View Full Version : Commanded AFR not stable??? EXPERTS????

July 15th, 2006, 02:26 AM
I am having a little issue with commanded AFR Vs. actual AFR. I use the latest custom O.S., I have the whole AFR map set at 14.63:1 escept for the last few columns for WOT. During part throttle driving I noticed some cells On my Wideband map are showing leaner then they should be Most cells are 14.7-15:1 But alot of cells are running close to 15.5 or higher!

What could cause this? My O2's are working properly... The only thing I can think of is I have my Short pulse on the injectors subtracting .3 Volts under a commanded 1.5 MS.(I run 96 lb injectors and have to do this to get off throttle AFR lean enough.

Does the computer not see that I am subracting Voltage from the injector under a 1.5 MS???? Could that why I am seeing a leaner then commanded AFR???

What are your thoughts??:Eyecrazy:

July 16th, 2006, 01:09 PM
Anyone??? What would cause it to run too lean in closed loop????

July 16th, 2006, 03:13 PM
Anyone??? What would cause it to run too lean in closed loop????
Check it in open loop and see where it is at.

July 16th, 2006, 04:37 PM
Do the O2 sensors appear to be swinging around that point (15's) or is the AFR's really just stuck up there?

From personal experience, a dead O2 sensor causes them to run up that lean, I could watch the WBO2 creep up to 15.5 - 16:1 at idle, seemed fine everywhere else. So I finally logged it one day :redface: and noticed the O2 sensor (can't remember which bank) was stuck at about 0.6V from memory. New O2 and it all came good.
