View Full Version : June 2020, Beta Release - Release 4

June 30th, 2020, 09:19 AM
**Edit** New software now available, please see the updated post in the Software Updates and Installation Help forum

We strongly recommend that you do not install the beta software over the top of your production systems. It is possible that the beta test software may fail and your production system may not be recoverable. lf you conduct a tuning business, please take the necessary precautions to protect your business. EFILive recommends beta testers use a separate FlashScan V3/V2 device (when installing the latest beta firmware) and only install the EFILive beta test software on a separate PC, laptop or virtual machine.

For users dealing with the V3 AutoCal products you must use this release and ensure that all devices have the firmware updated to the version in this release prior to being used on vehicles.

The current public release is available here (https://www.efilive.com/download-efilive).

Fix Summary:

Changes to V8 software

The "Clear DTCs" procedure at the end of the read/flash operation has been updated.
When an AutoCal configured to self-sign reads either an E54 (LB7) or an E60 (LLY) controller, the tune file is now self-signed with the correct serial numbers.
Save/Save As are now enabled by default in the [F6: Devices] tab page after reading the device settings from a FlashScan or AutoCal device.
Cummins HD pass-thru data logging would log corrupt data if invalid PIDs were selected.
Cummins HD pass-thru data logging would always fail to start with "no controllers detected" error.

Changes to V2 firmware (V2.07.163)

No changes since last update.

Changes to V3 firmware (V3.00.044)

Fixed "Clear DTC" option not working on VPW based controllers.
When CVN Data or CVN History is not successfully retrieved from the controller a more user-friendly message is now displayed - instead of error $0281 "No data retrieved".
Word wrapping for different font sizes is now handled correctly so that some letters at the start and/or end of lines are not truncated.

Full Release Notes:

Whats New (https://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_8_3_1(4).htm)

Version Numbers:
After installing this beta release you should have the following software and firmware versions installed:

[*=1]EFILive V7 software: V7.5.30 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).
[*=1]EFILive V8 software: V8.3.1 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).
[*=1]FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware: V3.00.044 (Jun 30, 2020).
[*=1] FlashScan/AutoCal V2 Firmware: V2.07.163 (Jun 24, 2020).

Download here:

Known Issues:

Issue #1:

When Black Box flashing a TCM with V3 it will incorrectly abort the flash with OS incompatibility error.


Use pass-through flashing instead until a firmware fix is available.

Issue #2:

V7.5 will complain about firmware compatibility with V2's running the latest beta firmware from June 24th.


None, fix pending.

Issue #3:

T87 Full Flash failures (various $0101, $0378), or Incompatible OS.


None, fix pending, ETA - 17th July or later.

The EFILive Team

June 30th, 2020, 12:00 PM
I was looking at the E60 in V8. Noticed some cool new params. lol

B9903 - Injector Assignment seems to be referencing the wrong address though. :(
I have the correct one if you need it. I can PM you.


Also There is a mispelling - AAT_F for cummins 2100 in the v8 Scan for the PID name. :D

June 30th, 2020, 12:46 PM
I'm not sure why B9903 is even in there, looks like it was something we must have been playing with years ago (and I mean, years ago!), would you really ever need that?
That would not be visible in V7 so I don't know V8 has it, they are essentially just .calz files converted over, mmm.

AAT_F = Amient, LOL, it's only been like that since day one.


June 30th, 2020, 02:01 PM
I'm not sure why B9903 is even in there, looks like it was something we must have been playing with years ago (and I mean, years ago!), would you really ever need that?
That would not be visible in V7 so I don't know V8 has it, they are essentially just .calz files converted over, mmm.

AAT_F = Amient, LOL, it's only been like that since day one.


It would be useful for the Alternate Firing order guys instead of having to repin the harness. I had seen it and was like "OOH! That was on my list of things to hunt down. SWEET!" It looked like it was a little off, but it didn't take but 10 seconds to find it.

HAHA! I had seen it scrolling through things today randomly. It happens. Ill probably find more.

June 30th, 2020, 06:04 PM
I think what has happened is because that was something that was never shown in V7 (I assume), it is clearly wrong but was never picked up. I also have no idea where it is pulling those numbers from :shock:
That little table is in the ECM OS area as you've seen so I would suggest any change there in V8 or it will brick the ECM.....

Your signature Josh, Tuned Aisin :thumb_yello:, well done.

July 6th, 2020, 06:03 AM
A few small bugs I've noticed.

