View Full Version : June 2016 Release Candidate 1

June 6th, 2016, 06:29 PM
Please download and install both the V7.5 and V8 software packages.

Both the V7.5 and V8 software were updated in Release Candidate 1, you should download and install both V7.5 and V8 software packages.

Release Notes:
Whats New (http://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_299.htm)

Version Numbers:

After installation, you should have the following software, boot block and firmware versions installed:

EFILive V7 software: V7.5.7 Build 307 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).
EFILive V8 software: V8.2.2 Build 299 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).
Boot Block: V2.07.007 (Feb 07, 2014) To view/update the Boot Block, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.
Firmware: V2.07.101 (June 06, 2015) To view/update the Firmware, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.

Known Issues

Issue 1:
If you are Black Box Logging PIDs from an ECM and TCM simultaneously and you have selected a PID from the transmission controller (TCM) that has an identically named PID in the engine controller (ECM), then when the log file is loaded back into the V8 software for viewing, that TCM PID will be displayed as if it originated from the ECM. The PID's data will have correctly been logged from the TCM, only its name will appear to indicate that it was logged from the ECM.
It is a restriction of the *.efi (V7.5 log file format). That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available and fully integrated with the V8 tuning tool software.
Issue 2:
When logging DMA PIDs (i.e. PIDs whose names end with "_M" or "_DMA"), if the ignition is switched off for an extended period while data logging but data logging is not terminated, then when the ignition is switched on again the data log automatically continues. However the DMA PIDs may no longer return valid data.
EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods.
Issue 3:
V8 Scan Tool [F6: Maps] tab page is no longer available/visible and the Record and Monitor option are no longer enabled. Those options were tagged as visible/active for the beta software only. They were incorrectly deactivated when the software was promoted from beta to RC1.
Install RC2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26750-June-2016-Release-Candidate-2) Issue 4:
When saving CMD or CME tune files in V8 the error "VariableCRC_START1_1does not exist" occurs.
Install RC2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26750-June-2016-Release-Candidate-2)
Issue 5:
When closing the V8 Scan Tool window, if any of the property editor windows (Gauge Properties, Gauge Editor, Chart Editor or Map Editor) were open, an Access Violation occurs.
The Access Violation may prevent you from closing the Scan Tool window, in which case use Task Manager to kill the EFILive_ScanAndTune.exe process.
Install RC2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26750-June-2016-Release-Candidate-2)
Issue 6:
If the V8 Scan Tool filter is selected while no data is loaded in the Scan Tool an Access Violation occurs.
Install RC2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26750-June-2016-Release-Candidate-2)
Issue 7:
The GEAR PID does not display gears 7 and 8 correctly for T87 - instead it shows Reverse and Park respectively.
The GEAR PID does not display Neutral, Reverse or Park correctly for T43 - instead it shows Reverse, Park and Low respectively.
Install RC2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26750-June-2016-Release-Candidate-2)
Issue 8:
CSP5 tune files incorrectly show a bad checksum when loaded into the V8 or V7.5 tuning software. Correcting the "bad" checksum and flashing the file will most likely result in a no-start condition, usually with fault code P0601.
Install RC2 (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?26750-June-2016-Release-Candidate-2) .

June 7th, 2016, 05:45 AM
Paul, thanks, the ! operator now works correctly.

June 7th, 2016, 01:50 PM
WHEN trying to lock a tune I am getting VaraiableCRC_START1_1 does not exisit

June 7th, 2016, 01:57 PM
WHEN trying to lock a tune I am getting VaraiableCRC_START1_1 does not exisit

Which controller type?
Which software version (V7.5 or V8)?


June 7th, 2016, 02:04 PM
Which controller type?
Which software version (V7.5 or V8)?


v8 and cm2200

June 7th, 2016, 02:11 PM
Thanks for the info. Working on a fix now...


June 7th, 2016, 03:54 PM
Please download and install both the V7.5 and V8 software packages.

Both the V7.5 and V8 software were updated in Release Candidate 1, you must update both software packages.

Download V7.5 RC1 (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.7.307_RC1.exe) (103 MB)
Download V8 RC1 Update1 (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILiveV8.2.2.299_RC1_Update1.exe) (65 MB) Updated June 8, 2016, fixes Known Issues 3 and 4 listed below.

Release Notes:
Whats New (http://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_299.htm)

Version Numbers:

After installation, you should have the following software, boot block and firmware versions installed:

EFILive V7 software: V7.5.7 Build 307 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).
EFILive V8 software: V8.2.2 Build 299 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).
Boot Block: V2.07.007 (Feb 07, 2014) To view/update the Boot Block, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.
Firmware: V2.07.101 (June 06, 2015) To view/update the Firmware, click the [Check Firmware] button in the V8 Scan and Tune software.

Known Issues

Issue 1:
If you are Black Box Logging PIDs from an ECM and TCM simultaneously and you have selected a PID from the transmission controller (TCM) that has an identically named PID in the engine controller (ECM), then when the log file is loaded back into the V8 software for viewing, that TCM PID will be displayed as if it originated from the ECM. The PID's data will have correctly been logged from the TCM, only its name will appear to indicate that it was logged from the ECM.
It is a restriction of the *.efi (V7.5 log file format). That restriction will be removed and the TCM PIDs will display their true origin once the V8 scan tool software is available and fully integrated with the V8 tuning tool software.
Issue 2:
When logging DMA PIDs (i.e. PIDs whose names end with "_M" or "_DMA"), if the ignition is switched off for an extended period while data logging but data logging is not terminated, then when the ignition is switched on again the data log automatically continues. However the DMA PIDs may no longer return valid data.
EFILive recommends stopping the data log and restarting the data log when switching off the ignition for extended periods.
Issue 3:
V8 Scan Tool [F6: Maps] tab page is no longer available/visible and the Record and Monitor option are no longer enabled. Those options were tagged as visible/active for the beta software only. They were incorrectly deactivated when the software was promoted from beta to RC1.
Install RC1 Update1.
Issue 4:
When saving CMD or CME tune files in V8 the error "VariableCRC_START1_1does not exist" occurs.
Install RC1 Update1.

