View Full Version : August 2020, Beta 48, Release 7

August 15th, 2020, 01:20 PM
**Edit** New software now available, please see the updated post in the Software Updates and Installation Help forum

We strongly recommend that you do not install the beta software over the top of your production systems. It is possible that the beta test software may fail and your production system may not be recoverable. lf you conduct a tuning business, please take the necessary precautions to protect your business. EFILive recommends beta testers use a separate FlashScan V3/V2 device (when installing the latest beta firmware) and only install the EFILive beta test software on a separate PC, laptop or virtual machine.

This beta update contains a new CSP switchable tune operating system for CMF controllers. It is an "early access" feature that is not intended for production use just yet. EFILive is looking for feedback on the performance of the CMF CSP OS. Please do not install the CMF CSP OS on remote vehicles. Only install it on vehicles in your workshop that you can recover easily if the CSP5 OS causes problems.

For users dealing with the V3 AutoCal products you must use this release and ensure that all devices have the firmware updated to the version in this release prior to being used on vehicles.

The current public release is available here (https://www.efilive.com/download-efilive).

Changes to V8 software

Added permanent DTCs display.
Fixed EDA data logging that showed incorrect injector times under specific circumstances.
The *.cax -> *.cax8 conversion process now reports line numbers when errors occur.

Changes to V2 firmware (V2.07.164)

OS number was not displayed correctly for some CSP operating systems.

Changes to V3 firmware (V3.00.046)

Fixed DMA PIDs logging as "N/A" for some controllers.
Fixed wrong PID selection during black box logging.

Full Release Notes:

Whats New (https://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_8_3_1(48-7).htm)

Version Numbers:
After installing this beta release you should have the following software and firmware versions installed:

[*=1]EFILive V7 software: V7.5.31 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).
[*=1]EFILive V8 software: V8.3.1 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).
[*=1]FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware: V3.00.046 (Aug 15, 2020).
[*=1] FlashScan/AutoCal V2 Firmware: V2.07.164 (Jul 30, 2020).

Download here:

Known Issues:

Issue #1:

When Black Box flashing a TCM with V3 it will incorrectly abort the flash with OS incompatibility error.


Use pass-through flashing instead until a firmware fix is available.

The EFILive Team

August 16th, 2020, 02:34 AM
I updated to the latest Beta 7 software and updated my V2 firmware and I'm having the same problem you helped me with yesterday with Beta 4 software, EFILive Explorer not responding. If I format the SD card with the V2, Explorer opens correctly and I can copy a .ctz file to the SD card. I then remove the SD card from the V2 and insert it into my laptop card slot and copy a .ctz file to the SD card. I put the SD card back into the V2 and try to open Explorer and it does not respond. I've tried deleting the file I copied with the laptop both from the laptop and with the V2, but no change. I know I've used my laptop (Windows 10) to copy tune files to the SD card before because it is much quicker, without problems. The only fix is to format the SD card again and use Explorer to copy files. Also when I'm copying a file to the SD card, the green progress bar sometimes stops progressing.

August 16th, 2020, 08:34 AM
When you unplug the SD Card from the PC you should always use the Eject* option prior to unplugging it. Do you do that?
If you don't do that you run the risk or corrupting the file system on the SD Card.

* To Eject the SD Card correctly, right click on the SD Card drive letter in Windows Explorer and select "Eject".

The green progress bar will sometimes stop updating. It is just the EFILive Explorer software not updating the screen as often as it should. You will also see "Not Responding" appear in the window title bar. The copy progress should will be affected by that.


August 16th, 2020, 08:53 AM
I had this exact issue on last beta and reported it in the last thread. I was ejecting the SD correctly every time.

I tested it multiple times... any time I connected the SD card directly to a windows machine, I was not able to use V8 Explorer until I re-formatted the SD card via the FS V2.

I just tried it again on this latest beta........issue remains.

August 16th, 2020, 08:59 AM
After using the SD Card via Windows (I presume Windows 10), I think Windows may create a "System Volume Information" folder automatically in the root directory of the SD Card. It may be a hidden folder, so you'll need to change Windows Explorer's settings to make hidden folders visible. If you do see that folder, try deleting it, then ejecting the SD Card, then try it in FlashScan V2 again.


August 16th, 2020, 09:03 AM
Yep, it does.

I deleted the "system volume information" folder, but it instantly reappears, before you can eject it etc.

I remember in previous versions of the V8 Explorer software, I would see that hidden system volume folder in the V8 Explorer software, after I had connected to a PC.

I am using latest version of windows 10.

I'll see if there's a way I can delete the folder and then try connecting via V8 explorer again. I think I should be able to connect it to a linux machine just to delete that system volume folder. Obviously not a very practical solution..but just as a way to test this.

