View Full Version : Where are the running airflow tables?

June 12th, 2019, 09:00 AM
Hey I am trying to smooth out some surging while cruising and want to adjust the running airflow for the areas where the car is surging. The old guides for RAFIG tuning use a bunch of tables that don't exist anymore or the tables have been combined into something else. Only thing I figure that could be the running airflow at this point is the Minimum idle airflow table (B1829). I think it may be a different table since idle airflow to me would indicate the car is literally just idling and not moving.

June 16th, 2019, 09:32 PM
Post your tune file.

June 16th, 2019, 10:11 PM
Hey Joecar, hope everything has been going well for you.

Attached is the most recent tune I have been using, along with a short log. This is with MAF enabled. I have reduced a bit of the minimum idle airflow as the car was doing some weird things such as the idle hanging and there being excessive air between shifts.

June 26th, 2019, 02:34 PM
I'm doing fine, thanks, changed career 6 months ago :cheers:

I'm still looking at your tune.

June 26th, 2019, 03:17 PM
Nice nothing like a bit of change to keep things exciting :cheers:

I am using this tune currently, I removed the airflow I added into the shift in and out compensation table (B1851 & B1852). This fixed the issue I was having with the weird shifting and hanging idle. The only problems I am having currently are surging and bucking while cruising and the car didn't want to enter open loop fueling when accelerating. I adjusted some settings for PE mode and it seems to have helped but it still seems to switch over very late. I have the car booked for a dyno tune next week Wednesday and they prefer to use EFIlive. I may have bigger issues though with some pretty substantial metal shavings showing up following a rebuild, going to try 20w50 this time to see if oil pressure improves and drain oil in 100km and see if the shavings get worse. :Throwup:

June 26th, 2019, 03:30 PM
Metal shavings where...? Steel/iron, bronze, or aluminum...?

I would run 10W-40, this gets to top of engine (valvetrain) quicker.

20W50 might be too thick unless you're hot lapping (i.e. racecar).

Oil pressure issue is usually due to pump pressure relief leaking, or internal plug missing from block, or cam retainer plate leaking.