View Full Version : MAP files help

June 14th, 2006, 08:45 AM
Is there any where to get pre built maps? For some reason im having a hard time building maps and having them work right.

June 14th, 2006, 09:05 AM
There was a video tutorial floating about from blackss which showed how to make a map.
You have to make sure you have selected the correct pids that you want to use in the map. You can copy labels from a table and paste them in or make them manually. What errors are you getting?
I can post a few maps like for autotune etc, but they are so useful its better you figure it out yourself. Just let us know where you think you are going wrong or what the error is etc and hopefully we will get you there.

June 14th, 2006, 12:17 PM
Well, i seem to get 3.2 degrees of KR. It happens when im at a light and kind of launch it. Not like a race tracl launch, but more of a take off from the light real quick launch. I dont see any when im at WOT, but i havnt been there much yet (little scared after cam install LOL ) What kind of map can i put together to get this monitored and fixed? Also i have some light surging at around 1400 rpms or so. I have read i might need more spark, maybe less fuel? What would be a good map to build to check this out. O yeah and im reall new at this so dummy it up as good as you can for me :bash: :bash: THX for the help.


June 14th, 2006, 12:33 PM
Open spark map in Tuner.
Highlight the entire table in Tuner.
Hit Shift+Ctrl+C (copy with labels).
Create new map in Flashscan (Ctrl+Enter).
On the column tab, hit 'paste labels' and select the PID listed in the tuner. In this case, you want GM.DYNCYLAIR_DMA.
On the row tab, hit 'paste labels' and select the appropriate PID listed in the tuner. In this case, you want SAE.RPM.
On the data tab, select the PID you wish to log. In this case, GM.KR (aka Retard due to Knock).