August 16th, 2020, 09:22 AM
After using the SD Card via Windows (I presume Windows 10), I think Windows may create a "System Volume Information" folder automatically in the root directory of the SD Card. It may be a hidden folder, so you'll need to change Windows Explorer's settings to make hidden folders visible. If you do see that folder, try deleting it, then ejecting the SD Card, then try it in FlashScan V2 again.


OK, I was able to confirm that deleting the "system volume information" folder in Linux fixed the issue. I booted back up to windows, and I was able to open V8 Explorer just fine. Linux mint made it's own trash hidden folder, but it loaded up just fine.

Don't have the slightest idea how or why, but definitely seems to be linked to that hidden windows sys volume folder.

August 16th, 2020, 10:20 AM
OK, I was able to confirm that deleting the "system volume information" folder in Linux fixed the issue. I booted back up to windows, and I was able to open V8 Explorer just fine. Linux mint made it's own trash hidden folder, but it loaded up just fine.

Don't have the slightest idea how or why, but definitely seems to be linked to that hidden windows sys volume folder.

I will investigate it more closely and come up with a way to allow V2 and Explorer to work correctly with that hidden folder.

August 16th, 2020, 10:45 AM
Yep, it does.

I remember in previous versions of the V8 Explorer software, I would see that hidden system volume folder in the V8 Explorer software, after I had connected to a PC.

I am using latest version of windows 10.

Just plugging the SD card into the laptop causes the problem. Even if I don't try to copy anything to the SD card. I agree with aaronc7 about seeing that hidden "system volume folder" in prior versions of V8 but it not being a problem.


August 16th, 2020, 04:28 PM
I've uploaded a fixed version of EFILive_Explorer that should no longer hang when processing read-only folders on the SD Card.

fix-for-read-only-folder-hanging.zip (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILive_Explorer_Beta_48-7 fix-for-read-only-folder-hanging.zip)

Download the zip file in the link above.
Unzip the downloaded file.
Replace the existing \Program File (x86)\EFILive\V8\EFILive_Explorer.exe with the one from the zip file.

You may need admin privileges to replace the file.

August 16th, 2020, 06:48 PM
That worked for me. When Explorer first opens there is a brief moment were it has Not Responding and then it is okay.

Thank You,

August 17th, 2020, 11:11 AM
I've uploaded a fixed version of EFILive_Explorer that should no longer hang when processing read-only folders on the SD Card.

fix-for-read-only-folder-hanging.zip (http://download.efilive.com/Software/V8/EFILive_Explorer_Beta_48-7 fix-for-read-only-folder-hanging.zip)

Download the zip file in the link above.
Unzip the downloaded file.
Replace the existing \Program File (x86)\EFILive\V8\EFILive_Explorer.exe with the one from the zip file.

You may need admin privileges to replace the file.

The updated .exe fixed the issue for me 100%


August 17th, 2020, 03:20 PM
Im trying to log on an autocal V3 BBX from an AEM wideband. No luck so far. Is it meant to be working?

August 18th, 2020, 06:34 AM
On my Win7 PC, S&T and EE can't connect to FSV3... this pops up:

[Window Title]

No device connected.

Please connect a FlashScan or AutoCal USB device.

If a device is connected, ensure it is not being used by another application such as the EFILive V7.5 Scan or Tune Software.


August 25th, 2020, 10:11 AM
No issues observed using this version. Is there a plan to add more V8 editor support for LS1B stuff? I'd be happy to test.... I am running 12587603

August 25th, 2020, 11:05 AM
All supported ECM's in V7 will eventually be ported over to V8, it just takes time.

September 3rd, 2020, 03:05 AM
How do we tell what Build Release number a computer is on? The about button does not state the build release notes.

I think the only spot to see this is on the whats new window? That states the release date of the software. It would be awesome to add this beta revision to the about button as well so customers can easily see what they are on. As right now all the betas show V8.3.1 only in the about.

September 3rd, 2020, 08:08 AM
How do we tell what Build Release number a computer is on? The about button does not state the build release notes.

I think the only spot to see this is on the whats new window? That states the release date of the software. It would be awesome to add this beta revision to the about button as well so customers can easily see what they are on. As right now all the betas show V8.3.1 only in the about.

Because all the various executables and dlls that go into making a single release have different build numbers it is difficult to display a single build number. That's the main reason why we stopped displaying the EFILive_ScanAndTune.exe build number - it just didn't capture/display all the information about the builds of the various other files. However, you can right click on the various executable files and select "Properties" -> "Details" to display the build of each of the exe or dll files.


P.S. Hopefully we'll be posting a new beta update (Beta 49) later today which is scheduled to become the public release next week provided all goes well with the beta.
