View Full Version : Total Newbie?

June 23rd, 2019, 02:58 PM
I would like to know the difficulty of tuning the L31 motor as modification are made?

My background is very computer literate. Have all A+ certifications along with Cisco certification. Work as a notebook and desktop customer support agent for 4 years and in IT for 6. So a majority of software I am familiar with. Also have spent most my life building fuel injected motors just never took an interest in the actual tuning until now!

Look forward to hearing your replies.

Thank You

June 23rd, 2019, 07:23 PM
Tuning an engine is easy... tuning it well is not so easy. Like with almost everything in life, there is a learning curve. If you're prepared to learn, then you'll get there.

June 24th, 2019, 04:05 AM
If you want to tune an L31, the 1st step I would reccomend is an 0411 swap(unless you're tuning an 01/02 van that already has one). The 96/97 pcm is only tuneable by 2 programs I believe, 1 is no longer available, and the other isn't very widely used anymore. Even the 98-00 black box pcm is only a 256kb pcm, and is pretty well maxxed out. Just swapping in an 0411 pcm using LEXTECH spreadsheet(pm him here and ask nicely for a copy) will make it snappier and improve the idle. And I can send you a base tune file if you need it(I can turn the prndl gear switch off so you don't have to mess with running those extra wires). I'm trying to finish up my marine intake swap and dual electric fans(05+ style) on mine with a camaro system segment swap to control the fans(still have to pull my dash and replace my evap from a previous shop's botched ac repair). In all honesty, I wouldn't invest much into an l31. An LM7 swap is cheap, will make way more power than an l31, and has tons of aftermarket support vs the l31.