View Full Version : Calc.vet how do I populate selben/ve maps? Can't find in log file. Joecar?

August 29th, 2017, 05:22 AM
Okay, so I've gotten everything set up, pids validated, map filter parameters preset, etc.etc. and am ready to start logging. Working with a 98 and v1. Have followed tutorial to the T with wideband / b4901 dynair lookup replacement pid etc.

I took a preliminary log last night to dry run through the maps and filters and though I have figured out how to create a map, or even copy my ve table from the tune as per the efilive map tutorial, I am left unsure as to what I need to do with a log file to create the selben and ve maps. Should it be an auto populated map that I choose from a drop down menu or do I need to manually create a map defining the rows/columns? I ask because the tutorial doesn't make a mention of creating a map, just says to paste the ve map/paste multiply selben/maf map. Makes me kinda think I am missing something here. Thanks for any help!

August 29th, 2017, 06:13 AM
In the scantool, goto the Maps tab and view the map you created, the current log should populate it...

post some screenshots so I can see what you did.

The Calc.VET thread tells you to goto tunetool and copy with labels, then goto sacntool map properties, and on Row and Col tabs to click Paste Special.

August 29th, 2017, 06:58 AM

Yup... That would be the problem. I've been over the tutorial and the advanced notes dozens of times but I must be missing that part. I thought the copy/paste was only mentioned in reference to the pasting of the populated map to the existing tune. D'oh! I thought it felt like I was missing something stupid

August 29th, 2017, 07:40 AM
no worries, it's easy to miss stuff like that (especially when I speed read).

August 29th, 2017, 02:13 PM
well, I looked through everything again... I must be missing something... can I get a link with directions on where to find the instruction for preparing the map? ive followed what I can gather and this is what I came up with:

I would like to add I'm using the innovate mtx-l plus analog out with flashscan v1.... thus far the only pid that seems correct is LC-1, is this the right option? I do not see an option that is clear cut for this wideband

I will try to find a way (probably the wrong one!) to try to make it be as I think it should

August 29th, 2017, 02:42 PM
okay, so what ive done is this.... taken a log, gone to maps tab, clicked "open a new map definition for display", found CALC.VET g_K_kPa.map, selected that, gone to "edit map properties" and I receive this :

forging on, I click "OK" on "list index out of bounds", set columns tab as such :

and set rows tab as such:

and am left with this for numbers after everything replotted , for cell count and average value views. note this is a cruise map on the interstate driving home

This is the current calc.vet filter settings I have and the resulting data. Since I have a 170 degree tstat, the filter temperature has been lowered to 160 degrees to ensure data isn't filtered out

I cannot for the life of me find any reference as to how to set up the selben map. I do not find a preset map data under maps like I did for calcVET map.

Apologies for the flood of crap here... I figured this might be the most concise way to determine if I'm headed the right direction

disregard the "attatched thumbnails"..... paint / me had a problem

August 29th, 2017, 07:09 PM
well, I looked through everything again... I must be missing something... can I get a link with directions on where to find the instruction for preparing the map? ive followed what I can gather and this is what I came up with:

I would like to add I'm using the innovate mtx-l plus analog out with flashscan v1.... thus far the only pid that seems correct is LC-1, is this the right option? I do not see an option that is clear cut for this wideband

I will try to find a way (probably the wrong one!) to try to make it be as I think it shouldThat looks right for a VE map.

Yes, for the LC-1 you can use CALC.BEN_LC11.

August 29th, 2017, 07:12 PM
okay, so what ive done is this.... taken a log, gone to maps tab, clicked "open a new map definition for display", found CALC.VET g_K_kPa.map, selected that, gone to "edit map properties" and I receive this :
Hmmm, "list index out of bounds"... which V7 build version are you using (Help->About)...?

forging on, I click "OK" on "list index out of bounds", set columns tab as such :

and set rows tab as such:
that looks right.

and am left with this for numbers after everything replotted , for cell count and average value views. note this is a cruise map on the interstate driving home
On the Data tab, set the Precision to 3 or 4.

This is the current calc.vet filter settings I have and the resulting data. Since I have a 170 degree tstat, the filter temperature has been lowered to 160 degrees to ensure data isn't filtered out
Change the filter as shown here:

I cannot for the life of me find any reference as to how to set up the selben map. I do not find a preset map data under maps like I did for calcVET map.
in tunetool goto B5001 MAF table, in upper left blank tile do rightclick->Copy-with-Labels;
in scantool goto map properties, on each of Row and Col tabs click Paste Labels;
on Col tab, for the pid, use any pid already logged (e.g. MAFFREQ or RPM);
also, on Cell tab, constrain the cells' width.

Apologies for the flood of crap here... I figured this might be the most concise way to determine if I'm headed the right direction No worries.

August 29th, 2017, 08:05 PM
I edited the Calc.VET thread to show how to make maps, see item 3 inserted (previous item 3 is pushed down):
Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log) (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?15236-Calc-VET-correcting-MAF-and-calculating-VE-(in-single-log))

August 30th, 2017, 06:27 AM
Thanks for all your help Joecar! I think I might actually get this to work...

my version is 7.5.10

August 31st, 2017, 06:13 AM
Thanks for all your help Joecar! I think I might actually get this to work...

my version is 7.5.10Let me know if there's anything I should fix up in the Calc.VET thread.

After the 7.5.10 it says the Build #...? what is the Build #...?

August 31st, 2017, 08:21 AM
Oh... i see... Build number is 323

I think everything looks good on the tutorial.... I was able to follow along and made my first adjustments to the tune yesterday. short of me not seeing the map info further down I didn't have any problems and that's with the v1 and a 98 PCM so I think I had to follow the most amount of steps.

my first adjustment seems to be okay, pretty spotty but I'm judiciously using the smooth and smooth without decreasing tool for now until the map gets closer to where it needs to be. my selben for the MAF ranged from 1.02xx to .88xx so I haven't done much there yet, hopefully ill see a clearcut trend in a few logs once the ve table is closer. I am also just now thinking I may be running a descreened maf, so once I get back from work ill have to check that.

initial tune before changing dfco, cat protection, o2 switching etc, was 21448

logs were 214492145021451

tune modified after data plugged in was 21452

September 1st, 2017, 01:13 AM
Well the brand new innovate wideband is giving me e8 error codes if I step into it too hard. The readout jumps all over the place and "hangs" on a number then will usually begin reading again after I get off the throttle. Sometimes I get the e8 code, which will go away if I reset power to it and will seem fine again until I give the car throttle. When it was working, I was showing 12.5 afr up to around 4k rpm, then it will fatten up gradually to as low as 9:1.

I am thinking the super rich condition is creating a burn in the exhaust and I'm essentially cooking the sensor. Is there a way to give a rough correction to the tune to sidestep this until calc.vet can hopefully correct it?

September 1st, 2017, 07:24 AM
Try to locate in your log where it is super rich, and remove some air from that spot in the MAF and/or VE tables.