View Full Version : LBZ dsp5 $0331

February 13th, 2016, 12:18 PM
I have customers truck that's driving me up the wall. I cannot get the tune to finish programing. Fails w/ error$0331. I was able to get it to load once,......long story short my laptop decided to shut down and killed the ECM. Got another one and programmed latest cals from GM via MDI. Then tried to once again program DSP5 tune to no avail. Right now I have a very pissed off customer and I myself am on the edge of mental breakdown over this thing. Im also out 2 vins lic. at this time on this truck. Anyway its 07 c2500 (classic) LBZ. E35A. I have spent countless hours trying to figure something out. I will check back shortly maybe theres someone on here today.....


Also when the tune did load on the previous ECM the dsp volatage pid would constanly show 4.68V. Never would switch tunes. I have checked the switch and its seems to be good, this is a Kory Willis tune if that matters.

February 15th, 2016, 10:08 AM
Typically on the Bosch ECM's there is rarely the need to get a new ECM if the flash has failed, they have pretty good recovery mechanisms built in. Out of interest have you tried flashing back a stock tune?

February 15th, 2016, 10:35 AM
GMPX I tried everything at my disposal to recover this thing. There is zero comms. Even tried old school ways with tech2 requesting info, still no comms. Class2 is absent as well as gm high speed. Got it all worked out with kory. It was setup as LMM when was infact a LBZ. So that was the casue of all the problems. I have to say they are taking care of things, top notch bunch over there in LA. How do I go about trying to get my extra vin Lic. that I had spent on this thing due to ecm replacement?

February 15th, 2016, 11:15 AM
I will talk to Kory about what happened because obviously trying to put an LMM tune in to an LBZ shouldn't have been possible. The flash would have bombed out at the end ($0311) but the ECM should have still been in a recoverable state (with an LBZ file), but if it wasn't then there isn't much we can do, I am just surprised that is all because I am sure it isn't the first time it has happened.
You would need to send support@efilive.com an Email with a scan of the invoice showing your replacement ECM purchase and a little explanation so they know what happened.


February 15th, 2016, 11:31 AM
Thanks Ross.

February 15th, 2016, 12:47 PM
Ross a little more info the tune, it would fail at about any where from 26-40 seconds in to the programming sequence. Ultimately it did fully complete the programing process, how, I have no idea. I actually drove it once like this. Only indication something was wrong was the fact that it wouldn't switch tunes during the test drive......

February 15th, 2016, 04:01 PM
Oh, so the ECM runs the truck yet no communications with EFILive, Tech2 etc?

February 16th, 2016, 02:28 AM
Oh, so the ECM runs the truck yet no communications with EFILive, Tech2 etc?

No. Sorry this has been a really bad deal for me. So I have been explaing it to ppl a lot.

So from start to finish.

Friday afternoon returned home from buying new truck at about 8pm. Installed dsp5 switch and proceeded to tune. For hours upon hours I tried to tune the ecm. Always failed w/ $0331. Finally at about 12 am or so the tune successfully programmed. Test drive truck. Realized hay it's not switching tunes. Go back recheck my work. Everything looks good. Open up Efi scan top and check voltages on dsp pids. 4.68v dsp tune 1 ect ect ect. So I thought what the heck. I'll pull it out load up factory's again. Start over. Loaded factory cals. Started let run. Shut off and let set. Turned key on let set for 30 sec proceeded to tune with Efi. This is when the laptop shut down. During the erase process. After which would only then return with error code $0101 no data. The tried my mdi, tech2 all of that. Will not communicate with the ECM. Nor will the truck do a thing at all at this time. I give up at about 5:55am Saturday morning. Get a new ECM and here we are. Got revised tune yesterday afternoon. Will be tuning this afternoon. I will update which with results that I'm sure we will have 0 problems. I'm just glad to have found the problem and able to resolve it.