View Full Version : DSP4 OS available yet?

Danville Performance
January 6th, 2017, 02:31 AM
I don't follow this as much as I really should but is this option available yet or did I miss something. I have an OS that is not showing me the the option to do it or maybe I missed something??? I'll attach the file incase it is one that hasn't been added to the support yet. Thanks in advance unless I'm an idiot and I'm completely off base here!

Danville Performance
January 6th, 2017, 04:52 AM
Ok, so I did some digging and it appears I have the right OS for this but it is not showing up under Upgrade OS in the V7.5 software and I have V7.5.9 Build 318. Did this get messed up in the newest update because I remember it in the last update being there? Thanks as always!

January 6th, 2017, 05:51 AM
Do you have your V2 plugged in? It has to be before the option will appear under the Upgrade OS tab. I don't have my V2 handy to check if it's appearing, I'll check later this afternoon if you dont get to before then.

I have older software version saved, I could send you one if it's still not appearing for you. PM me if you need it with your email and I'll stick it on my OneDrive.

Danville Performance
January 6th, 2017, 06:37 AM
Do you have your V2 plugged in? It has to be before the option will appear under the Upgrade OS tab. I don't have my V2 handy to check if it's appearing, I'll check later this afternoon if you dont get to before then.

I have older software version saved, I could send you one if it's still not appearing for you. PM me if you need it with your email and I'll stick it on my OneDrive.

Yes, I have the V2 plugged in and still not there. I also keep all the older versions on a hard drive but would rather not go backwards as I have customers with the newest software version so can really go backwards. Must be in this update that it got messed up I'm guessing(hoping).

January 6th, 2017, 12:13 PM
I'm seeing the DSP4 available with the tune you posted. I had some trouble getting V7.5 to open with my USB3 laptop, took me a few times and had to reboot.

Danville Performance
January 6th, 2017, 03:33 PM
I did as you said and restarted my computer and now it's there! Thanks, don't know why I didn't think of it but it is what it is!

January 9th, 2017, 09:57 AM
Glad you got it working!