View Full Version : Probably in the wrong spot

September 17th, 2016, 07:53 PM
Hello everyone,

I recently purchased a 2008 Cummins and it came with a V2 flash scan. He told me it didn't work and he almost just threw it away. The truck is stuck in a pretty hot street tune which I have no desire to be in.

The V2 is "stuck" in "dead Poll" mode. I have downloaded all the most recent software and have tried to upgrade the firmware on the V2. It is currently in Boot Block 2.7.007 (2/7/14) and firmware is 2.7.06 (7/19/14). When I attempt to update firmware it gives me the dreaded $0101 no data error code. I'm not the kind of guy who just gets onto a forum and asks someone to do it for me so I have been following sticky's and FAQ's for about 5 hours now. I've been in parts of my computer that I didn't know existed. I have been taking notes so I can change things back to current settings if the solution doesn't work.

I've changed USB drivers and they are current. I have made sure I'm operating a USB 2.0 and not 3. I've used 3 different Usb cables, I have uninstalled and reinstalled all EFI software.

The V2 is blinking alternate orange lights on the front with no display on lcd. I am pretty sure there is some sort of connectivity occurring because right after a failed attempt to update all the lights turn on and then it returns to blinking alternativly. Live explorer will pull up the serial number and licence numbers upon refreshing.

I'm using a Dell Laptop with windows 10 on it. I do have access to a computer that will operate windows xp or vista but will have to dig it out of the basement.

At what point do I consider sending it in for professional help and is that even an option. I'm really at a loss here. I'm not completely computer savvy but I did follow all the instructions that were available to me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Admin please move if not in correct forum.

September 18th, 2016, 10:39 AM
The alternating amber/orange LEDs mean the boot block is in dead poll mode which means it's waiting for the firmware to be flashed in.

If it can't connect from your WinX laptop, did you install the driver on you WinX laptop...?

September 18th, 2016, 04:22 PM
I did. I downloaded the newest drivers and software available from EFILIVE.com (both of them for v2) and then downloaded the drivers. I get the $0101 error code. I have made sure I'm running USB 2.0. I have tried a few different cables with no hope. I'll be out of town until Thursday but when I return I was going to bust out an old desktop from storage that is still running XP (i think) and try putting the software on that. Like I said in the first post the previous owner of the truck that this came with (who is a little more versed with EFIlive) couldn't get it to work either. I have contacted the company and just wanted to make sure I covered all my bases before I have to send it in.

September 19th, 2016, 05:57 AM
Try using a non USB3.0 port if you can, if it's a USB3 port you might need to find another one on a different machine that has dedicated USB2 port(s). Windows OS likely won't matter, I've updated my FSV2 multiple times on my Win10 PC.

Deadpoll is a good thing, means it should be recoverable especially since you can connect to it.

Try this: Close all EFILive Applications on your PC and reboot. When rebooted, plug the V2 in, open the application "EFILive Explorer". Click F12: Firmware, click Browse, open the Boot Block folder, select the FSBootV2_07_07.efw file, click Open. Now, click the checkbox that says "Bootblock" under the filename area. Make sure your V2 is selected in the bottom right hand corner (click the V2 icon) then click Program.

Once this is programmed successfully, now repeat the above process except dont open the Boot Block folder and select the FSProgV2_07_103.efw file. Uncheck "Bootblock" and click Program. That should get you back to the proper bootblock/firmware combo.

Now close EFILive Explorer and re-open V8 Scan & Tune. Should be able to see the V2 and use as normal now.

September 20th, 2016, 04:15 PM
Erik, he should program the firmware first, because this is what dead-poll mode is waiting for...

in dead-poll mode the boot block is looping waiting for firmware to come along...

so he should program the firmware first.

September 21st, 2016, 08:16 AM
Ah true, will he need to program a certain fw version so he doesnt get a bootblock/firmware mismatch? Then update bootblock/latest firmware.

September 21st, 2016, 11:01 AM
Man you guys are great. I haven't been able to try this yet because I'll be away from my V2 until tomorrow night but I'm following along. Thanks so much again

September 21st, 2016, 12:30 PM
... will he need to program a certain fw version so he doesnt get a bootblock/firmware mismatch? Then update bootblock/latest firmware.

He's at BB 2.07.07 and FW 2.07.06...

his BB 2.07.07 (is the latest it seems) is running (blinking the amber LEDs) waiting for FW to be downloaded...

so if he can connect from PC via USB then he can write FW 2.07.102 (or whichever is the latest), then he would be up to date...

the trick is getting USB to connect at the PC...

September 21st, 2016, 12:42 PM
Live explorer will pull up the serial number and licence numbers upon refreshing.

If EFILive Explorer is displaying the boot block and firmware version then you have USB connectivity.

After using EFILive Explorer to attempt to reprogram the firmware, open the EFILive Control Panel (click on the FlashScan icon in the system tray in the task bar near the clock). Select the [F8: Trace] tab page and save a trace file. Then send the trace file to me at paul@efilive.com


September 21st, 2016, 12:58 PM
Thanks Paul.