View Full Version : E92 Tables clarification . share me your thoughts plz

December 7th, 2016, 05:04 PM
I need clarifications for two tables B8808 and B3005
(( note B8808 found just in C7Z06 file not in truck files ))

For B8808 Which is Torque ratio vs throttle position
the description says :
This table converts the commanded torque ratio value to an actual throttle position.

So correct me if i'm wrong
the Y axis is the ratio and the X axis is the rpm but why the maximum RPM is 260 ?
Lets say there is a Torque ratio = Actual torque / Commanded torque
if the ratio is 1 which is the normal case it will command a fully opened throttle but what if the ratio is < or > than 1 then it will command a less opened throttle angle is this true ?
So what if we put 100% in all the table ? will this solve the throttle close problem in some of the cases ?

For B3005 Torque model EQ ratio Adjust
the description says : This table is used as a final torque multiplier against the MAP or Airflow based torque model results.

The X axis is RPM
What EQ ratio is the Y Axis ?
Any thoughts what this table is used to ?

Any help will be appreciated

December 9th, 2016, 07:11 AM
It seems no body changed those tables before ?!!!

December 11th, 2016, 08:26 AM
I'm a little afraid to because I don't understand them (the axes are not clear to me).

March 1st, 2017, 10:17 PM
Paul could you share me your thoughts about this please

March 10th, 2017, 02:37 PM
One thing I have done when I am not sure what the axis value refers to is to test it with a very obvious change that can be verified. On any of these tables where you aren't sure if the axis is RPM or MPH or TPS or APP etc, set the entire table past a certain column to 0 and then test the vehicle. For example, in the B8808 table that is throttle vs RPM (or maybe VSS), set the columns from 50 on up to 0. Then drive the vehicle. If when you get to 5000 rpm it stops accelerating or does something else very obvious then it is likely rpm. If it stops when you get to 50 kph then the axis is likely vehicle speed.

March 10th, 2017, 09:55 PM
PSS, thanks for the hints.


March 11th, 2017, 02:03 PM
The one table vs throttle looks like a very linear multiplier - the values in the table equal the axis. It could be used to make it non-linear (I'll have to look at several stock calibrations to see if GM ever makes this non-linear).

The other table compensates for the impact of EQ on engine output with the maximum power/torque occurring at roughly 0.8 lambda/1.2 EQ ratio and the multiplier being 1.00 at stoichiometric AFR and again at 1.3 EQ ratio (so power drops off as you get richer and leaner from 1.2 EQ ratio as you would normally expect). Since the driver is requesting a specific torque or power via the accelerator pedal, anything that changes the output of the engine needs to be compensated for so that the correct amount of power is produced for a given accelerator pedal. If you were holding a constant accelerator pedal and the engine happened to go into catalyst protection, this should not normally be perceptible to the customer (just like cam phaser angle, cylinder deactivation etc.).

I need clarifications for two tables B8808 and B3005
(( note B8808 found just in C7Z06 file not in truck files ))

For B8808 Which is Torque ratio vs throttle position
the description says :
This table converts the commanded torque ratio value to an actual throttle position.

So correct me if i'm wrong
the Y axis is the ratio and the X axis is the rpm but why the maximum RPM is 260 ?
Lets say there is a Torque ratio = Actual torque / Commanded torque
if the ratio is 1 which is the normal case it will command a fully opened throttle but what if the ratio is < or > than 1 then it will command a less opened throttle angle is this true ?
So what if we put 100% in all the table ? will this solve the throttle close problem in some of the cases ?

For B3005 Torque model EQ ratio Adjust
the description says : This table is used as a final torque multiplier against the MAP or Airflow based torque model results.

The X axis is RPM
What EQ ratio is the Y Axis ?
Any thoughts what this table is used to ?

Any help will be appreciated