View Full Version : Migrate from HP tuners to EFI Live HSV VE 6.2L Heartbeat sc

May 21st, 2016, 11:34 PM
I currently have a HPtuners 2bar custom tune in my HSV and want to dump this for a EFIlive tune.
The tune was effectively missing boost enrichment due to some very bad sensor settings, for example
the MAP sensor is a 3bar unit, the scaler was set to a 2bar sensor. Somehow the tuner scaled the VVE
and spark tables so they kind of work, but the the boost enrichment was left at 110kpa (just over atmos)
which never arrives until realworld boost is around -6psi. Consequently I get a lean spike as I throttle on.
Tuner is resistant to admit anything specific wrong with the tune, dispite a lot of data evidence.

So, now I want to progress into a EFIlive tune.

I'd like to keep all my questions and findings within this thread if that's ok......
I am very new to tuning, wanted to get into it for years, so will no doubt have some dumb questions.

In gathering information and general research, I'm getting more questions than answers in trying to make sure all the
sensor data ect is correct.

My first question concerns table B0104 which states cylinder volume 0.75 litre
My engine is 6.2L so each cylinder is 0.775 litre, why the error ?
Even the stock n/a tune states 0.75 Litre.
Somebody suggested that it might just be an information field, but my thinking is why would GM have 2 fields
contain the same data independantly....does not make sense.

The coefficients that sit behind the VVE table need cylinder volume within their calculations (i guess), does this come from table B0104 or somewhere else ?
I may aswell get this little bit right from the off ?

May 22nd, 2016, 09:22 AM
You might not have the correct tune in the ECM, if I open a HSV vs SS tune I see B0104 set to 0.775 and 0.75 respectively. Did you do the tuning yourself or did it go somewhere else? It could be someone just put in a 2bar OS they've done previously hoping it would work.

May 22nd, 2016, 10:20 AM
The coefficients that sit behind the VVE table need cylinder volume within their calculations (i guess), does this come from table B0104 or somewhere else ?
I may aswell get this little bit right from the off ?My understanding is that the VE coefficients are regardless of B0104... this is easy to test.

May 23rd, 2016, 07:14 AM
You might not have the correct tune in the ECM, if I open a HSV vs SS tune I see B0104 set to 0.775 and 0.75 respectively. Did you do the tuning yourself or did it go somewhere else? It could be someone just put in a 2bar OS they've done previously hoping it would work.

Thanks for reply GMPX, current tune is the custom hptuners, created by a "pro" tuner, but even the stock tune I pulled before the work says 0.75 Litre, just find it strange that factory data is wrong......

May 23rd, 2016, 07:19 AM
My understanding is that the VE coefficients are regardless of B0104... this is easy to test.

Thanks for reply Joecar, So really it's just an information field and I should not worry about it. As an aside, I looked at the tune for std LSA engine which thinks it's compression ratio is 10.5:1 :lookaround: I should not be surprised to find odd errors.

May 24th, 2016, 07:35 AM
I've dug out the V2 flashscan and updated the firmware. Although the current tune is a 2bar custom HPtuners, I assume I can still use the
flashscan to datalog and set up the analog inputs for the twin PLX widebands ?......ready for the switch to EFILive tune ?
Stuggling with setting the pids up right now, I'll go look for a guide....

May 24th, 2016, 08:30 AM
Yes, you can use FSV2 to datalog.

Altho you may not be doing Calc.VET, post #1 in this thread does show how to do some things: Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log) (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log))

June 1st, 2016, 08:25 AM
I've got to plug in 4x 5v analog inputs to the V2, question is, can I buy a single plug instead of the 4x seperates ?.
Like the green plug I use for the hptuner logger....19761

Thanks in advance

June 1st, 2016, 11:50 AM
I've got to plug in 4x 5v analog inputs to the V2, question is, can I buy a single plug instead of the 4x seperates ?.
Like the green plug I use for the hptuner logger....19761

Thanks in advanceYes, there is a single plug available, let me see who still has some.

Also, FSV2 has serial comms support for some widebands, like the LC-1, see post #3 here: serial-port-cable-that-goes-to-v2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?9340-serial-port-cable-that-goes-to-v2)

June 1st, 2016, 11:51 AM
If you're located in Aus, you can maybe get one with cheaper shipping by contacting EFILive support.

June 2nd, 2016, 08:29 AM
If you're located in Aus, you can maybe get one with cheaper shipping by contacting EFILive support.

