View Full Version : Known issues with the April 2016 Beta Test Release

April 9th, 2016, 02:46 PM
Currently known issues and possible workarounds for the March 2016 Beta Test Release of the EFILive Software and Firmware

Download the April 2016 beta test release here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26531-April-2016-EFILive-Beta-Test-Release
Download the public stable-release here: http://www.efilive.com/latest/cat/download-efilive

Beta test release software versions:

Software: V7.5.7.304
Software: V8.2.2.295
FlashScan/AutoCal firmware: V2.07.98

Issue 1:
If you are Black Box Logging PIDs from an ECM and TCM simultaneously and you have selected a PID from the transmission controller (TCM) that has an identically named PID in the engine controller (ECM), then when the log file is loaded back into the V8 software for viewing, that TCM PID will be displayed as if it originated from the ECM. The PID's data will have correctly been logged from the TCM, only its name will appear to indicate that it was logged from the ECM.
It is a restriction of the *.efi (V7.5 log file format). That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available.
Issue 2:
When logging DMA PIDs (i.e. PIDs whose names end with "_M" or "_DMA"), if the ignition is switched off for an extended period while data logging but data logging is not terminated, then when the ignition is switched on again the data log automatically continues. However the DMA PIDs may no longer return valid data.
EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods.

April 10th, 2016, 02:44 AM
Issue 1.
When opening a file to compare. If it is a Custom os file, and the other file is not a custom os, it will give you a floating point error and then when you do the compare f12, it shows every table is different. When you look at the actual difference, it is showing the values of 0 because the file isn't really open to compare. If you just hit update it corrupts the file.
Putting 0s in every table.

April 10th, 2016, 07:23 AM
Issue 1.
When opening a file to compare. If it is a Custom os file, and the other file is not a custom os, it will give you a floating point error and then when you do the compare f12, it shows every table is different. When you look at the actual difference, it is showing the values of 0 because the file isn't really open to compare. If you just hit update it corrupts the file.
Putting 0s in every table.

Can you please send me the two files that you are comparing?

April 10th, 2016, 05:08 PM
I've sent a log and my tune file to support@efilive.com something is looking very weird about line pressure actual PID.

It has functioned fine in the past when I view with auto enginuity. Will try AE again tomorrow to confirm.

April 10th, 2016, 06:00 PM
I've sent a log and my tune file to support@efilive.com something is looking very weird about line pressure actual PID.
What controller?

April 10th, 2016, 11:34 PM
What controller?

2010 CMD with CSP5 OS

April 11th, 2016, 02:34 PM
Ok thanks, because none of the logging was tested by anyone on a real truck prior to this being released.
I haven't looked at your logs but if possible can you please log just the PID group with the Pressure PID's and nothing more to see if there is any difference. Thanks.

April 12th, 2016, 01:30 AM
Ok thanks, because none of the logging was tested by anyone on a real truck prior to this being released.
I haven't looked at your logs but if possible can you please log just the PID group with the Pressure PID's and nothing more to see if there is any difference. Thanks.

Ross I logged line pressure actual (group7) this morning by itself in passthrough V8 and got the same result. Would you like the log emailed in?

April 12th, 2016, 10:11 AM
I got the log thanks and yes something is very wrong there. Would love to hear if anyone else has tried logging trans data on the 2010-2012 PCM.

April 12th, 2016, 03:57 PM
Ross I sent a whole new log in to support with some thoughts. Hopefully it is helpful.

April 13th, 2016, 12:35 AM
Ross, cummins you changed the max speed limit max values so now every file opened says that they are out of range, if you edited them in the past. 250 is the value it is set to.

Paul, the issue with the first post I wrote happens with ANY comparing of 2 mismatched os files. The software is still loading/trying to load the mismatched file into the editor. It even shows the other name at the top after it fails. Doing that, when you hit ctrl F12, and do a compare it says every table is different. As the software loaded in the other file, but all the values are 0, so it says all are changed. Cummins, will throw a crash, others will just show the error and then all 0s..

