View Full Version : Another Newbie question.................

June 13th, 2006, 02:44 AM
I've logged my car with the scanner and have gotten the LTFT's, and put them in chart A, then took the average of them, but I'm not sure what to do now. What are the most important PID's to log? I'm still trying to decide which WB I want (either LC-1, PLX 250, or an AEM UEGO. Suggestions would be appreciated), so I'm just trying to learn what to do before I get one.

Would it be better to work with the STFT's or keep logging like I have? Any advice would be Greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance!

June 13th, 2006, 03:13 AM
You need to log fuel trims against RPM and MAP points in a map.
I guess you really should use (stft1+ltft1+stft2+ltft2)/2
You need to turn it into a multiplier so you can then copy and multiply the map to your ve table. If you do a search you will find more info.

As for the wideband definately go with one that is supported. LC-1 definately is as I use it.

June 13th, 2006, 04:51 AM
You need to log fuel trims against RPM and MAP points in a map.
I guess you really should use (stft1+ltft1+stft2+ltft2)/2
You need to turn it into a multiplier so you can then copy and multiply the map to your ve table. If you do a search you will find more info.

As for the wideband definately go with one that is supported. LC-1 definately is as I use it.

Thank You for your help!:cheers: I understand the (stft1+ltft1+stft2+ltft2)/2, but I don't understand what you meant by turning it into a multiplier. Can you Please explain more? I did a search on LTFT logging and read those, but I'm still a bit confused.

LC-1 it is then, if it's the easiest one to use.

June 13th, 2006, 09:15 AM
Using fuel trims, it's easiest to translate with Excel. Basically, the VE table is how you setup your MAP in the scanner. Rows=RPM, Columns=MAP, Data=Fuel_Trims. If you want to do what you said, you need 4 maps. Personally, I just tune off of the leaner of the two banks (B1 in my case). So, I use STFT's and LTFT's for the two MAPs. Log and copy the MAPs into Excel. There, you need to convert +3.45% into 1.0345 and -2.75% into .9725. Then, copy the corrections from Excel and paste>multiply in the VE table.

June 13th, 2006, 01:18 PM
Thank You for your help!:cheers: I understand the (stft1+ltft1+stft2+ltft2)/2, but I don't understand what you meant by turning it into a multiplier. Can you Please explain more? I did a search on LTFT logging and read those, but I'm still a bit confused.

LC-1 it is then, if it's the easiest one to use. LTFT and STFT are percentages, so convert to fractions deviating from 1, like this...

1 + (stft1+ltft1+stft2+ltft2)/2/100 (I'm not sure why this would be /2...?)


1 + (stft1+ltft1+stft2+ltft2)/4/100


1 + (ltft1+ltft2)/2/100

The last one filters out transients better.

June 13th, 2006, 02:14 PM
Thanks Guys! :cheers: