View Full Version : Ben has a line AUTO VE Serial Wideband

October 30th, 2017, 07:11 AM
Hey everyone, I started doing the AutoVe got a good log but when i went to average the cells I get 0, Cell count shows.
Im running a MTX-L Wideband serial connection in Lambda. Here are some pics 216502165121652

October 30th, 2017, 09:14 AM
Did you select the pid CALC.BEN1...?

If you're doing AutoVE on a GenIII (LS1A/LS1B) using an Innovate wideband, you should be using the pid CALC.BEN (not BEN1)... in this case edit the map properties and on the Data tab select CALC.BEN.

edit: ignore what I said ^ here, it is wrong, sorry my mistake.

October 30th, 2017, 02:30 PM
21653 Yes I am using an LS1A/LS1B I don't show anything showing the Calc.BEN
Those are the only drop downs I get

Hi JoeCar :wave::wave::wave::wave:

October 31st, 2017, 04:42 AM
Hi Kr1s :wave:

Ah, sorry, my mistake :doh: ... you do want CALC.BEN1...

on the PIDs tab make sure these pids are selected: CALC.BEN1, GM.AFR, EXT.WO2AFR1.

Post screenshots of the PIDs tab and the map.

October 31st, 2017, 11:14 AM
Yeah I didn't have the GM.AFR and the EXT.WO2 Selected :(
Does this mean I need another log? Lol Here are the screen shots 21655216562165721658

October 31st, 2017, 11:57 AM
Unfortunately that means you did not log GM.AFR and EXT.WO2AFR1...

BUT: you have the pids EXT.WO2LAM1 and GM.EQIVRATIO already selected (PIDs tab) and already logged (Data tab)...
i.e. you already have all the data you need to correct your VE table...
so simply do this:
- select CALC.WO2BEN,
- now use CALC.WO2BEN instead of CALC.BEN1.

( do you see/understand why you can do this...? )

( take note that CALC.WO2BEN is defined as GM.EQIVRATIO x EXT.WO2LAM1, and that both of these pids are independent of stoich AFR )

October 31st, 2017, 06:00 PM
Yes I got it to work, I understand what you're saying now!
I don't wanna feel like Im bothering you with questions but I wanted to ask, Do I go WOT With AutoVE? Would it be better to do a CalVet? Aaaaand I'm reading the summery notes and they're helping alot I'm gonna keep messing with it Appreciate

November 1st, 2017, 05:29 AM
No worries.

do this first:
- set B3618 (PE vs RPM Fueling) to EQR 1.18 for NA (EQR 1.27 for boost) in all cells.
- set B3616 (PE TP vs RPM Enable) to TP 65% below 3600 rpm, and TP 35% above 3600 rpm.
- set B3613 (PE MAP Threshold) to 55 kPa or lower.
( you want fueling to be sufficiently rich at WOT to prevent damage )

edit: fixed typo

November 1st, 2017, 06:26 AM
Let me give it a shot, On PE MAP Threshold you mean B3613? :tongue:

What I've always seen is that whenever I go WOT it only fuels what I command sometimes, Most of the time It goes scary lean

November 1st, 2017, 09:27 AM
Let me give it a shot, On PE MAP Threshold you mean B3613? :tongue:

What I've always seen is that whenever I go WOT it only fuels what I command sometimes, Most of the time It goes scary leanAh, yes, typo, I meant B3613...

if it's below 55 kPa leave it; otherwise set it to some low value.

If wideband goes lean, then increase VE in that area (if you're running from VE)...

also make sure you are running from VE by verifying that a MAF DTC immediately shows up on engine start.