View Full Version : Cable Installation problem..................

May 31st, 2006, 01:57 PM
I just picked up a used EfiLive FlashScan software/cable in an effort to start learning to tune. I read that it was the Best scanning and easiest to use program.

The software went without a hitch, but when I plug the cable/black box in, it finds the new hardware and then locks up. In my stupidity, I installed the cable the first time without the laptop plugged in and the battery low. It was starting to install and then the laptop said that if I don't want to lose my stuff, then plug me in Dummie (That'd be me).

Do you guys have any idea as to what I did or need to do to fix this?

By the way, my OS is Windows ME (I know it's not the greatest OS, but it's on the pc and I'm too cheap to spring for XP).

Thanks ALOT in advance!

May 31st, 2006, 02:48 PM
In the "C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7\Docs" folder there is a document called "Uninstalling FlashScan.pdf". Check that out first.

May 31st, 2006, 04:49 PM
Thank You! The problem was that it saw the cable, but needed the driver re-installed. I did that and it showed up in the software.

Thanks again!:cheers:

May 31st, 2006, 05:36 PM
No worries. I was hoping that might do it. I never really worked with or used 95/98/Me :)