View Full Version : October 2020, Release Candidate 4

October 22nd, 2020, 01:38 PM
ATTENTION - Release Candidate Software

This software contains a new CSP switchable tune operating system for CMF controllers. It is an "early access" feature that is not intended for production use just yet. EFILive is looking for feedback on the performance of the CMF CSP OS. Please do not install the CMF CSP OS on remote vehicles. Only install it on vehicles in your workshop that you can recover easily if the CSP5 OS causes problems.

For users dealing with the V3 AutoCal products you must use this release and ensure that all devices have the firmware updated to the version in this release prior to being used on vehicles.

The current public release is available here (https://www.efilive.com/download-efilive).

Full Release Notes:

Whats New (https://download.efilive.com/Software/whatsnew_8_3_1(RC4).htm)

Version Numbers:
After installing this beta release you should have the following software and firmware versions installed:

[*=1]EFILive V7 software: V7.5.31 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V7 Scan or Tune software).
[*=1]EFILive V8 software: V8.3.1 To view the installed version, select Help->About (in the V8 Scan and Tune software).
[*=1]FlashScan/AutoCal V3 Firmware: V3.00.056 (Oct 22 2020). Boot block will be updated to V3.00.005.
[*=1] FlashScan/AutoCal V2 Firmware: V2.07.167 (Oct 22, 2020).

Download here:

Known Issues for RC4:
Issue #1:
Error $0106 when copying files from V2 devices to the PC via EFILive Explorer.
None - will be fixed in RC5 - planned for release in the next 24 hours. For urgent cases, uninstall RC4 and re-install RC3.

Issue #2:
AD voltages are not being recorded from V2 devices during pass-thru logging.
None - will be fixed in RC5 - planned for release in the next 24 hours.


To ask about features, request improvements or to simply provide feedback (positive or negative) on the new V8 editor, please use this thread: https://forum.efilive.com/forumdisplay.php?99-V8-Tune-Editor

The EFILive Team

October 27th, 2020, 09:26 AM
Am testing RC4 here and have updated the firmware on the FSV2, updated any files that it asked for and i'm in the habit of updating the BBL config after a firmware upgrade as i've seen some quirks in the past. But since upgrading I cannot vacuum any log files off the FSV2 and the Explorer app gives this error message (see attached). Quick reading tells me it's a USB error? It's been fairly flawless up until putting RC4 on. Any logs or debug switches that might help me debug the issue? I can pop the SD card out and put it straight into the PC and read the logs off that way, it's just annoying.




October 27th, 2020, 09:52 AM
$0106 is caused by a bug introduced in RC4. The buffer transfer sizes were increased for V3 devices to a value that is too large for V2 devices to handle correctly.
It will be fixed in RC5 due out in the next 24 hours.
If you urgently need to copy files from your V2 device, uninstall RC4 and re-install RC3.


October 27th, 2020, 10:03 AM
$0106 is caused by a bug introduced in RC4. The buffer transfer sizes were increased for V3 devices to a value that is too large for V2 devices to handle correctly.
It will be fixed in RC5 due out in the next 24 hours.
If you urgently need to copy files from your V2 device, uninstall RC4 and re-install RC3.

Ahhhhh all good, as long as you know about it. Happy to wait and keep testing. Awesome job on the V8 editor. I've now stopped using V7 and purely use V8 for edit + flash. 26 seconds to flash my e38 is pretty awesome now!