-BBX, I created a few scanner presets and assigned them to F1-F4 hot keys. When on the FSV2 and presented with my list of available PID lists, it shows F1 F2 etc by each list, but the function keys don't work--I have to click up / down then OK. Not a big deal, this has been this way for awhile

-If the SD card in my FSv2 has ever been connected to a PC directly (removed from the FS)....from then on, I cannot open V8 Explorer. The program just sits there using a bunch of cpu usage and "not responding". I have to force close the program. As soon as I go into the FSv2 and format the SD card again, works fine. Sometimes I connect my FS via USB, sometimes I like to just pop out the SD card and I'm not able to easily go back and forth now, kind of a pain.


July 6th, 2020, 09:34 PM
done a couple of ls1 ecu's lately. when reading the tune out with 7.5 i get a overflow error once download is complete & im unable to save.

also get random OS unsupported errors, but the tunes still open up.

July 7th, 2020, 05:11 AM
done a couple of ls1 ecu's lately. when reading the tune out with 7.5 i get a overflow error once download is complete & im unable to save.

also get random OS unsupported errors, but the tunes still open up.

Yeah I've also had some issues with the 7.5 Tune tool. Same reading error. Trying to write I get "this software isnt compatible with your flashscan firmware version, please update software". Running latest firmware and 7.5 and 8 betas.

I too saw those OS unsupported errors. Usually when opening .tun files. Once I re-save as a .ctz it seems to work fine/no errors.

July 7th, 2020, 08:59 AM
Thanks for the feedback, I assume these are just regular GM LS1 OS's you've both been dealing with?

July 7th, 2020, 09:26 AM
Yes, LS1B-- P01 and P59 PCM in my case

July 7th, 2020, 09:59 AM
Is there any chance you could please Email one of the .tun files you had problems opening to support@efilive.com ? (or post it here if you don't mind it being public) I tried a few that I had here and they were ok.

July 7th, 2020, 10:06 AM
I just tried 5 different ones that I've been messing with.

12212156 - OK
12221588 - OK
12593358 - Error
12587603 - Error
12592425 - Error

In all cases, even with the error, it seems to work OK. If I save as a CTZ it opens without error.

Screenshot and tune files attached


July 7th, 2020, 10:09 AM
Thanks, annoyingly they all opened up without error here :frown:. I'll try on a different PC and see how it goes.

July 7th, 2020, 12:32 PM
the ones i was having issues with were all custom os 1290005

if i read the tune out with 7.5 i get error. can't save. read it out with v8. opens and edits fine.

July 7th, 2020, 04:56 PM
Your signature Josh, Tuned Aisin :thumb_yello:, well done.

Thanks! :thumb_yello:

On the CAX8 stuff... It seems like it requires a .CAM file for the file to even be recognized in the v8 editor even if there is a CAX8 file definition. There was some AL5 stuff I had were I just would disable the CALZ and populate everything from .cax to avoid all the conflict errors. Will this still be possible?

July 8th, 2020, 08:51 AM
I'm not sure Josh, I'll get Paul to respond but he is away sick at the moment so it might take a few days for him to get back to you.

July 8th, 2020, 10:57 AM
I have one small gripe/recommendation for EFLive Explorer.

Everytime you open it, it defaults to F12: Firmware tab

Wish it would still default to F3: Data Files

July 11th, 2020, 04:39 AM
I have a EFI Live V3 Autocal. I've downloaded EFI Scan and Tune Version 8. I tried to update the firmware. I keep getting an error $0020 "USB Driver DLL Not Loaded" Error. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

July 14th, 2020, 09:42 PM
Running EFILive on a Mac using Parallels is not detecting the Flashscan V2 or Autocal V3. All versions up until this Beta have worked well.

July 15th, 2020, 10:48 AM
EFILive now uses a special Microsoft ID string in the USB enumeration (so that it works carefree with Windows built in drivers) and for some reason that appears to be causing problems for Macs.
A couple of customers have run into this but apparently it still works on some older Macs (indicating the issue sits with the Apple hardware and / or Parallels).
Sorry to say but at this stage there is little EFILive can do to resolve this, we went to the updated drivers so it was easier for the 99% of customers who are using native Windows machines with EFILive.

July 15th, 2020, 01:51 PM
Thanks Ross, I will see if we can get it sorted via parallels or an IT tech , it is my backup computer these days anyway.

July 16th, 2020, 02:46 AM
LS1B ECM 02020005 COS, SAE.MAP in v7 scanner stops at 105 kpa. Voltage from MAP on scanner is correct though. V8 scanner works correctly.

