View Full Version : Yes another question - Burst Knock

March 11th, 2005, 04:34 PM
Burst knock will retard timing upon detection of sudden heavy load. If the PCM decides the engine is under this condition, then the values in this table will be subtracted from the final spark value.

Why would I want this? other then noticing that when I am going WOT its KILLING my timing?

From reading the description its when the pcm decides the engine in under heavy load. WELL NO ****, I am putting it under heavy load.

Just logging today adding in all the new spark pids, I see this little bugger spiking, FINALLY I know why I see the big SPIKE down in timing then jump back up.

Logging with spark pids


March 12th, 2005, 04:24 AM
ok, now for another question relating to this.

WHERE IS THIS on the 04 Cars?

What is the equivalent table?

March 12th, 2005, 04:02 PM
This protects against "tip in" Knock. Transient and recovers very quickly.

I see the initial Burst KR. I don't see the relation to Burst KR and the other down-spikes - at about 2800, 2900 and 2940?? The Burst KR degees seems to be a smaller proportion of the total KR - at the later values.

" :T_KRB_DMA Degrees" - is the Burst KR PID??

March 13th, 2005, 07:41 AM
If you look at the spark deg ( pink one on the 3rd chart ) it drops down at the same time the burst knock spiked up.

I zero'ed this off last night, and did some runs today.

Guess what, NO MORE radical drop, it goes from the crusing 30 degree ( or whatever ) and goes to what I set at for WOT.

ie, crusing at 30degrees would drop to like 10 or lower, then goto what I had it set for WOT ( cell 22 )

Crusing at 30, drops to 26 ( my cell 22 spark ) no radical drop first.

one last thing is the throttle cracker so it doesn't do the zero tps and drop out of WOT, or at least not as bad a ZERO tps.

March 13th, 2005, 08:40 AM
If you look at the spark deg ( pink one on the 3rd chart ) it drops down at the same time the burst knock

I see yellow for "Spark Degree", and a yellow plot-line, on the 3rd chart down? :shock:.......... :?:

March 13th, 2005, 10:45 AM
Sorry, yellow spark, and pink brust knock

March 14th, 2005, 12:57 AM
ok, now for another question relating to this.

WHERE IS THIS on the 04 Cars?

What is the equivalent table?

Will be in the updated cal files :oops: :oops:
A download section for cal file updates will be done this week hopefully.
