View Full Version : Changing IFR table to begin autove, 98 ls1 Camaro. First time tuner

August 8th, 2017, 11:37 PM
From what I've been able to deduce, previous tuners have tuned my car by adjusting the ifr table. Seems sloppy, but understandable given it's all been done via email without wideband information. I'm gathering this due to the fact that I've got fast/Bosch 36 lb/hr injectors and all ifr data I can find is in the 5 g/s range (it slopes due to the unreferenced regulator).

However my tune has it in the fours, about a full point off. Due to the fact I'll be OL for auto ve tuning, I'm concerned about how lean the engine will run once I correct the ifr table. Is this not a valid concern? I feel like I'll want to somehow adjust the ve table at the time I change ifr data to at least somewhat compensate for the lean condition I'll create.

Currently with my injector flow rate in the low fours, I'm running -3.1 and -3.9 ltft so apparently for the ifr table being wrong it's fairly close in closed loop

Given that I know my tune is sloppy, and I highly suspect it is running lean as is under wot, is autove the correct place to start? Am I to assume that I should adjust the power enrichment table before I begin to run in OL to ensure I don't run too rich?


August 9th, 2017, 04:44 AM
By whatever factor you adjust the IFR table, apply the same factor to the Main VE table (and to the Backup VE table).

If you suspect it runs lean at WOT do this:
- increase MainVE table (and Backup VE table) in the area used by WOT;
- check that the PE table is sufficiently rich, and add a little more fuel to it;
- check that PE mode is able to enable.

Remember that when you fail the MAF (because you want to correct the VE tables), your PCM runs from the Backup VE table... so you make all your corrections to the Backup VE table, and then you copy these to the Main VE table (interpolate for the in-between rows/cols).

August 9th, 2017, 08:08 AM
Great thank you Joe! I'll give that a try