View Full Version : Wasp

March 22nd, 2017, 06:17 AM
I was dong some research on a wasp I had killed and the mite that was attached to its thorax, I ran across several articles about a wasp problem in New Zealand. Just wanted to let anyone interested that "dish-washing soap" with water (about 10 drops per 8oz RMV) works well as a wasp control agent. If squirted (sprayed) or tossed, mixed into a cup or glass or water, onto the wasp and wasp nets it will suffocate the wasp as they breath through their exoskeleton, and doesn't harm you or the environment.

I use this all the time, in fact you can spray one down while in flight, if you get enough on one it will drop like a rock. And yes, Nerf super soaker (water gun) work well.

Wish New Zealand luck on controlling the wasp population.

March 22nd, 2017, 02:11 PM
We have 'European wasps' in Australia, they are a total pain always hanging around when food comes out. I like your trick though, I've never looked for a nest but I might get a squirter bottle and try that.


We also have these native 'Potter wasps', they make you run like a scared child when they come around but I don't think they actually sting humans. What a horrid looking insect! They are loud and big.


March 23rd, 2017, 06:40 AM
We have 'European wasps' in Australia, they are a total pain always hanging around when food comes out. I like your trick though, I've never looked for a nest but I might get a squirter bottle and try that.


We also have these native 'Potter wasps', they make you run like a scared child when they come around but I don't think they actually sting humans. What a horrid looking insect! They are loud and big.


The top one looks like a species we have here that build nest in soft sandy soil, which we have some of, soil and nest, they call them "Bald Faced Hornets," nasty little devils.
Bald face hornets will attack and not stop attacking until they either kill their victim or get killed themselves. They also pack a nasty sting, the sting is very intense pain at first then a few hours later it turns into an uncontrollable itching that last for weeks. The sting mark will last for months at the site of the sting. Ask me how I know? LOL!

The "Potter Wasp" are nice to have, they control the spiders, or at least the ones here do, and they don't tend to bother humans other than the mug nest they build, we call them "mud daubers" or "dirt daubers."

The water and soap works well, just get it on the wasp and it will take them out. We have paper wasp of all kinds here, red, red and black, yellow with orange bands, small/large yellow and black bands. etc...

March 23rd, 2017, 08:12 AM
Do you guys check inside your shoes before you put them on in the morning...?

March 23rd, 2017, 10:34 AM
Do you guys check inside your shoes before you put them on in the morning...?

Yep! Stinging Lizards will get you if you don't!

March 23rd, 2017, 10:53 AM
Sydney is the home of the funnel-web spider, they tend to go indoors (into shoes) when it rains.

March 23rd, 2017, 11:09 PM
The "Potter Wasp" are nice to have, they control the spiders, or at least the ones here do, and they don't tend to bother humans other than the mug nest they build, we call them "mud daubers" or "dirt daubers."
They are pretty good at taking care of spiders. This was in our outdoor area 12 months ago. Took him 3 goes to fly off with the spider...spider was alive at the time.


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March 30th, 2017, 06:08 AM
Yeah. It is amazing how much one of those things can move. But I'm like: "where are you going to put that big thing, your nest is only so big?." Carefully break open one of the mug nest and look at the contents, you will be amazed.