View Full Version : How to tell if a file is from a vehicle with 4WD?

March 7th, 2017, 03:14 AM
I have been digging through some LS1B binary files trying to compare some of the differences. One thing that I am having some difficulty with is trying to determine whether or not some of the parameters are for a 4WD or not. When I open up the files in EFI Live, the initial configuration that you see under the VIN tab basically looks at the VIN #. Depending on whether or not the VIN listed here is the actual VIN of the vehicle, it could say 2WD or 4WD. I have noticed that you don't have to have the correct VIN in a PCM when you flash it. Thus, when you read it out, it could be a Corvette VIN with a truck tune. This means you are dependent on what the person who uploaded the binary file did when they read out the file.

This brings me to my question regarding how else can you tell if a vehicle had 4WD or not by looking at the other parameters in the file. I have found several, but it seems that GM did some odd things when they made these files. Example: There is a P1875 DTC which is a 4WD Low Circuit Switch parameter. If it is a car tune with a auto tranny, then this equals Yes. If the car had a manual transmission it equals No. All of the truck tunes (including Express vans) seem to have this as Yes.

Is there any other way(s) or parameter(s) to verify if a file came from a vehicle that had 4WD or not?

March 8th, 2017, 12:32 AM
I forgot to add, that I had also been using the 4WD *.cax file that Lextech posted as well. Similar to the odd things that I found with the EFILive parameters, there appears to be some odd things that GM did with the 4WD parameter. Example: the Express van tunes are set to 4WD even though GM didn't make a 4WD van.

March 9th, 2017, 11:15 AM
Look at table G1206 maybe... I'm not sure but some of the truck models that have PTO also have 4wd (I have not heard of PTO on a 2wd vehicle).

Yes, GM does not necessarily make sense (any of the time).