April 13th, 2016, 09:21 AM
Ross, cummins you changed the max speed limit max values so now every file opened says that they are out of range, if you edited them in the past. 250 is the value it is set to.
This was only recently added, I thought 250 would be enough :nixweiss:

April 13th, 2016, 11:30 AM
Ross I sent a whole new log in to support with some thoughts. Hopefully it is helpful.
Yes thanks, it was my fault. I had one PID in that stream defined incorrectly which caused the whole lot to get messed up. I'll fix it now so it is correct for the next update.

April 14th, 2016, 05:59 AM
Oh ok glad you found the cause so quick. I've verified line pressure max is listening to my new values. Working on gains next to match my torque curve. Waiting on TCC before I get into shift points and firmness.

April 14th, 2016, 08:42 AM
I've verified line pressure max is listening to my new values.
Well that is good news the calibrations are doing something close to what we hoped for :shock:

April 15th, 2016, 01:21 AM
Ross, did you see anything in there related to TCC lock during shifts on the 68rfe?

April 15th, 2016, 07:01 AM
I haven't looked at TCC yet Nick, that was on the to do list but I needed a small break from it :Eyecrazy:

April 15th, 2016, 09:12 AM

Not sure if you guys are open to this, but could you add a I understand dont show again type of thing to the beta warning? I am clicking this about 50 times a day lol. Something similar to the flashing errors in V8? Not a big deal eitherway, its nice to see some trans stuff!


April 15th, 2016, 11:21 AM

Not sure if you guys are open to this, but could you add a I understand dont show again type of thing to the beta warning? I am clicking this about 50 times a day lol. Something similar to the flashing errors in V8? Not a big deal eitherway, its nice to see some trans stuff!


Yes, it does get old pretty quickly having to click that warning each time. I'll try and come up with a better option in the next beta update.

April 15th, 2016, 12:09 PM
Yes, it does get old pretty quickly having to click that warning each time. I'll try and come up with a better option in the next beta update.

Is there maybe a registry entry/value we can edit to disable it? I started looking through the EFILive reg settings but got distracted. :)

April 15th, 2016, 12:25 PM
Is there maybe a registry entry/value we can edit to disable it? I started looking through the EFILive reg settings but got distracted. :)


The intent was to ensure that message was obvious and unmistakable to anyone running the software. It is possible (even probable) that at least one or two customers will install the beta software, use it for a day or two then not use it for months. Then come back to their laptop to use EFILive again, start up the beta software and forget or not realize they are still using a beta version.

But a registry setting would be reasonable for those customers that use EFILive on a daily basis and know/remember what version they are running. So the next update should have some way to disable it - but it won't be trivial to disable it - you're going to have to really want to disable it :)


April 17th, 2016, 04:26 PM
Trying to Full flash a T87. And I keep getting this ERROR....... Can you not change Operating Systems?


April 17th, 2016, 05:36 PM
Use TIS on a new TCM (I know 24274017 is the blank OS they are shipped with).
V8 will also not allow Allison OS's to be flashed over 8Lxxx OS's.

April 17th, 2016, 05:41 PM
That was my next thought. Lol! Any specific reason we can't just full flash it to achieve the same result as using TIS?

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

April 17th, 2016, 05:50 PM
On a TCM probably not (we are maybe just being a little cautious), different story on a late model ECM though.

April 17th, 2016, 06:08 PM
Thankyou, sir! :)

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

April 17th, 2016, 07:29 PM
Is there any option in Beta that will mark the beta added tables to any Cal file with different color ?

April 18th, 2016, 07:24 AM
Another thing noticed Paul.

When doing a compare of 2 files, and some values are normally hidden/ RED that only show up when a cable is plugged in. If you don't have a cable plugged in and do a compare, and the restricted tables have been changed, It shows up the table name on the compare list, but when you click it, it says name not found. It should just not show up in the list.

April 18th, 2016, 08:12 AM
Is there any option in Beta that will mark the beta added tables to any Cal file with different color ?
No there isn't sorry.

