View Full Version : Flashscan V2 restoring previous firmware how?

June 5th, 2017, 12:13 PM
I could not get my flashscan V2 to work with bbx with firmware V2.07.113 (Feb 19, 2017) so I installed the Beta version to test if I could get it working. I was getting error $0482. All worked well with the Beta version for logging. Now I would like to flash a tune and don't feel comfortable using the Beta version and would like to restore my firmware back to V2.07.113 from V2.07.115. I see that that is not an easy task. I tried explorer in poll mode but I would not let me flash an older version. Please help.

June 5th, 2017, 04:53 PM
It won't let you go backwards...

~ posted by phone ~

June 5th, 2017, 05:13 PM
I could not get my flashscan V2 to work with bbx with firmware V2.07.113 (Feb 19, 2017) so I installed the Beta version to test if I could get it working. I was getting error $0482. All worked well with the Beta version for logging. Now I would like to flash a tune and don't feel comfortable using the Beta version and would like to restore my firmware back to V2.07.113 from V2.07.115. I see that that is not an easy task. I tried explorer in poll mode but I would not let me flash an older version. Please help.

You can't go back to an older firmware version.
Each time you update the firmware subtle changes are made to the internal data structures stored in FlashScan. Going back to an older firmware version will cause those data structures to be misunderstood by the earlier firmware version and possibly cause them to become corrupted - which would cause FlashScan to operate erratically.

If you use the pass-thru flashing capability should be able to use an older (public release) version of the EFILive V8 software along with the newer (beta) firmware. In that case, the V8 software is doing the reflashing not the firmware, so the "beta-ness" of the firmware will not affect the outcome of the reflash.


June 5th, 2017, 10:52 PM
Ok thanks, that sounds like a plan. So if I don't except anymore firmware updates for the flash scan eventually the public release firmware will "catch up" to the beta software?

I will use pass-though and the public release thanks for the tip.