View Full Version : Unable to load purchased tunes into Autocal or into ECM -

Ryan S
December 23rd, 2015, 01:44 AM
I recently purchased a new V2 and an Autocal so I could flash a customers LML Duramax. I don't have intentions of doing any "tuning" myself on this particular truck, I just want to be able to get him the power he wants. He was also having some driveability issues so I was thinking that the Autocal would be a handy tool to have so he could data log if/when the truck started acting up. I purchased a set of tunes via email but have run into a few issues. I assume I am missing something or skipping a step or making some other rookie mistake. Any guidance is appreciated.

I have followed the instructions provided for installing and updating the latest EFI Live software, checking boot block, updating firmware, downloading the provided BBX settings, formated and configured everything listed. The V2 has 3 licenses left (one used on this truck) and the Autocal is showing none used and 1 license available. I am able to link the V2 and Autocal. When I link them the license numbers match.

With Explorer open and the Autocal selected, I am unable to drag and drop the tune files into the large box on the bottom right of the screen. I get a "This file is not licensed for this Autocal" warning. With the V2 selected I can drag all tunes into the lower right box. Most of the tunes are .coz files, 1 is a .ctz file. The .ctz file is the only one I've been able to actually load into the truck via the V2.

When I open Scan and Tune and click F3, I am not able to "Auto Detect" the controller. I know the LML is different than most so I'm not sure if this is normal for this Bosch ECM or if it's an indicator that I'm doing something wrong. Also, when I click F3 and select "Open" it only shows the one .ctz tune (stocklLML w/ 35" tires). The other tunes show that they load in Explorer but don't show up in Scan and Tune.

I was first told by the shop I got the tunes from that since they emailed the tunes I wouldn't be able to load the tunes onto and Autocal and that I'd have to just use the V2 in pass-through mode to get the tunes onto the truck. The next day I was told "as long and the Autocal has a license I should be able to drag and drop tunes onto it". My questions are:

1 - Why can't I get these tunes onto the Autocal

2 - Why I am only able to load the "stock LML w/ 35" tires" tune via the V2 and not any of the other tunes?

Thanks for reading this, hopefully it makes sense!


December 23rd, 2015, 04:12 AM
Your going to have to contact the shop you bought the tunes from to find out for sure. Its possible the tunes are married to your V2 and not the autocal depends on how they set the tunes up. You can not read a LML but you can still connect and see the controller's information. Have you selected E86A vs auto detect to see if you can pull up the controllers information?

December 23rd, 2015, 05:18 AM
The autocal needs to be linked to a V2. The tunes need to be set-up for use for that autocal, from the same linked V2, you can't just order any tunes and load into a autocal. The autocal needs to have the BBX settings loaded into the autocal to be able to drop tunes into it also. Contact the company you purchased all this stuff from and they should be able to educate you on these processes. Some of these videos will help if the company you purchased from can't.


December 23rd, 2015, 09:33 AM
1. The file is not licensed for AutoCal. The tunes you are moving need to be assigned during the saving process as "save for AutoCal" that is either missing or incorrect.

If your tuner did "save for AutoCal" then the issue is you linked your FlashScan to the AutoCal, but the tune files are linked the the tuners AutoCal. The V2 that provides that link is the only V2 that can provide tune files.
You have 2 options - unlink the AutoCal from your V2 and use the tuners tunes (the linking process can happen when the AutoCal flashes the controller - you don't need the tuners V2) , or have the tuner send you unlocked tune files, and then you open those in V8 and use the "save for AutoCal" option to assign that permission.

2. Loading files - does the drop down box with file extensions include .coz files?

3. You and your tuner should look at using the quick setup as a method of moving files and configurations onto FlashScan and AutoCal. You can see the AutoCal link field, all tune file permissions, all tune files selected, and configure all BBX settings in a single pass.


Ryan S
December 23rd, 2015, 12:09 PM
Thanks for the responses. I had a message in to the company the did the tunes and got in touch with someone today.

I will try selecting just the E86A controller instead of Auto Detect and see if anything changes.