I'm UK based, but think I found one from a UK source:-


Might give them try.

June 2nd, 2016, 10:44 AM
UK#3.826 (US$5.50) is a reasonable price.

June 5th, 2016, 07:32 AM
Update post for me, info transferred from another thread:-

Connect 1st PLX to AD1+ signal and AD1- ground.
Connect 2nd PLX to AD2+ signal and AD2- ground.
Log the pids EXT.AD1 and EXT.AD2.
Select the calc pids CALC.AFR_PLX1/2 and CALC.BEN_PLX1/2.
In FVS2 device settings, checkmark the box to always include External Analog Pids.

Thanks Joe, think it worked out ok, although more fumbling than knowing what I'm doing
I had to remove some odd pids that it did'nt like, maybe that's because I still have the HPtuners 2bar custom tune loaded,
but at least I am slightly further forward. I can't see the BEN pids...are they to convert the voltage to the AFR ?
I have boost via plx and fuel pressure via aeroforce 150psi sensor to set up next.

On the PIDs tab, look at the right-hand column, it is titled "Parameter", click on the title (the word "Parameter") to sort alphabetically on that column...
then look down that column until you see the pids CALC.BEN_PLX1 and CALC.BEN_PLX2...
the BEN pids are the correction multiplier, to see their definition do rightclick->More Info on each of them (on the PIDs tab).
Summary: the AFR pids convert voltage to AFR; the BEN pids calculate the correction multiplier (to apply to your VE or MAF tables).

Do I have to add these pids to the list ? if so I get error :-

If I add anyway, it lists it with the red cross through it:-


A bit lost..........

I don't remember from your other thread... do you have an LS1B or an E38...?

Whenever you see a red X thru a pid on the PIDs tab, on that pid do rightclick->More Info to see why.

June 5th, 2016, 07:37 AM

its a E38 (I put details in signature line, does it show up there ?)

June 5th, 2016, 08:08 AM
I can see the error for the pids with red cross, some missing pids which I loaded in.

The last one E38.AFRATIO_DMA won't display a error:-


June 6th, 2016, 06:16 AM
I'm UK based, but think I found one from a UK source:-


Might give them try.

Yep, these are the ones, had to buy 5off pack, so unlikley as it maybe, if anyone else in UK wants one, contact me.

June 6th, 2016, 07:09 AM
I can see the error for the pids with red cross, some missing pids which I loaded in.

The last one E38.AFRATIO_DMA won't display a error:-

Try to log it anyway, see if it logs, post a log file.

June 6th, 2016, 07:21 AM
From the list of pids you show, remove these pids (keep the others):
(unless of course you're interested in these pids).

and add these pids (in addition to what was kept):

also see if any of these log (additionally):

We want to see what tuning-meaningful pids your ECM can produce.

Remember to save the list of pids (click the Save As button on the PIDs tab toolbar, give it a meaningful filename).

June 6th, 2016, 07:23 AM
Yep, these are the ones, had to buy 5off pack, so unlikley as it maybe, if anyone else in UK wants one, contact me.Good job :cheers:

June 6th, 2016, 07:24 AM

its a E38 (I put details in signature line, does it show up there ?)lol, sometimes my focus is too narrow.

June 6th, 2016, 07:26 AM
If E38.AFRATIO does not log, then we'll have to create a BEN pid using SAE.LAMBDA instead of CALC.BEN_PLX1/2_E38.

June 6th, 2016, 07:28 AM
Can you post the PLX user manual pdf here... I want to see what stoichAFR it assumes.

EDIT: I found it: SM-AFRGen2_user_guide.pdf (http://www.plxdevices.com/v/vspfiles/support/user_guides/SM-AFRGen2_user_guide.pdf)

it uses 14.70.

Nice, it also has 0-1V narrowband output...!!

June 6th, 2016, 07:32 AM
Can you post your current tune file and your stock tune file, please.

June 6th, 2016, 08:00 AM
My confession right now is that I am still running the hptune.
I'm trying to get as much info together and prepare for when I make the switch (big event for me if it happens :grin:)
I've got books written by Greg Banish to get through, it's a reall steep curve, but very interesting. Have spent loads of time
looking at the current tune in hptuners and comparing with how efilive does stuff, lots of data logging and a basic understanding
where the hptune has let me down brings me to the conclusion to switch, especially with the forum support here and local support
from ringram and a friend nearby who is way ahead of me with efilive.
I do have a base tune in efilive format created for me by Patrick Guerra which I plan to load in to get me going, I've got to do at least this
much on my own. It's getting the pids set up, and some maps for logging and then understand what to do with the results I want to do first.

