View Full Version : a couple idle issues here.

May 20th, 2006, 12:17 AM
Ok guys ive got this cam's idle tuned pretty well except for a couple of problems. I have not auto ve'd it yet, just been idle tuning.

1st problem is that when the car is cold it starts up and idles perfectly. But whenever i start the engine warm it takes up to a minute to be able to idle. I HAVE logged RAFIG and modified the tables accordingly. I actually have them about at least 1 more then they need to be as recommended by someone, cant remember who. So what table do i need to look at for warm starts?

2nd problem is that I opened up my throttle body blade to where it reads right at .6 volts and I Have to keep resetting the TPS so it will read 0% throttle position. After a couple times of driving the car i notice that it will end up going up to about .8% throttle position (which the car rounds it to 1% so its not "idling" anymore" , but it goes up to .8% while retaining .6 volts, so i keep having to reset it. Should i back the Throttle adjustment screw out so that it is at .5Volts or what?

Thanks guys.

And on a side note. I put my ory on the car on Wed. and i am thoroughly impressed with the F14 cam now. Before as some of you may remember i was disapppointed because if anything my car became slower after the install. But after freeing up the exhaust, this thing fickin rips now!!! btw MAC cats suck majorly.... big flow restrictors!!! I cant wait to install my injectors and wide band and tune the thing!