View Full Version : More newbie help Please...............

June 26th, 2006, 04:09 PM
I've got a couple of questions if you guys don't mind.

I've been reading as much as I can to try and learn this software, but get conflicting info and don't know what to believe (that's why I'm asking here because you guys Know this software and how to use it).

If I haven't gotten a WB02 sensor/controller yet, so is it better to scan LTFT's or the STFT's to try to get the AFR in line? How do I set up a map for my STFT's? Once I get them mapped/logged, can I change them using the scanning software or does it have to be imported into excel, changed and them shipped back into the tuning software to change my AFR?

Last, but not least, are there any settings that I need to change if I take off my cats and run test tubes? I'd like to try and avoid the raw gas smell that quite a few LS1 guys report having.

I apologize for the hords of questions, but someone once said that the only stupid question is one that's not asked (I hope that I'm not proving them wrong :))

Thanks in Advance!:cheers:

June 26th, 2006, 11:32 PM
You will be chasing your tail constantly tuning AFR without a wideband. Fuel trims will not be of much benefit for AFR tuning. The STFT's are cyclic around 14.63:1 for proper catalytic converter operation. LTFT's are driven by STFT's being outside of their range or error. WOT ignores all trims and fuels directly from the enrichment tables. The scanning software is just that, a scanner. You will need to make your changes in the tuning software and flash them to the PCM.

To avoid the raw gas smell either leave the cats on or lean up fuel tables.

June 27th, 2006, 02:02 AM
Thanks for your help! :cheers:

I've read about COT (converter over temp) and wonder if that should be shut off, since the converters would be gone.

I guess what I was asking about concerning the LTFT's and STFT's is if I can get the LTFT's into the + or -5 or 10 range, can I then use one or the other to fine tune the VE table under 4k rpm?

Then I'd use a dyno or my own WB02 to tune WOT. I'm going to get a WB02 sensor anyway, but I just wanted to play with the trims (and try to learn to use this software) while I decided which WB to get.

Thanks again!

June 27th, 2006, 04:07 AM
Until you get a WBO2, you could do this:
1. get your LTFT's slightly negative by tweaking the VE table;
2. get your WOT NBO2 voltages to 930-950mV by tweaking the PE vs RPM table.

You could use an average of the LTFT's to compute a BEN to adjust your VE table (disable the MAF and follow some of the things in the Auto VE Tutorial but do not disable closed loop).

You need to create a PID for BEN = 1 + (LTFT1 + LTFT2) / 200 and a MAP x RPM map (mirroring the VE table) of this PID.

This will keep you busy until you get your WBO2.

June 27th, 2006, 05:08 AM
I agree. That will definitely keep you busy

June 27th, 2006, 05:53 AM
Thanks Alot! Keeping busy is a good thing because that'll help me to learn some of the many uses for this software. If I can get my tune in the ball park using the NB02's, then when I get my WB02 sensor, it should make it even easier to tweak my tune.

This might sound stupid, but I'd rather take the harder way to do something and learn the basics of the computer, than take the easy way and not completely understand what I did and why it worked (or didn't work).

This forum is a Great place to learn and has been Very Patient and Understanding about my Newbie questions, and I REALLY Appreciate the Help!:cheers:

Thanks again!