View Full Version : Any plan to update the Hardware platform?

March 2nd, 2017, 09:01 AM
Hey guys!

I am just curious if there is any rumblings or even a general plan to ever update the hardware? IE some sort of monitoring unit combined with an autocal so you get the best of both worlds? If there was talk of this earlier and I just missed it I apologize. I was just looking around the market at all the new stuff and it would be so easy (well I say easy, maybe its very hard lol) to incorporate and combined an autocal with a monitor of sorts. Right now we are selling CTS's mainly with autocals but with more stuff on the market that does both in one its becoming a harder sell even though I am much more comfortable with tuning via efilive I am being compelled to tune through other means, some of which restrict my ability to do what I can do through the hardware/software you guys produce.



March 2nd, 2017, 10:15 AM
A V2 / Autocal replacement has been on the cards for a while (actually a prototype even exists), but it is not a monitor style device like a CTS sorry.

March 2nd, 2017, 11:28 AM
So it will be another handheld that does not double as a monitor of some sort? Just figured it would be a nice easy sell to our customers instead of having to package them with any of the other monitors out there.


March 2nd, 2017, 01:13 PM
So it will be another handheld that does not double as a monitor of some sort?
Well it has a screen but it isn't like a GPS style LCD which is what I think you are talking about? Very much a case of easier said than done to design something like that.

March 2nd, 2017, 01:43 PM
Well it has a screen but it isn't like a GPS style LCD which is what I think you are talking about? Very much a case of easier said than done to design something like that.

Oh I believe it, just thought I would ask :)

March 2nd, 2017, 03:12 PM
A V2 / Autocal replacement has been on the cards for a while (actually a prototype even exists), but it is not a monitor style device like a CTS sorry.

Does it have a SWCAN transceiver chip??? :D

March 3rd, 2017, 09:34 AM
No, we ditched that when we went to the blue V2's. That chip is pretty expensive from memory too.
One of the most annoying things is the VPW chips now are all gone, VPW implementation has to be done in software and discrete components for the physical interface.