View Full Version : PLX SM AFR Serial

October 3rd, 2017, 11:17 AM
Hi All

I have been using the PLX M300 with the mods as in the forum and it worked great for over two years. My device finally failed and i cant purchase the same anymore so i had to go with the newer SM AFR without a screen attached to it.

I got a TTL RS232 adapter which I had for the previous PLX and did the same mods +3.3, GND and TX to the adapter VCC, GND and TX.

Selected wideband com port and PLX and now the readings are 280-290 AFR. I checked with PLX and they say nothing is changed. Can someone help me with what can be wrong ?


I have attached the ground pin from the main power adapter. I have checked the TTL adapter and the power supply is 3.3 Volts. But the readings are way too high. I was happy using the old unit and really got used to it. I can't go back to an analog configuration now since i really liked the clean serial data.

October 3rd, 2017, 03:03 PM
What does V2 show in Lambda and EQR...?

October 3rd, 2017, 08:45 PM
It shows 19 - 20 Lamda. I didnt check EQR

October 3rd, 2017, 08:53 PM
What does V2 show in Lambda and EQR...?

Could it be that its actually reading another fuel type like CNG ? I don't have a gauge. Is there any other way to check what it reads ? Also Joecar is there anyway to read it on to a PC with a terminal to view the serial output ?


October 4th, 2017, 05:36 AM
Looks like everything is off by a factor of 20...

October 4th, 2017, 05:37 AM
Yes, try connecting to HyperTerm or PuTTY on a Windows PC...

October 4th, 2017, 08:47 PM
Do you know the settings to connect to them ? Like Baud rate, Data bits, Stop Bits etc ?

Also after connecting how will it start logging ? Any commands to be send ?

October 5th, 2017, 04:42 AM
I think it's 9600/8N1

I'm not sure if the PLX continually emits serial comm, or if it responds to commands...

let's see if I can find out...

October 5th, 2017, 06:10 AM
I think it's 9600/8N1

I'm not sure if the PLX continually emits serial comm, or if it responds to commands...

let's see if I can find out...

This is what they send me.

October 5th, 2017, 08:07 AM
It shows 19 - 20 Lamda. I didnt check EQR

Are you using the latest software available here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?27992-Sep-2017-Release-Candidate-3
If not I highly recommend updating to it - it has a number of updates to the serial wide band data comms.

Can you connect up the PLX to FlashScan, and select the FlashScan menu option: F1 Scan Tool -> F2 Data Logging -> F3 Display WO2.

Use the Backspace key to cycle through the supported wide band controller types until you have selected PLX.
Use the Enter key to cycle the display data until you can see Lambda and AFR, like this:

Allow FlashScan to "see" the serial data for 5-10 seconds (the left orange LED should flash periodically to indicate that serial data is being sent/recv).
Then (without powering down FlashScan) select the option: F1 Scan Tool -> F3 Scan Options -> F4 Save COM Data
Then using EFILive Explorer, copy the saved file from FlashScan to your PC and send it to me at paul@efilive.com (or attach it to this thread).


October 5th, 2017, 11:02 AM
Are you using the latest software available here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?27992-Sep-2017-Release-Candidate-3
If not I highly recommend updating to it - it has a number of updates to the serial wide band data comms.

Can you connect up the PLX to FlashScan, and select the FlashScan menu option: F1 Scan Tool -> F2 Data Logging -> F3 Display WO2.

Use the Backspace key to cycle through the supported wide band controller types until you have selected PLX.
Use the Enter key to cycle the display data until you can see Lambda and AFR, like this:

Allow FlashScan to "see" the serial data for 5-10 seconds (the left orange LED should flash periodically to indicate that serial data is being sent/recv).
Then (without powering down FlashScan) select the option: F1 Scan Tool -> F3 Scan Options -> F4 Save COM Data
Then using EFILive Explorer, copy the saved file from FlashScan to your PC and send it to me at paul@efilive.com (or attach it to this thread).


Hi Paul

I was going to send you the data. But when I checked with PLX they told me the only reason that might happen is if the internal setting would be CNG. With my PLX a DM6 gauge was missing and i just ordered it yesterday. Let me get the gauge first and make sure its on Gasoline and then i will log again and send you the data. I thought the TTL adapter was faulty so i removed off the connections. When i get the gauge i will solder them back and send you the data.

Also I'm trying to modulate the same signal internally from a NTK AFRM. What would you need to add it to show on EFI Live Serial data ?

October 5th, 2017, 11:04 AM
Hi Paul

Also I'm trying to modulate the same signal internally from a NTK AFRM. What would you need to add it to show on EFI Live Serial data ?

The same type of serial info that you posted for the PLX.


October 15th, 2017, 11:38 AM
Ok I got the gauge and it is set to AFR. I had an older version of EFI Live and i updated to the one that Paul suggested. Also i noticed there is a STOICH option for PLX so i set that to 14.7 as the PLX manual.

I constantly get weird lambda readings and they don't change with the AFR on the PLX. I checked all connections and then checked all options and did it again.