I could post the current tune, but it's hptuners, and I could post up the efilive tunes, both the oe std one and PG one (provided I don't
cause any problems posting what is effectively Patrick's tune here....? )

June 6th, 2016, 08:43 AM
No worrries, I understand, it is a big step, and tuning is a steep learning curve.

Yes, ringram is a good guy, he has some good EFILive knowledge.

Before you post a tuners work, you should get his permission.

I'm bilingual, I can view tune files in both EFILive and HPT (I downloaded their software and run it in demo mode).

Happy Jim
June 6th, 2016, 10:38 PM
No worrries, I und
I'm bilingual, I can view tune files in both EFILive and HPT (I downloaded their software and run it in demo mode).


Rich - There are a few of us in the UK :-) (Wokingham for me)

June 10th, 2016, 05:54 AM

Rich - There are a few of us in the UK :-) (Wokingham for me)

Hi Jim, that's good to know, my mate Behold runs a procharger Ls1 gts in Headley just outside Basingstoke, suddenly the world got smaller :thumb_yello:

I'm in Farnborough, so actually not far either !

June 10th, 2016, 06:13 AM
No worrries, I understand, it is a big step, and tuning is a steep learning curve.

Yes, ringram is a good guy, he has some good EFILive knowledge.

Before you post a tuners work, you should get his permission.

I'm bilingual, I can view tune files in both EFILive and HPT (I downloaded their software and run it in demo mode).

Still waiting for PG to get back to me, I can post the stock tune ok, PG version is not COS, but modified stock tune.
Same rule applies to the current hp tune, even though I don't think much of it !

Stock tune:- www.lotuscarlton.co.uk/vxr8e38stock.ctd

July 5th, 2016, 05:18 AM
Thanks for reply Joecar, So really it's just an information field and I should not worry about it. As an aside, I looked at the tune for std LSA engine which thinks it's compression ratio is 10.5:1 :lookaround: I should not be surprised to find odd errors.

I just read in the user manual that if you want the VE table to display as percentage, it does use cylinder volume calibration B0104, so I will correct that field.....just in case.

July 6th, 2016, 01:58 PM
I just read in the user manual that if you want the VE table to display as percentage, it does use cylinder volume calibration B0104, so I will correct that field for... just in case.You probably should enter the correct value there... even if you are going to use the much more convenient units g*K/kPa.

October 14th, 2016, 06:12 AM
Because I did'nt want to risk screwing up my installed pcm and hptune, I decided to buy a brand new pcm from a very helpful guy in Oz who sent it to HSV to have some initial work done.
Then he flashed in the efilive tune I had from Patrick Guerra. I also bought a bench harness so I could pull the tune, do a compare and make a couple of minor changes before I swapped out the PCM
in the car.
New pcm is in the car, I tried to run through the VATS learn but was not successful, the car won't even crank. I checked out this thread:-


It does mention a relearn method (I'm not wanting to disable vats, unless as absolute last resort), my car is HSV factory setup apart from supercharger ect.

I'm going to try this:- (copied from the thread)

1) Initialise Relink using the scan tool (with key on, engine off)
2) perform key on, wait, key off as per the relearn timer and counter cals.
3) key off, then start (should be linked now)
Yes correct, that is pretty much what GM service spells out as the procedure. You have the timer (set to 10mins stock) then the number of timer countdowns that must be done (set to 3 stock), so 3 x 10 = 30min relearn with key off after each 10min timer ends.

I wonder though, in efilive scan/tune, if you look at system/VATS/parameters in the table there is the timer which has 600 seconds, if you highlight that field the dialog box gives a vats relearn procedure:-

Ignition must be on for this long before the new theft password is learnt, this must also occur the number of times specified in {G1214} "Relearn Count".

To relink the VATS to a new / exhange ECM perform the following steps -
1 - Turn ON the ignition for 5 seconds (do not start yet).
2 - Attempt to start the engine (it should not run), then just turn the key back to the 'ON' position.
3 - Leave the key in this position until the SECURITY lamp turns off (length of time is specified by this calibration).
4 - Turn the ignition off for 15 seconds.
5 - Repeat the steps 1 - 4 the number of times specified in {G1214} "Relearn Count".
6 - The engine should now start as the VATS codes have been learnt by the ECM.

