View Full Version : GM 6VE1/6VD1 Isuzu engine tune PCM32U

August 14th, 2019, 09:56 PM
Dear friends!
I need help with tune GM 6VE1/6VD1 Isuzu (Trooper, Rodeo, Axiom) engine with ECM PCM32U

I need edit some parameters of engine and transmission control after swap automatic transmission from 4L30E to AW30-40.

I upgraded the electrical schematic and now transmission working perfectly.
But i need edit lock-up control parameters and gearshift chart for better working.
And some ignition and fuel chart need to be editing, because new transmission can more, than old.

Can i use MPVI2 and ECULive for this job?

You can find .bin files in attachment.

Can you help me?

What i need to bye for good job?

Best regards,

August 15th, 2019, 05:31 AM
MPVI2 is a HPTuners product, not EFILive, so you'd have to ask on that forum.

I tried reading an Isuzu Amigo (basically a shortened Trooper) and it isn't a supported PCM by EFILive. You'll need to find a tuning suite that supports this PCM, unfortunately I don't know of any and my friend with the Amigo sold it a few years back.

August 15th, 2019, 05:42 AM
It a very bad news for me.
I have no ideas how to edit ECM charts.
Many thanks

August 25th, 2019, 07:57 PM
I have no ideas how to edit ECM charts.
...It takes time/money to learn, so probably you want someone else to do it.

August 25th, 2019, 08:42 PM
Many thanks. Just now i want to find right way for disassembling EPROM.
Maybe need to use IDA and do disassembling step-by-step.

Or i need to use engine and shifting control from stock ECM and i need make optional controller for LockUp and for control additional throttles in intake manifold.

Wrong or right way... It depend of time/money.

I want to do it by myself, because i have a vehicle for investigation.
But correct kick-start for me is needed.
I have a real task. I need to solve it.
Why this not possible to charge for help?

August 26th, 2019, 07:47 AM
Why this not possible to charge for help?
Because the expense to the company to develop flash routines, determine mapping etc is very high for one $125 VIN license.

The files you posted also have an issue, it seems maybe you read them using an EPROM programmer? The bytes have been flipped when saving the files so these would not have worked in IDA Pro.
I have attached for you a fixed bin file.

Good Luck.

August 26th, 2019, 07:24 PM
Dear GMPX!
Many thanks for strong support.
I'll be start investigation of this file.

I understanding about expensive cost of this job.
And, if i have no good result, I can pay.
My job is swap AT transmission for this type of vehicles.
From GM 4L30E to custom, based on AW30-40.
Stock EPROM firmware based on limits of torque and power and max RPM due to stock AT transmission is not very strong and every time burned on off-road racing.
I swapped over 30 vehicles to custom transmission and i made some controls on external switches (for LockUp and additional throttles in intake manifold) and i have ideas how to it need work.
It 3 similar vehicles - Isuzu Axiom, Trooper and Rodeo based on LS Gen III ECM control modules with electrical throttles and slip-float type of LockUp.
Gearshift changed by on-off solenoid valves.
In my country correct VIN in ECM doesn't matter by law.
I need 2 typical custom tuned EPROM firmware for update in my repaired vehicles.
It Isuzu AXIOM 2001-2003 and Trooper 2000-2002.
I can read EPROM by programmer only.
I have no ideas how to read it by OBD socket.
If you know how to do it, please give me instruction.

If you can help me for money, it will be wonderful!
I spend lot of time and money for solve this task without result, and you first, who give me answer.

Sorry for my English.

Best regards,