April 18th, 2016, 08:37 AM
If you have V8 Scan And Tune open and then Double Click the Desktop Icon again (sometimes i have it minimized and dont realize its already open) you get a dialog box that says

"cannot open Only *.ctz, *.ctd, *.tun, *.bin, *.pld, *.efi and *.dsh file types are supported."

I think it used to just bring the V8 Scan and tune to the front without the error.

April 18th, 2016, 09:02 AM
When you do Display Calibration Difference Summary, it does not show any differences in Normal VE Coefficients and/or Virtual VE table...

( if you look at those tables and click the CAL, ALT, +/-, %, |%| buttons you will see the differences ok )

April 18th, 2016, 09:07 AM
Currently require V2or V1 to be connected in order make the red ETC folder visible...

instead of requiring V2/V1 to be connected, can the visibility of the red ETC folder be made an option (i.e. in the Options)
(and with a warning if it is necessary; and of course, the warning would have an option to silence it)...?

April 18th, 2016, 09:29 AM
instead of requiring V2/V1 to be connected, can the visibility of the red ETC folder be made an option (i.e. in the Options)
I doubt Paul will want to change the way this works in V7.

April 18th, 2016, 11:50 AM
If you have V8 Scan And Tune open and then Double Click the Desktop Icon again (sometimes i have it minimized and dont realize its already open) you get a dialog box that says

"cannot open Only *.ctz, *.ctd, *.tun, *.bin, *.pld, *.efi and *.dsh file types are supported."

I think it used to just bring the V8 Scan and tune to the front without the error.

Thanks, good catch - that's a bug. Never tested for that :(

April 18th, 2016, 11:57 AM
When you do Display Calibration Difference Summary, it does not show any differences in Normal VE Coefficients and/or Virtual VE table...

( if you look at those tables and click the CAL, ALT, +/-, %, |%| buttons you will see the differences ok )

VVE tables are explicitly excluded from the calibration comparison routine. The documentation explaining why they are excluded is a "bit terse" (programmer speak for non existent). If I recall, it is because the comparison is done at the raw hex level by comparing the raw hex data in both files. Because the VVE tables have no raw hex data in the file they are not compared. That will change in V8 because comparisons in V8 are done at the calibration data level instead.

If you generate coefficients from the modified VVE tables, then the coefficients tables will show up as different.


April 18th, 2016, 12:01 PM
Currently require V2or V1 to be connected in order make the red ETC folder visible...

instead of requiring V2/V1 to be connected, can the visibility of the red ETC folder be made an option (i.e. in the Options)
(and with a warning if it is necessary; and of course, the warning would have an option to silence it)...?

Ross is correct, its too entrenched in the design of the software to change it now. Hopefully in V8 we'll have a better balance between usability and security.


April 18th, 2016, 01:56 PM
VVE tables are explicitly excluded from the calibration comparison routine. The documentation explaining why they are excluded is a "bit terse" (programmer speak for non existent). If I recall, it is because the comparison is done at the raw hex level by comparing the raw hex data in both files. Because the VVE tables have no raw hex data in the file they are not compared. That will change in V8 because comparisons in V8 are done at the calibration data level instead.

If you generate coefficients from the modified VVE tables, then the coefficients tables will show up as different.


After doing some testing, it appears the coefficients table is not included in the comparison either. Investigating a solution...


April 18th, 2016, 03:38 PM
V7 scantool (the one you sent me): PIDs tab: rightclick does not work (no context menu comes up).

April 18th, 2016, 03:44 PM

If you generate coefficients from the modified VVE tables, then the coefficients tables will show up as different.

PaulI did this, and the coefficients do not show up as different in the difference summary.

Edit: I see you found the same thing.

April 18th, 2016, 04:07 PM
V7 scantool (the one you sent me): PIDs tab: rightclick does not work (no context menu comes up).

Hmm, and the F9 data tab page is missing a context menu as well. Also the icons on the F10 and F11 tab pages are gone too :( fixing it now.
