View Full Version : problem with 08 6.7 cummins

December 30th, 2017, 01:30 PM
hey needing a little help here. Not saying I'm a professional tuner by any means but I have tuned a bunch of friends trucks and never ran into anything like this. This is on my dads truck its a 2008 6.7 6 speed. Have a problem with it "jumping" at cruising speeds so went to log the truck and the log is showing 10 degrees of timing in most of the table. I'm talking in the top quarter of the table. Its commanding anywhere from 2 to 6 degrees but its logging at a solid 10. So I tried changing the coolant temp adjuster tables actually zeroed them out and tried again same thing. Put in a completely different tune from a whole different truck that I know worked well and logged well but got same thing 10 degrees timing. I have the tune and the log file if anyone would be willing to take a look and see if they have any advice on what could be causing this. Id really appreciate it need to get this truck figured out its his dd and worried about it if it actually running 10 degrees which I doubt but still.