View Full Version : Can I use the DVT setting when setting up for tuning?

April 19th, 2018, 12:31 PM
I have a camaro 2011 ss E38 and have been tuning it using swingtans settings and with the random help of the best guy here mr Joecar (thx!). Anyways after months of learning and a few issues im still ironing out (damn o2 sensor tables), I have a good looking vve table and working on the maf. I have a couple of setup cal files that are made up to keep the car in OL, dfco disable, commandeds setup at stoich. Is it possible to just setup a cal file with dfco disabled, commanded all 1.0, and setup PE, then I can drive for a while with the trims taking care of my fueling while the rich after flash and what not clears up? Then just unhook the maf wire and use dvt to throw it in OL, clear the trims, shut em off and start logging? Im just using this as an example as there are lots of scenarios I can picture using the dvt, but is it fine to use it for long periods, does the car need the maf completely shut off or is just failing it by wire ok as well?

April 19th, 2018, 01:16 PM
Yes, you could do that.