View Full Version : '06 W/100HP 143* injectors (BMS) Tuning

April 5th, 2017, 03:28 AM
So I had been running a "VP tune" with the stock injectors, but since swapping injectors I decided to tackle this Pilot and Main tuning. I'll just post of what I'm working on right now and results as I go. Any comments/suggestions are welcome. I created this all on my own and it seems to be doing ok right now, although I am in very new territory for me. I'm sure there is more to be had in the timing which I'll be working on mainly trying to get the most I can out of it. Right now: 1)Valet 2)stock-ish 3)5% more fuel 4)10% more fuel 5)20% more fuel no limiters.

It's pretty quiet right now, except I might still have a little rattle in the 1000-1500 rpm range. Trying to get all the rattle out and most efficient timing possible.


April 5th, 2017, 07:50 AM
Well, that tune definitely had some rattle still and I noticed twice I lost pilot injection on WOT at first to second shift. Wondering if that is normal or not? I think I had the pilot too advanced down low. This next tune will hopefully address that better with some changes between 3, 4, and 5 to try and see what works best. Also, on setting 5 I already, Actual rail cannot keep up with desired rail. Lift pump pressure is dropping to around 3psi. Wondering if I had better lift pump pressure if that would help. Also attached a log of tune.0002



April 6th, 2017, 07:03 AM
Ok, still has some rattle. Made some more changes to tune 2 and 3. Also attached is log of _0004 ,which I haven't posted the tune file, but was better than _0003 but not quite enough.



April 17th, 2017, 10:54 AM
Not much progress but doing some testing right now to try and find out optimum timing for cruising speeds at least.

On another note how much duration or mm3 is required to fire off the pilot? I adjusted some of the pilot multipliers and lost pilot completely. How much pilot does a person need and from some reading I did the claimed the closer they got pilot to main the better the combustion process was. Any thoughts?

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April 22nd, 2018, 12:49 AM
I'll throw in my 2 cents worth as a complete amateur. I found it was hard to get a good quiet tune and deviate much from stock. Overall, the more advanced the pilot is, the more fuel quantity is needed to work correctly. For example, I pushed out my main timing to about 10*BDTC in the cruising range for mileage. At the same time I pulled back the PR and the timing/quantity of the pilot. I believe I'm at about 10* of pilot and about 2mm3 commanded fuel, IIRC. This has achieved about the best mileage and is quieter than stock. As the throttle/rpm goes up, the quantity and timing of the pilot goes way up, much like stock. I some areas I added timing and fuel (from stock) and it is quieter than stock. In a couple of spots I pulled back timing and quantity of pilot. But overall, my pilot curves are basically smoothed/massaged stock tables, and it runs very quite and smooth. Pilot is gone at 2800rpm. Also, more rail pressure = more timing. And of course, the main timing effects overall pilot timing. I run stock injectors and my truck is just a street/daily driver at just over 500HP. With larger injectors compensation will be needed, but I can't commend on that.