This procedure is different to what Ive read on the forum, particularly the attemp to start, I did try to do this but did'nt recall the security lamp coming on
at any stage (it does work though)

Can I chage the timer to say 20secs to speed things up a little (change it back later) and if I do, a flash will update it, but should I really do a full flash ?

Really do find all this vats stuff very confusing, in short, all I'm trying to do is install a new pcm (previously prepared by hsv and tune ready flashed in.

Or....is there a more recent guide, or anyone else here that knows the method inside out for swapping out pcm's in factory setups ?

Thanks in advance.

October 14th, 2016, 09:41 AM

October 15th, 2016, 09:45 AM

Thanks Paul,
I found that button ok,
To get the VAT relink button to go bold I had to do a check status in the Locking tab.
Then clicking the VAT relink button:-

So switched ignition off and back on again, waited for 10minutes.....during this time there was no change as if anything was happening.

I tried setting ignition cycles to 3, but got this message:-

I also went back to this:-
To relink the VATS to a new / exhange ECM perform the following steps -
1 - Turn ON the ignition for 5 seconds (do not start yet).
2 - Attempt to start the engine (it should not run), then just turn the key back to the 'ON' position.
3 - Leave the key in this position until the SECURITY lamp turns off (length of time is specified by this calibration).
4 - Turn the ignition off for 15 seconds.
5 - Repeat the steps 1 - 4 the number of times specified in {G1214} "Relearn Count".
6 - The engine should now start as the VATS codes have been learnt by the ECM.

This time waiting 10minutes after ignition on, but nothing at all seems to be happening, so my car is still not cranking.

Really sorry, but I'm failing here......

October 16th, 2016, 09:52 AM
I am not 100% sure on this but I think on a HSV there is more to it than the regular Commodore. Even though HSV may have programmed the correct tune in to the ECM the dealer would have to link the Theft Module to the ECM using TechII/MDI. This is the procedure on TIS.......

K20 Engine Control Module: Programming and Setup (L76, L77, L98, LS3)

The following service procedures require either a programming or a setup event performed for a complete repair.
ECM Replacement
Warning: Replacement or reprogramming of the ECM, or replacement of the clutch pedal position sensor (CPPS) or clutch pedal requires that a CPPS learn procedure be performed. Failure to perform the CPPS learn procedure may result in personal injury or damage to the vehicle or its components if the vehicle is in gear and the starter motor is accidentally engaged.

If the engine control module (ECM) is replaced, the following procedures must be performed:

ECM reset procedure
ECM reprogramming—Refer to Service Programming System (SPS).
The Throttle Learn procedure—Refer to Q38 Throttle Body: Throttle/Idle Learn.
The Crankshaft Position Variation Learn—Refer to Crankshaft Position System Variation Learn.
The Theft Deterrent Programming—Refer to Theft Deterrent Module (TDM) Programming and Setup.
Brake Pedal Position Sensor Learn—Refer to Brake Pedal Position Sensor Learn.
The Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Learn—Refer to Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Learn.

TDM Link to ECM
Important: Performing the TDM link to ECM procedure may require TIS approval. Refer to Obtaining TIS Approval for more information.

Important: A new TDM is already unlocked and in learn mode, for new TDMs the 10 minute wait to enter learn mode will not be required.

When linking a previously programmed TDM or ECM, or reprogramming all transponder keys, there will be a 10 minute wait while the TDM enters learn mode. There are two types of learn mode:

When linking an ECM to an existing TDM, the TDM must be unlocked in order to transmit the security data; this does not erase transponder keys. There is no timer displayed for this type of learn.
When a TDM is linked to an existing ECM or all transponder keys are programmed the TDM must be unlocked in order to transmit the security data and existing transponder keys will be erased. There is a timer displayed for this type of learn. Once the first two keys are programmed, the TDM exits learn mode and allows additional transponder keys to be reprogrammed.

Install a diagnostic scan tool.
Key ON, engine OFF, select Body.
Select Theft Deterrent.
Select Programming.
Select V6 or V8 engine, depending on the vehicle being reprogrammed.
Select Theft Deterrent link to ECM.
Obtain TIS approval then repeat steps 1–6. Important: The Security Code is a four digit code that is located on the vehicle security card supplied with the vehicle. For more details on the vehicle security card refer to the owner handbook.

Enter Security Code and follow the directions displayed on the screen. Important: To perform the TDM Link to ECM as a security measure two pre-programmed transponder keys must be present. The TDM will unlock and learn the first of the transponder keys, the second transponder key must then be inserted and accepted by the TDM. When the TDM has recognized both valid transmitter keys it will then move to link to the ECM.

