2 screen.

I select AD2, Ben_2, Wide Band AFR 2.....

Only AD2 shows up. This worked before I updated.

Also, all the AD wideband settings in the sae_generic are looking for AD1 not AD2.

I have updated the generic file to the one above.

November 11th, 2015, 10:12 AM
When BB Logging with V2. Calculated pids are not showing up on the V2 screen.

I select AD2, Ben_2, Wide Band AFR 2.....

Only AD2 shows up. This worked before I updated.

Calculated PIDs have never been displayed on FlashScan's screen during black box logging. FlashScan is not capable of computing and therefor not able to display calculated PIDs.

However while I was investigating, I discovered a bug with the current V8 scan tool that causes any calculated PID with a prefix (i.e. source) other than "CALC" to not be loaded or displayed in the V8 scan tool software. In that case, you need to re-select the calculated PIDs after loading the log file into the V8 software.

For example if you black box logged the V8 PID: WO2A.AFR_LC11 it will not be automatically selected when opening the log file in the V8 scan tool software.
It will be automatically selected when opening the log file in the V7.5 scan tool software.

That bug will be fixed, asap.

Also, all the AD wideband settings in the sae_generic are looking for AD1 not AD2.

I have updated the generic file to the one above.

Thanks for finding that error, the sae_generic.txt file will be updated, asap.


November 11th, 2015, 10:35 AM
Also, all the AD wideband settings in the sae_generic are looking for AD1 not AD2.

I have updated the generic file to the one above.

I have just uploaded the corrected sae_generic.txt file. It now specifies EXT.AD2 (instead of EXT.AD1) for all AFR PIDs that are supposed to be based on AD2.


November 11th, 2015, 03:02 PM
Calculated PIDs have never been displayed on FlashScan's screen during black box logging. FlashScan is not capable of computing and therefor not able to display calculated PIDs.

Sorry, you are correct. I had my laptop going last time. LOL

Thanks for the help.


November 14th, 2015, 07:28 AM
Hi im not ensure its related to this update but I get the following error when trying to log on an e38 that I full flashed over top of a hp 2 bar COS. I have another e38 that i have tried and it worked fine, (it was stock)Is this error related to being a HP tuned car? The OS i fully flashed is: 12653674


November 14th, 2015, 08:17 AM
Hi im not ensure its related to this update but I get the following error when trying to log on an e38 that I full flashed over top of a hp 2 bar COS. I have another e38 that i have tried and it worked fine, (it was stock)Is this error related to being a HP tuned car? The OS i fully flashed is: 12653674

Do you happen to have any external PIDs selected, i./e. EXT.AD1?
If so, try unselecting them.


November 14th, 2015, 09:09 PM
Do you happen to have any external PIDs selected, i./e. EXT.AD1?
If so, try unselecting them.


Thanks Blacky, I did have AD1 selected, I re validated my pids & updated the sae_generic.txt as per previous post & got it working.... Thankyou