View Full Version : A/D Inputs Showing 0v in V8 RC 4

October 23rd, 2020, 06:14 PM
As the title says A/D inputs in all variants of V8 scanner showing 0v while FlashScan V2 shows voltage from the A/D inputs. V7.5 scanner works as expected showing voltage the same as the FlashScan V2. Switch back to V8 scanner and A/D inputs show 0v. Is there a setting or adjustment needed for the A/D inputs in V8 scanner to show the voltage in the FlashScan V2?

Thanks Jon

October 24th, 2020, 11:54 AM
As the title says A/D inputs in all variants of V8 scanner showing 0v while FlashScan V2 shows voltage from the A/D inputs. V7.5 scanner works as expected showing voltage the same as the FlashScan V2. Switch back to V8 scanner and A/D inputs show 0v. Is there a setting or adjustment needed for the A/D inputs in V8 scanner to show the voltage in the FlashScan V2?

Thanks Jon

There are no settings that you could change to fix that, the voltage should display correctly.
After attempting to log the A/D voltages using the V8 scan tool, could you open the V8 Control Panel and save a *.htx trace file and post it in this thread, thanks?


October 25th, 2020, 06:39 AM
Hi Paul,

Thanks for replying to my issue.

Here is the trace file from my latest scan, hopefully it has the what you need to resolve the problem. Had to RAR the file, couldn't upload the *.htx format.

Really like V8, can't wait for T42 controllers and DVT to be added.

Let me know if you need anything else.


October 25th, 2020, 12:44 PM
Unfortunately I can't see the start of the log. Can you start the log, wait only 1-2 seconds for about 10-20 frames of data, then stop the log?
Then save it and post it.

October 26th, 2020, 08:56 AM
Paul, I've included two trace files in the the attachment. Hopefully they have what you need.

Thanks Jon

October 29th, 2020, 09:34 AM
RC5 fixed the problem, working great now.

Thank you Paul.
