View Full Version : $0101 No Data Received & First Post

November 1st, 2018, 12:09 AM
Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for all the help from a newbie here.

I was trying to complete some pass through logging, and I keep receiving the Error $0101. I have successfully logged quite a bit of data this way before, so I'm not totally inept, then at some point when I went to log I started getting that error, and it has been persistent ever since.

- Logging with an AutoCal (Boot block:2.07.008, Firmware: 2.07.137)
- Scan & Tune Software Version: 8.2.20
- Vehicles - Several, all supported with proper ECM/TCM selected (known combinations that I successfully logged before)

I am still able to black box log (and extract the data to my PC), and I wrote a bbx config file to the flash scan, and tuned my car, all after experiencing the pass through logging $0101 issue. Car runs like a champ by the way, although that's not critical to this post, but it is a happy point for me right now. :)

I first experienced the problem when I was messing around with some pass through logging on my Saab 9-4X. ECM (E77) is supported, and I wasn't sure which TCM it has, so I was taking a couple shots in the dark. Had a failure to read data issue, and it hasn't worked since. I have a fresh install of the software on a new laptop, which has been restarted several times. I also loaded a fresh bbx, updated all the firmware, and boot block data. At this point I get nothing though, not even ECM data from known ECMs E77 for my 9-4X, E55 for my 9-3, etc.

I have used two different USB cables, but I can't imagine that's the issue anyway since I can write bbx files, and tunes to the controller. The AutoCal/OBD cable seems to be intact, since I can tune, log, etc.
I did use the USB test feature in the EFILive Control panel, and tested two different USB cables, both worked, and had high transfer rates. It also shows an active USB/AutoCal/Module (vehicle) connection, so it seems like all the proper links are complete.

WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Please help lol. Thank you!!

November 1st, 2018, 05:20 PM
Try a different USB port on your PC.

November 1st, 2018, 11:48 PM
I had the same issue on two different laptops, so I don’t think it’s the USB port. The failure on two different machines, certainly seems to point to the auto cal unit or USB cable more than anything else, but shouldn’t a bad USB connection get flagged by the USB test on the control panel?

That’s kind of why I was thinking maybe there was a setting I had messed up on the auto cal, or something that was causing the problem.

November 2nd, 2018, 09:17 AM
HAt this point I get nothing though, not even ECM data from known ECMs E77 for my 9-4X, E55 for my 9-3, etc.

If you have a TCM selected but (for some reason) the TCM is not sending back any data then you will get $0101, so...
Is it possible that you are logging a vehicle with just an ECM (i.e. no TCM) but your pass-thru setup has a TCM selected? In that case the TCM will not reply but the software will still be expecting to hear from the TCM.
Or do you have a TCM selected but no TCM PIDs selected? Again the TCM will not reply but the software will still be expecting to hear from the TCM (it shouldn't since no TCM PIDs are selected but sometimes it does).

If that is not the answer then after a failed log, open the EFILive control panel, save a trace file and send the trace file to me at paul@efilive.com or attach it to this thread.


November 5th, 2018, 12:05 AM
If you have a TCM selected but (for some reason) the TCM is not sending back any data then you will get $0101, so...
Is it possible that you are logging a vehicle with just an ECM (i.e. no TCM) but your pass-thru setup has a TCM selected? In that case the TCM will not reply but the software will still be expecting to hear from the TCM.
Or do you have a TCM selected but no TCM PIDs selected? Again the TCM will not reply but the software will still be expecting to hear from the TCM (it shouldn't since no TCM PIDs are selected but sometimes it does).

If that is not the answer then after a failed log, open the EFILive control panel, save a trace file and send the trace file to me at paul@efilive.com or attach it to this thread.


It saw your post from afar, and you scared it into working.... :)

Still not sure what the root cause of the problem was. I did have an issue once or twice while doing some logging on Friday/Saturday, so I may get a new USB cable, could have a partial short somewhere.

Thanks for the help, sorry to post asking for help when it appears there wasn't an actual problem.