Edit, log attached
2 bar map, scaled correctly
made 10 lbs on dyno and gauge

July 23rd, 2020, 09:22 AM
That log file you posted shows the same 105 limit in both V7 and V8.
What makes you think V8 shows a higher value than 105? Can you post a log from V8 that shows SAE.MAP>105?


July 23rd, 2020, 11:42 PM
I'm not sure if this entire from the new update, but since downloading it, I'm having issues correctly saving tune files. I change my tune daily in my LMM Duramax, and found that the few tables I had changed and saved, did not save properly. I thought that maybe I hadn't saved it, or something of that nature. I went to dyno my truck, and opened my file to make some changes, only to find the tables I had changed the night before hadn't saved. I was embarrassed a bit as I was in the presence of a professional tuner, so I've made sure since then I save things properly. IT STILL happened just as it had before. I normally save my file with 'save all modifications' function, but have found if I just save it to a new file, it saves properly. I wasted a few dyno pulls not knowing this. But, I'm not sure if it's 100% from the update, but this is the first time I've encountered this issue.

July 24th, 2020, 07:12 AM
That log file you posted shows the same 105 limit in both V7 and V8.
What makes you think V8 shows a higher value than 105? Can you post a log from V8 that shows SAE.MAP>105?


When live logging in V8 it works just fine. Opening that file that was recorded in V7 is where the problem is, something in V7.

July 24th, 2020, 12:20 PM
I'm not sure if this entire from the new update, but since downloading it, I'm having issues correctly saving tune files. I change my tune daily in my LMM Duramax, and found that the few tables I had changed and saved, did not save properly. I thought that maybe I hadn't saved it, or something of that nature. I went to dyno my truck, and opened my file to make some changes, only to find the tables I had changed the night before hadn't saved. I was embarrassed a bit as I was in the presence of a professional tuner, so I've made sure since then I save things properly. IT STILL happened just as it had before. I normally save my file with 'save all modifications' function, but have found if I just save it to a new file, it saves properly. I wasted a few dyno pulls not knowing this. But, I'm not sure if it's 100% from the update, but this is the first time I've encountered this issue.

Is it possible that when you save the file it is saving it with a new name each time, something like LMM_0001.ctz, then LMM_0002.ctz, then LMM_0003.ctz etc?
Or maybe it is saving the changes to a file with the same name but in a different folder?


APS Luis
July 26th, 2020, 03:39 PM
EFILive now uses a special Microsoft ID string in the USB enumeration (so that it works carefree with Windows built in drivers) and for some reason that appears to be causing problems for Macs.
A couple of customers have run into this but apparently it still works on some older Macs (indicating the issue sits with the Apple hardware and / or Parallels).
Sorry to say but at this stage there is little EFILive can do to resolve this, we went to the updated drivers so it was easier for the 99% of customers who are using native Windows machines with EFILive.

Any chance this is causing the V2 device to lock up , then drop out and suddenly not get recognized by Windows ?

July 27th, 2020, 09:11 AM
Any chance this is causing the V2 device to lock up , then drop out and suddenly not get recognized by Windows ?

No, the new Windows specific drivers are only for the V3 devices.

The V2 devices still use the old FDTI drivers that they've been using for the last 10 years.

If you are seeing those types of problems, maybe try a different USB port, a different USB cable or maybe even take a look at this thread (it is also relevant for Windows 10)...


August 2nd, 2020, 11:16 PM
I can't seem to get the AD inputs to show anything when logging in V8.

works fine in 7.5

August 3rd, 2020, 09:34 AM
I can't seem to get the AD inputs to show anything when logging in V8.

works fine in 7.5

Just checking, do you mean when logging via a V2 device? (V3's have no AD connections).

August 3rd, 2020, 01:00 PM
correct. i will confirm again shortly.

August 3rd, 2020, 06:31 PM
yep. definitely only a problem with the v8 scanner. the ad4 voltage never moves from 0 volts.


running latest firmware and even updated all the files on the device.

August 14th, 2020, 10:01 AM
I haven't used my V2 in a while but it is updated to the latest beta release and firmware. I logged some data today but EFI Explorer opens partly but does not open fully (not responding). This happens whether or not I plug in the V2 first or after Explorer attempts to open. Any ideas?


August 14th, 2020, 10:46 AM
I haven't used my V2 in a while but it is updated to the latest beta release and firmware. I logged some data today but EFI Explorer opens partly but does not open fully (not responding). This happens whether or not I plug in the V2 first or after Explorer attempts to open. Any ideas?


