View Full Version : Out of range calibration not making sense

July 8th, 2006, 07:02 AM
I've set up the basic tune after installing a custom OS. I'm getting an "Out of Range" listing for A0009. I looked at the table and one cell was at 500 (the max allowed value), so i decreased the last column of the table a little bit.
I saved the file, closed it, then reopened it and it is still showing :

Out of Range calibration summary :

EFILive Custom Calibrations
A0009 Boost VE table, contained one or more out of range values when loaded

If this means the "hard limit" or "soft limit" has been exceeded then what are the hard and soft limits?

July 8th, 2006, 08:08 AM
The limits are listed in the table at the upper right corner. For A0009, the lower limit is 0 and the upper is 10. This is if you are using the default units of kelvin. If you are using a percentage, then it will change. Just check to see what you have it at.

July 8th, 2006, 12:16 PM
Max for A0009 is 500.0(MAP in hg)

July 8th, 2006, 01:18 PM
send me the tune if you want and I'll take a look at it.