View Full Version : T43 Checksum Error (File IS good...works in other truck)

August 7th, 2017, 01:51 PM
Ok guys, having a weird issue, but I think its related to the actual TCM, not a file. The customer dropped this truck off (2014 Chevy 5.3 E92/T43. He said he just got the trans completely rebuilt by someone and obviously they replaced the TCM, which I don't know why. Unless there was something going on with the original one. On the bottom of the trans he has written in black marker "MUST BE PROGRAMMED". First he took the truck to the local dealer. The dealer said they could not flash it due to the fact they couldn't communicate with the TCM.

When I received the truck and connected to it I couldn't see the T43 icon/picture pop up (V8) but could read the file in it, which is corrupt, so obviously not a "new/reman" TCM or someone has been screwing with it) and I was also able to license the TCM. The file that come out of it was corrupt with bad checksums. Corrupt file OS is 24270599. I went to TIS2 and verified what it originally come with, which was correct...24270599. I had a good read from a 2015 Chevy truck with the same OS. I flashed that file in and at the end I get the $06FF Checksum Failure error. Being a good file will not flash into here is it possible that the TCM is damaged? Or can the file be "fixed" somehow? I have attached both files. The one I read out and the known good one I tried to flash back in.

August 7th, 2017, 04:36 PM
I think the TCM is a new one that has never been programmed.
If you look at the Last Programmed by GM date it is Jan 0, 0 which means it's never been done.
I didn't think the T43 needed to be programmed by TIS first before it becomes functional but maybe it does, do you have access to TIS?


August 7th, 2017, 07:38 PM
What about full flash? Would that would if it has never been programmed?

August 8th, 2017, 04:45 AM
I think the TCM is a new one that has never been programmed.
If you look at the Last Programmed by GM date it is Jan 0, 0 which means it's never been done.
I didn't think the T43 needed to be programmed by TIS first before it becomes functional but maybe it does, do you have access to TIS?


Well that's what I thought at first. The customer stated he took it to the dealer (before it come to me) and they stated they could not communicate with the TCM. But obviously that's not the case since I can read the file that's in it. Correct? Could this just be a case of someone at the dealer not knowing this was a "new" tcm? Or didn't have much experience? If you're right about that, taking it back to the dealer and me talking to them may be an option. Has anyone on here successfully full flashed a "new" T43 controller?

And yes, all I have tried is a full flash. If a full flash doesn't work then I doubt just a cal flash will also. But will try just to cover all bases.

Btw, I do not have access to TIS.

August 8th, 2017, 11:52 PM
I think the TCM is a new one that has never been programmed.
If you look at the Last Programmed by GM date it is Jan 0, 0 which means it's never been done.
I didn't think the T43 needed to be programmed by TIS first before it becomes functional but maybe it does, do you have access to TIS?


Have exactly the same problem with a brand new 6L90.
The date is Jan 0,0. Read the file and it appears to have all the tables, so it looks like it needs to be first programmed via TIS for it to become "active"
Read the file out, changed the VIN from all zero's, to a valid VIN and did a full flash. Date still appears as Jan 0,0. DTC in the ECM states "control module not programmed"
Car is not mobile, so we are going to take our TECH 2 to the dealer and have them load the same OS with a valid VIN and see if that will work

August 18th, 2017, 06:16 AM
Could not get to the dealer, but was able to get a calibration with the same OS. Full flashed and the D0605 was cleared and the transmission works.
Was not able to change the VIN with Efilive. Date still shows as 0,0

August 19th, 2017, 10:27 PM
Izaks, get yourself a tactrix 2.0 cable. then you can sign up to acdelco tis2web for 2 day access for factory flashing.

That's what i use. allows you to program & update the same as holden dealers etc.

August 20th, 2017, 02:11 AM
Thanks for the info

August 20th, 2017, 09:00 AM
Just a word of warning though, sometimes they have stupid restrictions on HSV vehicles and ACDelco TIS2web will not flash them even though all the numbers line up.