For some reason the stoich was set as 0.2 when i updated and that is the COM log USR_0002.bin
I set it to 14.7 and saved the data as USR_0003.bin

After i restarted the device and logged again I get AFR correct at times and it jumps to weird values later. What i have found is on the gauge is that it now displays BATTERY VOLTAGE, SENSOR HEALTH and SENSOR RESPONSE TIME.

Could it be that it is getting other readings on the TX Port ?

Paul I am emailing the BIN files to your email and hope its sorted out soon.

October 16th, 2017, 03:49 AM
Are you sure your TTL adapter is working properly?

October 16th, 2017, 04:22 AM
Are you sure your TTL adapter is working properly?

To make sure, I am going to use a brand new one today. Even the one I used was new.

Anyway hope that's the issue. I guess there is something different on this GEN IV. The old PLX worked perfect and I was using the same adapter.

October 16th, 2017, 05:37 AM
I tried a new one and it still reads 2.55 lambda and 30 + AFR.

Here is the info from PLX


The extended information has the addresses and data for each of these values. I don't think it's similar as the old PLX so Paul please take a look for me. It would also help other plx users to obtain the serial data.

October 17th, 2017, 09:40 AM
I tried a new one and it still reads 2.55 lambda and 30 + AFR.

Here is the info from PLX

The extended information has the addresses and data for each of these values. I don't think it's similar as the old PLX so Paul please take a look for me. It would also help other plx users to obtain the serial data.

The trace data you sent to me shows 4 serial devices are connected.
Device: 00 = wide band
Device: 18 = volt meter
Device: 25 = unknown
Device: 26 = unknown

FlashScan is only designed/configured to connect to 1 or 2 wide band controllers - the data from the other devices is being interpreted (incorrectly) as wide band data.

I will update the FlashScan firmware to ignore those other devices, but for now you should only have 1 or 2 wide band controllers connected.


October 17th, 2017, 10:46 AM
The trace data you sent to me shows 4 serial devices are connected.
Device: 00 = wide band
Device: 18 = volt meter
Device: 25 = unknown
Device: 26 = unknown

FlashScan is only designed/configured to connect to 1 or 2 wide band controllers - the data from the other devices is being interpreted (incorrectly) as wide band data.

I will update the FlashScan firmware to ignore those other devices, but for now you should only have 1 or 2 wide band controllers connected.


Ok so it is different from the old PLX models. I think the other two that it reads is Sensor Health and Sensor Reaction time since other than the wideband and nothing else connected, that is what the gauge reads.

So i guess i will have to wait for the firmware update to make sure its all working ok.

Btw, will we have to select a new WIDEBAND from the list of gauges or will it work on the old PLX ?

Finally, how long will it be approx for the firmware update ?


October 17th, 2017, 10:47 AM
The trace data you sent to me shows 4 serial devices are connected.
Device: 00 = wide band
Device: 18 = volt meter
Device: 25 = unknown
Device: 26 = unknown

FlashScan is only designed/configured to connect to 1 or 2 wide band controllers - the data from the other devices is being interpreted (incorrectly) as wide band data.

I will update the FlashScan firmware to ignore those other devices, but for now you should only have 1 or 2 wide band controllers connected.


And currently only one wideband is connected and nothing more.


October 17th, 2017, 10:54 AM
And currently only one wideband is connected and nothing more.


Ahh, I see. So a single wideband controller sends sensor data as if from 4 different sensors. Nothing has "changed" in the PLX implementation, it is EFILive's implementation of the PLX serial protocol that is a bit naive. It assumes (incorrectly) that only a single sensor data packet will be transmitted from a single wide band controller.

Depending on the complexity of the fix, it may make it into the next public release due out in a day or two.
If not, then it will be in the next update. The schedule for that update is not yet decided.


October 17th, 2017, 11:04 AM
Ahh, I see. So a single wideband controller sends sensor data as if from 4 different sensors. Nothing has "changed" in the PLX implementation, it is EFILive's implementation of the PLX serial protocol that is a bit naive. It assumes (incorrectly) that only a single sensor data packet will be transmitted from a single wide band controller.

Depending on the complexity of the fix, it may make it into the next public release due out in a day or two.
If not, then it will be in the next update. The schedule for that update is not yet decided.


Yes you are exactly right. When you scroll through the gauge with only one wideband connected, it will still show the battery voltage and sensor info. You can connect additional sensors and then all the data will be through the same TX pins. Attached is the address location and sensor type.


And here is an example they provided if two wideband and an EGT is used.