It may be a version conflict between the EFILive_Explorer.exe and the EFILive_Hapi.exe processes.
It may be worth trying this:

uninstall V7
delete the \Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V7.5 folder and all it's subfolders. (Before deleting, save any files that you may have stored in those folders that you don't want to lose)
delete the registry hive \\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EFILive\V7.5. (Deleting the V7.5 registry hive will revert all your V7 settings back to install defaults (such as most recently used files, folder names, logging preferences, etc.).)
Re-install V7


August 14th, 2020, 10:55 AM
Just V7 or V7 and V8 as Explorer and Hapi are in the V8 folder ? I forgot to mention that I did a re-install of V8 beta this afternoon, but did not do an uninstall first.


August 14th, 2020, 11:02 AM
Sorry, major brain fade. I meant uninstall/reinstall V8. Ignore what I posted above.

Do this instead:

uninstall V8
delete the \Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8 folder and all it's subfolders. (Before deleting, save any files that you may have stored in those folders that you don't want to lose)
delete the following files (they store the equivalent of the V7 registry hive I mentioned in the previous post):

Documents\EFILive\V8\Config\EFILiveScanAndTuneLayo ut.ini

Re-install V8

Apologies for the wrong info.

August 15th, 2020, 02:31 AM
I uninstalled V8 and deleted the files from the above post. Re-installed V8 and no change. EFILive Explorer still does not open correctly (not Responding). Any other suggestions?


August 15th, 2020, 02:54 AM
I had a similar issue with mine. I'm not sure exactly what fixed it since I reinstalled it on a fresh copy of windows. But I did notice that if I install the current stable version first....then Beta over it, I didn't have some of the odd behaviors as I mentioned above. Explorer errors, defaulting to the Firmware tab, 7.5 tune tool saying random OSs weren't supported when they in fact were. Can't reproduce most of them now. Maybe something buggy with the way the beta installs. But I have been able to confirm that... clean slae ->install stable copy->install beta resolves most of the issues I saw.

August 15th, 2020, 09:24 AM
I uninstalled V8 and deleted the files from the above post. Re-installed V8 and no change. EFILive Explorer still does not open correctly (not Responding). Any other suggestions?


Close all EFILive software.
Right-Click the EFILive_Explorer icon on the desktop.
Hold down the Ctrl key on the PC keyboard.
While holding down the Ctrl key, select the "Open" option from the right-click menu, that will cause the software to record it's internal startup operations to a log file.
Wait for EFILive_Explorer to start up (or hang or whatever it does).
Locate the log file(s) in \Documents\EFILive\V8\Trace

The documents will be called:
and maybe EFILive_Hapi_StartupLog.txt

Use Notepad to look in those files to see if you can see any problems being reported.


August 15th, 2020, 09:36 AM
I did what you suggested and got the two files I've attached. They both say no USB device connected but if I open Scan & Tune it sees the V2 fine.

August 15th, 2020, 10:10 AM
I did what you suggested and got the two files I've attached. They both say no USB device connected but if I open Scan & Tune it sees the V2 fine.

Don't worry about the "device not found" exceptions. That's just EFILive looking for additional devices (like an AutoCal device) and not finding any.

After you start EFILive Explorer, the EFILive_Hapi.exe process (i.e. the EFILive Control Panel) should start automatically. After the EFILive Control Panel has started, click on the small FlashScan icon in the System Tray, on the Windows Task Bar near the clock display. That should open the EFILive Control Panel main window. Select the [F8: Trace] tab page and click [Save Trace], then post that trace file.



August 15th, 2020, 10:57 AM
Here's the trace file from the control panel. I had to add the ".txt" to the file so I could upload it.

August 15th, 2020, 11:26 AM
The trace files shows EFILive Explorer attempting to read the files/folders from the root directory on FlashScan's file system (SD Card or internal memory if no SD Card is inserted)

It is not seeing a correctly formatted FAT32 file system.

Is it possible that the SD Card was formatted on some other system? EFILive is seeing this:

System Volume Information

then for some reason EFILive Explorer stops looking for files on the FlashScan device - possibly because the file system is corrupted from that point onwards.

What EFILive Explorer should be seeing is:


Can you try formatting the Data file system on your FlashScan V2 device?
You have to do that using the on-board option: F4: Options -> F2: File System -> F3: Format File Sys
WARNING: By formatting the SD Card, you will lose all data files (scan and tune) and configuration files stored on the FlashScan device, if you are using an SD Card and you want to save any files from the SD Card before it is formatted use a PC or laptop with an SD Card reader to attempt to read the files from the SD Card (assuming the SD CArd can still be read).


August 15th, 2020, 12:51 PM
That fixed it !

Thanks again,