View Full Version : LS1B 1bar SD COS

October 7th, 2020, 02:30 AM
Is there a COS that only does 1 bar SD? Everything that I can see in the tutorials and online references 2-3 bar. This is for an '02 LS1/A4 car. I tried using the stock OS and failed the MAF, however there have been weird side effects like short shifting the trans a couple hundred rpm at WOT. Figured a COS would correct that, or if there is a better option I am for it.

October 7th, 2020, 08:54 AM
I think I may have figured it out, but want confirmation. It looks on depending on which OS you use will give you different features.
xxx01 - SD
xxx02 - SD with valet
xxx03 - SD, valet, 2/3 bar
xxx05 - SD, valet, 2/3 bar, tps ve

Again this is specifically for an LS1B (2002 12212156 OS). In my case I would run a 02020001 OS. This will allow me to run SD with dual spark tables. Also hoping that it will correct the short shift issue AND assume line pressures and A4 functionality will remain the same as if the MAF was functioning. Any input would be appreciated.

October 7th, 2020, 12:33 PM
Honestly right now I don't believe there's any reason to not just go straight to COS5. It has everything the other COS' do and more, so why not just use it?

It's probably behaving this way because the MAF isn't there, so the TQ calc's are wrong. Switching to a SD OS should correct this, assuming you get your VE+spark dialed.

October 8th, 2020, 01:07 AM
The question I have is how does the COS know if you are using 1 bar or 2/3 bar? I dont see any flags/options

October 8th, 2020, 07:15 AM
It doesn't matter, just put "sane" values in the Boost VE table and other COS tables then be on your way. The PCM will simply never get to the crossover point to use the Boost VE table in your case.

Think of it this way, you can use a COS, but you don't need to use all of the functionality the COS offers. In your case, you just won't use the boost functionality. No need for a flag/config/etc.

October 8th, 2020, 08:02 AM
Thanks for that.

November 13th, 2020, 02:05 AM
I have been playing with COS5 running SD, and am having some issues.
The first is the A0014 table. I was able to get my wot fueling inline at 20C. I then went back out and it was 8C and the wot fueling was off about 3%. As a starting point I used this thread(https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?2270-Show-me-your-A0014-s)and the values from post 9 but skewed them so that 1 was at 20C. Based on the description in the table says, the higher the value, the higher the VE value will be (taken from description: But if you entered a multiplier of 1.01 the value will be 3.000 Grams*Kelvin/kPa X 1.01 = 3.030 Grams*Kelvin/kPa.). This is the opposite of how I read that thread.

The other issue that I noticed is my spark. During wot, my spark is set to 25.5*. At 5000rpm spark is 25* but at 5600 it dips down to 23.5 until 5800, then back up to 24.5 then back down to 24 at 5900. I have no knock, no other tables are influencing the spark(IAT, ECT, EGR etc), and the low octane table is set lower at 22.7*. This happens consistently at the same rpm. A0000 is disabled and a0001/2 are set to 100. Is there anything else that would affect timing?


November 14th, 2020, 11:10 PM
Can you post your .ctz file here?

November 15th, 2020, 04:38 AM
Here it is.


November 18th, 2020, 06:50 AM
joe - have you had a chance to review the file?

November 18th, 2020, 09:12 PM
I'm sorry, I have been swamped the last few days... give me a few days.

November 18th, 2020, 09:13 PM
Also, please post a log file.

November 22nd, 2020, 01:18 AM
A0014: follow the thread you read.

Spark: post a log file.

December 12th, 2020, 01:00 PM
A0014: follow the thread you read.

Spark: post a log file.

Here is a log of the pull 23606

December 16th, 2020, 02:53 AM
Why are you choosing to not run a MAF sensor?

December 17th, 2020, 04:13 AM
Why are you choosing to not run a MAF sensor?

The testing that I have done, shows that the MAF is starting to become a restriction. With MAF, the MAP is around 92-94kpa through a pull and without it its consistently around 97. The log attached earlier still has the MAF in place, only disconnected.

December 17th, 2020, 05:43 AM
Are you Canadian?

December 24th, 2020, 02:22 AM
The testing that I have done, shows that the MAF is starting to become a restriction. With MAF, the MAP is around 92-94kpa through a pull and without it its consistently around 97. The log attached earlier still has the MAF in place, only disconnected.Post a pic of your MAF plumbing...?

What TQ and HP are you developing...?

December 24th, 2020, 02:39 AM
Hey statesman, how's it going, good I hope :cheers:

December 24th, 2020, 02:42 AM
ughhh... forum is truncating replies...

December 24th, 2020, 02:43 AM
Watch your timing, 25* at 0.81g airmass might get some KR, but I don't see any.

Which wideband are you using (is it on bank 2)...?

December 24th, 2020, 05:58 AM
Watch your timing, 25* at 0.81g airmass might get some KR, but I don't see any.

Which wideband are you using (is it on bank 2)...?

The MAF plumbing is basically stock. It has the stock intake tube that connects the MAF to the TB. In front of the MAF has a stock TPI lid as the car is a thirdgen Camaro. I will say that I HAVE disconnected the lid so the MAF was to free air as a test to ensure that was not the restriction.

I have not had the car on a dyno, only logged it on the street.

AT WOT I do not have any KR. Originally the tune was at 26.7* and I lowered it to see if there was any performance difference - there wasn't so I left it at 25*. At the higher value there was no KR either.

I have an Innovate LC1 connected to bank 2 in the y pipe. ~16" from the collector of the longtubes.

With all that said, again why would the spark fluctuate when there shouldn't be anything that would pull timing? Stock OS, there are no issues. What is in the spark table is what the log reflects. This issue is only present in the COS and in SD(have not tried with COS with MAF connected, as that was not the plan...).

December 24th, 2020, 01:22 PM
Hey statesman, how's it going, good I hope :cheers:

Hey joecar, yeah all is going good with me.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas. :cheers:

December 26th, 2020, 02:36 PM
Thanks, and you too.