Thank you very much for the fix! Back to fast CRC via v8!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

June 8th, 2016, 05:46 AM
We got a strange error when we edited the AFM VVE tables on an E38 and saved to file...

there was an error message about the minimum vve zone has to be bigger than 3x3 (and I'm sure it was)...

and it would not let me save the file...

and undoing the changes on the AFM VVE tables did not help, the error message persisted, and still could not save the file...

I had to kill the tunetool and go back to the previous file.

June 8th, 2016, 08:37 AM
We got a strange error when we edited the AFM VVE tables on an E38 and saved to file...

there was an error message about the minimum vve zone has to be bigger than 3x3 (and I'm sure it was)...

and it would not let me save the file...

and undoing the changes on the AFM VVE tables did not help, the error message persisted, and still could not save the file...

I had to kill the tunetool and go back to the previous file.

Hi Joe,
Can you email me the file and a sequence of step to reproduce the problem?

June 8th, 2016, 08:41 AM
I had to kill the tunetool and go back to the previous file.
Could you close the file without saving it? Not sure why you would need to kill the tune tool.

June 8th, 2016, 08:50 AM
there was an error message about the minimum vve zone has to be bigger than 3x3 (and I'm sure it was)...

Setting the "Zone edge align" to 1 or greater will expand the zone by that many cells around the edge. So expanding a 1x1 cell by 1 cell in all directions will expand it to a 3x3 cell. That may help in future.


June 8th, 2016, 11:00 AM
Hi Joe,
Can you email me the file and a sequence of step to reproduce the problem?
PaulI'll try to reproduce the steps... (we were in the dyno room til 4am :cheers:)

June 8th, 2016, 11:01 AM
Could you close the file without saving it? Not sure why you would need to kill the tune tool.
PaulWhen I tried closing the file, it would push me to a save dialog, which when I tried to save it would pop up that error... so then I would try to close the file...

June 8th, 2016, 11:02 AM
Setting the "Zone edge align" to 1 or greater will expand the zone by that many cells around the edge. So expanding a 1x1 cell by 1 cell in all directions will expand it to a 3x3 cell. That may help in future.

PaulOk, thanks, I'll keep this in mind.

June 8th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Could you close the file without saving it? Not sure why you would need to kill the tune tool.
PaulWhen I tried closing the file, it would push me to a save dialog, which when I tried to save it would pop up that error... so then I would try to close the file...

June 8th, 2016, 11:23 AM
Hi Joe,
Can you email me the file and a sequence of step to reproduce the problem?
Attached is the tuning file just before this happened.

We were tuning B8101 on engine dyno (MAF/NBO2 not present, MAF DTC present);

the steps to cause the problem were this (from my 3 am memory):
- copied B8101 to B8102, B8151, B8152, and I think we forgot to generate coeffs on those 3;
- tried to save file, but that error message popped up.
When I'm trying it now on my laptop I can't reproduce it... :chair:

June 8th, 2016, 02:13 PM
Zones 12..17 defined by rpm 1600..1800 are only 2 cells high. Zones must be at least 3 cells in both directions. That is what is causing the problem.
Maybe on your laptop you have the "Zone edge align" set to 1 or greater. That has the effect of expanding the zones by one cell on each size.

Zone too small:

Zone expanded using "Zone edge align=1"

P.S. I'm still not sure why you couldn't have just elected not to save the file and closed EFILive that way. I don't get why you had to use task manager.


June 9th, 2016, 01:30 AM
can i put in a request to change the table display format on the e40 stuff.

it's annoying as all hell having the rpm along the top and map on the left, when every other ecu is the opposite way around.

Specifically the 12599861 (1bar & 2bar) calibration. If your in the mood, can you also add the enable flex fuel option, like you did for the e38.

June 9th, 2016, 03:25 AM
Zones 12..17 defined by rpm 1600..1800 are only 2 cells high. Zones must be at least 3 cells in both directions. That is what is causing the problem.
Maybe on your laptop you have the "Zone edge align" set to 1 or greater. That has the effect of expanding the zones by one cell on each size.
Ah, I see (it was late and we were losing our minds). Thanks.

P.S. I'm still not sure why you couldn't have just elected not to save the file and closed EFILive that way. I don't get why you had to use task manager.
I'll retrace our steps on my customer's laptop, I want to get you more details of this.

June 9th, 2016, 03:26 AM
can i put in a request to change the table display format on the e40 stuff.

it's annoying as all hell having the rpm along the top and map on the left, when every other ecu is the opposite way around.

Specifically the 12599861 (1bar & 2bar) calibration. If your in the mood, can you also add the enable flex fuel option, like you did for the e38.Yeah, I know, it's the only one that is transposed.

June 13th, 2016, 09:44 AM
I saw this today, I opened the System and Speedo segments to look at, and on closing the file this popped up:

EFILive Tune - Digital tools for onboard vehicle electronics
Access violation at address 00486ADD in module 'EFILive_Tune.exe'. Read of address 00000358.