Important: If two transponder keys are not present at the time of reprogramming a possible vehicle non-start event can occur.

October 16th, 2016, 09:54 AM
Quick note (late and I'm knackered and have work next day) car runs, can't really put my finger on exact how I managed it though.
I'll post up roughly what I did.
It's rich as hell and has check engine light, but at least it runs which is a 100% more than this morning !!:)

October 16th, 2016, 10:05 AM
I am not 100% sure on this but I think on a HSV there is more to it than the regular Commodore. Even though HSV may have programmed the correct tune in to the ECM the dealer would have to link the Theft Module to the ECM using TechII/MDI. This is the procedure on TIS.......

K20 Engine Control Module: Programming and Setup (L76, L77, L98, LS3)

The following service procedures require either a programming or a setup event performed for a complete repair.
ECM Replacement
Warning: Replacement or reprogramming of the ECM, or replacement of the clutch pedal position sensor (CPPS) or clutch pedal requires that a CPPS learn procedure be performed. Failure to perform the CPPS learn procedure may result in personal injury or damage to the vehicle or its components if the vehicle is in gear and the starter motor is accidentally engaged.

If the engine control module (ECM) is replaced, the following procedures must be performed:

ECM reset procedure
ECM reprogramming—Refer to Service Programming System (SPS).
The Throttle Learn procedure—Refer to Q38 Throttle Body: Throttle/Idle Learn.
The Crankshaft Position Variation Learn—Refer to Crankshaft Position System Variation Learn.
The Theft Deterrent Programming—Refer to Theft Deterrent Module (TDM) Programming and Setup.
Brake Pedal Position Sensor Learn—Refer to Brake Pedal Position Sensor Learn.
The Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Learn—Refer to Clutch Pedal Position Sensor Learn.

TDM Link to ECM
Important: Performing the TDM link to ECM procedure may require TIS approval. Refer to Obtaining TIS Approval for more information.

Important: A new TDM is already unlocked and in learn mode, for new TDMs the 10 minute wait to enter learn mode will not be required.

When linking a previously programmed TDM or ECM, or reprogramming all transponder keys, there will be a 10 minute wait while the TDM enters learn mode. There are two types of learn mode:

When linking an ECM to an existing TDM, the TDM must be unlocked in order to transmit the security data; this does not erase transponder keys. There is no timer displayed for this type of learn.
When a TDM is linked to an existing ECM or all transponder keys are programmed the TDM must be unlocked in order to transmit the security data and existing transponder keys will be erased. There is a timer displayed for this type of learn. Once the first two keys are programmed, the TDM exits learn mode and allows additional transponder keys to be reprogrammed.

Install a diagnostic scan tool.
Key ON, engine OFF, select Body.
Select Theft Deterrent.
Select Programming.
Select V6 or V8 engine, depending on the vehicle being reprogrammed.
Select Theft Deterrent link to ECM.
Obtain TIS approval then repeat steps 1–6. Important: The Security Code is a four digit code that is located on the vehicle security card supplied with the vehicle. For more details on the vehicle security card refer to the owner handbook.

Enter Security Code and follow the directions displayed on the screen. Important: To perform the TDM Link to ECM as a security measure two pre-programmed transponder keys must be present. The TDM will unlock and learn the first of the transponder keys, the second transponder key must then be inserted and accepted by the TDM. When the TDM has recognized both valid transmitter keys it will then move to link to the ECM.

Important: If two transponder keys are not present at the time of reprogramming a possible vehicle non-start event can occur.

Thanks gmpx.

That's an awful lot to have to go through......beginning to wish I'd bitten the bullet and simply full flashed the stock pcm.........oh well......trying to mitigate risk and brought me more trouble than it's saved :)

October 16th, 2016, 07:41 PM
Flash HPT tune into the new one with vats turned off?

Then use original to convert back to original OS and Efi tune ?

October 21st, 2016, 07:58 AM
Flash HPT tune into the new one with vats turned off?

