View Full Version : Bench Flashing ECM's

February 16th, 2016, 05:49 AM
Has anyone tried bench flashing a CM2100A? I have a dead ecm and this looks like it may be a way to revive it.

Anyone have the pinout for this? and/or software recommendations?

February 16th, 2016, 08:29 AM
On a Cummins bench flashing might not do any more than in the vehicle.
I think EFI Connection (https://www.eficonnection.com/eficonnection/default.aspx) sell a bench harness for them.

February 16th, 2016, 09:12 AM
Hello and thank you for the reply.

Would you happen to know what software people are using for bench flashing? Basically I need the software to not look at the type and just start writing data (like a force write) I know cummins makes a cable that has a boot loader switch that skips the initial handshaking routine.

Do you have any pictures of the insides of the CM2100A or know how to take it appart? I took the screws out of it but it seems to be sealed up tight.

Also, I assume the chips are flash memory? Can these be soldered and replaced or are they on a chip carrier?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

February 16th, 2016, 01:53 PM
Would you happen to know what software people are using for bench flashing? Basically I need the software to not look at the type and just start writing data (like a force write)
The consumer OEM Chrysler/Dodge Tech Authority website will not do that, it needs part numbers before it will try (no idea how a dealer would recover an ECM!). EFILive will barge its way in if possible but sometimes the ECM might be too far gone though.

Do you have any pictures of the insides of the CM2100A or know how to take it appart? I took the screws out of it but it seems to be sealed up tight.
Yeah you can't really open them up without wrecking them. The PCB is a flexible ribbon type glued to the case lids, they were not designed to be re-opened once sealed from factory.
Not the same model but it gives you an idea on what I am talking about.

Also, I assume the chips are flash memory? Can these be soldered and replaced or are they on a chip carrier?
Nope, flash is contained in the CPU, no external flash fitted.