Thanks for the video link - at this point I think I've watched em all twice over the last couple of days!


1 - I finally got in touch with the right person and they are going to resend the tunes as it looks like they were linked to an AutoCal when they were only supposed to be VIN locked/linked. In the process of trying to figure out what I was doing I had tried unlinking the AutoCal with no success. Hopefully that changes with the new tunes.

2 - Sorry if I should know, but what drop down box?

3 - Will do. Thanks for the tip!


Ryan S
December 28th, 2015, 08:29 AM
With Explorer open and the V2 selected, I can drag and drop all .coz and the one .ctz file into the bottom right box. However, when I open Scan & Tune, only the .ctz file shows up??

With Explorer open and the AutoCal selected, I can't drag and drop any of the files without getting the "this file is not licensed with this AutoCal" warning. I spoke with the company that sold me the tunes and they were supposed to be linked to the VIN and not to an AutoCal. They resent the tune files and I still get the same message. I have tried this linked and unlinked to my V2.

2. Loading files - does the drop down box with file extensions include .coz files?


I am still having issues of not being able to load anything but the .ctz file. I assume by "drop down box" you're referring to the "open" tab in Scan and Tune? After opening S&T > F3 > "Open" tab a window pops up - "open EFILive Tuning file". In the file types box I select "all files" (.tun; .ctd; .ctz; .bin). There is no .coz option - should there be?

Ryan S
December 29th, 2015, 03:26 AM
2. Loading files - does the drop down box with file extensions include .coz files?

I assume you're referring to the drop down when I open Scan & Tune, select F3, select the "open" folder? At the bottom of the "open EFILive Tuning file" I have selected all file types (.ctd; .ctz; .tun; .bin). .ctz is not a choice.

After the company I got the tunes from resent them via email, I am still unable to load any of the tunes into Explorer when connected to the AutoCal. I get the "file not licensed for use with this AutoCal. I have tried it with the AutoCal locked and unlocked.

With the V2 connected I can load all tunes into Explorer, but in Scan & Tune only the .ctz file shows up???

I have not had much luck in getting into contact with any tech help due to the holidays so any help from you guys is welcome!

December 29th, 2015, 11:42 AM
With Explorer open and the V2 selected, I can drag and drop all .coz and the one .ctz file into the bottom right box. However, when I open Scan & Tune, only the .ctz file shows up??
Correct - once a file is saved into .coz format it cannot be opened. It has been stripped back to the bare minimum for calibration flash only. You cannot edit the file. To make changes to a .coz file you must reopen the original .ctz file, edit that and then resave to .coz.

You can move these files to both your FlashScan and AutoCal either via EFI Explorer or via the Quick Setup. You should not see any difference in the process between the hardware connected provided the files are correctly licensed and hardware capacity restrictions are met.

With Explorer open and the AutoCal selected, I can't drag and drop any of the files without getting the "this file is not licensed with this AutoCal" warning. I spoke with the company that sold me the tunes and they were supposed to be linked to the VIN and not to an AutoCal. They resent the tune files and I still get the same message. I have tried this linked and unlinked to my V2.
Please read the AutoCal for Tuners document http://content.efilive.com/documents/EFILive%20AutoCal%20Info%20For%20Tuners.pdf for an explanation on the Remote License and how to set it.

If you need to set the remote license on the .coz files, you can do so on existing .coz files via the Quick Setup, otherwise you'll need to follow the instructions provided above about opening the original .ctz file, making those changes and resaving as a .coz file.

I am still having issues of not being able to load anything but the .ctz file. I assume by "drop down box" you're referring to the "open" tab in Scan and Tune? After opening S&T > F3 > "Open" tab a window pops up - "open EFILive Tuning file". In the file types box I select "all files" (.tun; .ctd; .ctz; .bin). There is no .coz option - should there be?
By load, I assumed you meant flash. You can flash both .ctz and .coz files, but you can only OPEN .ctz files, provided the file security permissions (if any) match.


Ryan S
December 30th, 2015, 03:00 AM
Thanks for the information, Cindy. I appreciate the response and help.