Then use original to convert back to original OS and Efi tune ?

i like your thinking there, was going to turn vats off for the new pcm, get it tuned reasonable, then full flash the old pcm with vats turned on and replace. Not like I want to keep the hpt tune
once I have efilive running it's junk:)

October 21st, 2016, 08:14 AM
So, some good progress.
Clutch pedal position learn was holding up start, I think had I done that after installing the pcm I'd have got going more quickly.
The tune was set up with a maf which I don't actually have installed, so set all that to off per Swingtan's excellent guide for VVE tuning.
Also set to open loop, so never got to grips with trying to get fueling down.
Crank position P0315 constant pain, the dvt/F12 tool for relearn position worked a treat, not as harsh as I'd thought. Start engine, foot on brake, activate, then start re-learn.
Slowly rev to 4krpm(whilst nervously watching the PLX WB guages!!), injectors will cut and recover engine, return to idle (by this time learn is done and engine light out !)
Found that I need to do lock/unlock sequence after a pcm flash so that engine remains running after re-start.
I'm using parts of the old VE table from the hpt tune after some scaling and interpolation (many thanks Behold !)
Just need to set up proper pids file and get some tuning done !!!:)

October 21st, 2016, 10:34 AM
Crank position P0315 constant pain, the dvt/F12 tool for relearn position worked a treat, not as harsh as I'd thought. Start engine, foot on brake, activate, then start re-learn.
Slowly rev to 4krpm(whilst nervously watching the PLX WB guages!!), injectors will cut and recover engine, return to idle (by this time learn is done and engine light out !)Typically the ECM gives you a 10-15 second window to rev up above 4000 rpm. It looks like you got the CASE relearn done.

Found that I need to do lock/unlock sequence after a pcm flash so that engine remains running after re-start.

November 6th, 2016, 02:15 AM
Typically the ECM gives you a 10-15 second window to rev up above 4000 rpm. It looks like you got the CASE relearn done.

Found that I need to do lock/unlock sequence after a pcm flash so that engine remains running after re-start.


Yup, gave myself the placebo affect there, couple of early starts after flashes were a bit weird, tried the unlock/lock and appeared to work.
So, now just flash in tune and all is good.

Making some good progress with help from behold, I'm up and driving on the road now with EFIlive doing the work !!!!.......

November 6th, 2016, 08:16 PM
I'm running a maffless tune in open loop, so trims off etc.
I still see ltft numbers in the log file, can I be sure they are
not actually doing anything all the time fuelstatus reports OL ?

November 6th, 2016, 09:19 PM

Post your tune file, I'll check that all trimming is disabled.

BTW: mafless and trimless are othogonal, you can have one regardless of the other (i.e. there are 4 combinations)... sorry, I'm not trying to be pedantic.


November 7th, 2016, 08:32 AM

Added both the open and closed loop tunes.

Thanks Joe.

November 7th, 2016, 05:15 PM

November 15th, 2016, 09:49 AM
I was seeing ltft data in the logs, but since resetting all trims nothing comes up now which is good.

Question remains though, when there was data there, would it have influenced anything in the open loop tune ?

November 15th, 2016, 11:59 AM
This is tricky... if it was open loop, any trims should not influence, but the trims would have been zero (since it's not correcting, it can't calculate the trims)...

December 11th, 2016, 07:18 PM
Is the RAFIG process valid for my E38 ?, I had a look at the PDF guide but it mentions IAC pids.
When I selected the Rafig calc pid and looked at details, it's looking for iac pids.

January 27th, 2017, 09:02 AM
From this thread:- https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?27343-Does-a-speed-density-tune-need-a-COS/page2

As per Joecar reply :- MAF-less E38 runs from LO table (i.e. in presence of MAF DTC).

I had no idea this was the case, a slight revelation for me at least.
Would it be possible the previous COS MAF-less HPtune would have worked the same way? Ie defaulted to use the Low Octane spark table ?
In the HPtune, the low octane table is -3 degree across the board when compared to the high octane table.

Currently this is the same as my LO table.......so perhaps I could jack this up accross the board by 3deg ?

January 27th, 2017, 09:16 AM
I'm running in closed loop now with fuel trims on ect.

When logging the wide band data with resultant CALC.BEN_PLX1_E38 , should I ignore all data recorded within CL or
is this still valid ? ie the trim amounts are netted off first ?

January 28th, 2017, 08:42 PM
The HPT COS would be modified/hacked to run from the HO (I am assuming).


January 28th, 2017, 08:46 PM
I'm running in closed loop now with fuel trims on ect.

When logging the wide band data with resultant CALC.BEN_PLX1_E38 , should I ignore all data recorded within CL or
is this still valid ? ie the trim amounts are netted off first ?
You can use CL to filter data for wideband-only and for LTFT-only...

i.e. use CL filtering to partition the log data into two... and then you may be able to use the areas of both maps that do not overlap each other.