Example: 2 SM-AFR and 1 SM-EGT
Address for First SM-AFR = 0
Data from First SM-AFR = 4
Address for Second SM-AFR = 0
Data from Second SM-AFR = 5
Address for SM-EGT = 1
Data from SM-EGT = 15
0x00 First SM-AFR Address MSB
0x00 First SM-AFR Address LSB
0x00 First SM-AFR Instance
0x00 First SM-AFR Data MSB
0x04 First SM-AFR Data LSB
0x00 Second SM-AFR Address MSB
0x00 Second SM-AFR Address LSB
0x01 Second SM-AFR Instance *Instance is automatically incremented by 1 if there is the same sensor module address on the chain.
0x00 Second SM-AFR Data MSB
0x05 Second SM-AFR Data LSB
0x00 SM-EGT Address MSB
0x01 SM-EGT Address LSB
0x00 SM-EGT Instance
0x00 SM-EGT Data LSB
0x0F SM-EGT Data MSB
(Repeats 100mS from time of start bit)

I hope this is updated in a day or two as i was nearly gonna order a new wideband kit.

Thanks again for all your help.

October 17th, 2017, 11:19 AM
Attached is the address location and sensor type.

Thanks for the address table update, I was looking at an older/incomplete table that only went up to 20 (in the serial protocol PDF document).


October 17th, 2017, 01:44 PM
Thanks for the address table update, I was looking at an older/incomplete table that only went up to 20 (in the serial protocol PDF document).


No Problem as long as the update is coming soon :cheers:

October 17th, 2017, 02:35 PM
No Problem as long as the update is coming soon :cheers:

It is fixed now and working correctly on our test jig - after adding two additional (non-wideband) sensor values to our wide band O2 serial data simulator.
It will be available in the public release due out very, very soon.


October 17th, 2017, 03:31 PM
It is fixed now and working correctly on our test jig - after adding two additional (non-wideband) sensor values to our wide band O2 serial data simulator.
It will be available in the public release due out very, very soon.


Wow Paul that was quick. I hope the update comes soon so I can finish what I have left pending.

Also Paul, I know its the wrong thread but I don't find B5220 in the 2017 GM Trucks which helps me in setting a hard rev-limiter. It was available in 2016. Can you have it added? Also is there a no read protection coming for the 17 ? It would be really be helpful to protect the tunes.


October 18th, 2017, 08:51 AM
B5220 has not been located in the later OS's (2016+), the parameter is just an 8bit 0 or 1 , needle in a haystack stuff.
The read protection on the ECM's that require an Auth-Code is a problem, we have not been able to come up with a workable solution to that yet.

October 18th, 2017, 08:58 AM
B5220 has not been located in the later OS's (2016+), the parameter is just an 8bit 0 or 1 , needle in a haystack stuff.
The read protection on the ECM's that require an Auth-Code is a problem, we have not been able to come up with a workable solution to that yet.

Thanks GMPX cause i have another tuner with HPT and he emailed them and they said it does not exist. It was weird cause i don't think the factory would remove the option and make it to not exist.

Thanks again for looking for me. Hope you find it by accident :santa2:

October 18th, 2017, 09:55 AM
Well, that'll be why we couldn't find that parameter in the later OS's then :rotflmao:

October 18th, 2017, 10:02 AM
Well, that'll be why we couldn't find that parameter in the later OS's then :rotflmao:

LOL ... Gr8.

And now I have to find something else to get the hard banging :wallbash: rev limiters ...

Most of them come up to the shop and say Speed limit and RPM Limiter. Now they have to wait a while ...

October 19th, 2017, 02:48 PM
Just posted an update which has the PLX fix here: https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?28041-Oct-2017-Release-Candidate-4-(AKA-Public-Release)

October 20th, 2017, 01:12 PM
Finally ....

Paul, thanks a million for the update and everything works perfect. Attached is the video using the same PLX wideband PID.


Since all the pictures of other users who used Photobucket is all missing I thought I will post a few pictures for anyone who needs them.

I am using the PLX SM AFR GEN IV which is actually different from the older versions and now the TX sends out Wideband, Voltage, Sensor Health and Sensor Reaction. The firmware update to resolve this issue is the link below:

You need a 3.3V TTL to RS232 Converter which makes everything very easy and less messy. On ebay for about USD 1 - 2.
https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=3.3v+male+rs232+ttl&_sop=15&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.XRS232+To+ TTL+Converter+Module+male.TRS0&_nkw=RS232+To+TTL+Converter+Module+male&_sacat=0

Connect the 3.3 V, GND and TX as shown below. I have used the main ground on the bottom side of the board for testing but this works fine too.

Connect the three wires to the converter module 3.3V, GND and TX Pin as labeled on the board.

And finally since the new version of PLX has lots of space inside, I guess it's a good idea to mount it on the back side of the board so you don't have wires hanging from inside the module.
Sorry guys for the side view since my porting skills didn't work out on the small metal frame that I really messed it up ... :doh2:

Thanks again to Paul and EFI live for the update.

December 14th, 2017, 01:03 AM
Wow! I've been using the PLX equipment and had no idea it was so versatile, cool setup!

March 16th, 2021, 04:22 AM
Hello to all,
there is a "burn" Q1 tranzistor on SM-AFR Version 4.2 PCB.
unfortunately i can not read the type of tranzistor which i have to replace.
Does anyone knows the type of tranzistor i need? or if there is any photo of PCB, so to know what tranzistor i need?
Thank you in advance.