View Full Version : No frames logged??

July 4th, 2006, 02:04 AM
Hm ... I did BB scanning before, finally got the car registered today and tried to log a bit - hooked it up, pressed the button - OBD/USB LEDs flashed, MEM LED went on ... trying to read the data from the cable, but all I get is 0 seconds and 6 frames ... !? PID list looks fine ... I thought I should have logged several minutes of data in three seperate sessions ... !?

What might I have done wrong?

July 4th, 2006, 04:56 AM
Maybe clear and reload the pid list into the device. (Revalidate) mine is a little wonky at times. I wanted to log loads more info, so bought a 12v inverter so I could power up my laptop in the car. Now I can drive forever and log everything.

July 7th, 2006, 01:21 PM
When you program the PIDs into the cable, make sure the maximum fames is set to 0 (for unlimited) otherwise it will only log as many frames as that value is set to.