View Full Version : Getting Started Tuning

January 26th, 2016, 11:23 AM
Today I purchased all of the stuff I need to start tuning duramax's. I've got the flashscan, the v8 and v7.5 software, and have updated the flashscan. I've also got a bunch of engine and transmission tunes from Lb7 to LMM. So how do I get started doing some tuning? I've got an 06 LBZ that already has efi live, but I'd like to learn how to load the tunes first, then start messing with the tunes themselves. So how do I load the scripts from the folder onto the program? and from there how do I load them onto the vehicle? any tips or advice would be much appreciated!

Move'n Up
January 27th, 2016, 03:07 AM
I'd start by reading the Documents available under the Help drop down menu in the EFI software. Start with the quick start guide and move on from their.