View Full Version : PE tables?

July 19th, 2006, 04:13 PM
Hello and thanks for your time,I have a little knock when running the 1/4 mile. It is 3rd gear and right at 4500 rpm, goes to 4.0. Would I change fuel or timing? I could send someone the log to look at if they would want to give me a little advice.

July 19th, 2006, 04:33 PM
If the fuel mixture (actual) looks rich enough then you will probably be looking at a timing reduction.

One thing I have found is removing burst knock retard seems to reduce (massively in my case) the occurrence of logged KR.

The other thing to check is what the KR looks like. It could be false knock, perhaps just a the point that the knock sensors become more sensitive or something.


July 19th, 2006, 09:33 PM
ytry - I don't have access to the PC I need to look at your log, but... Knock is a tricky thing to chase down. Start, as Tordne mentioned, with the air fuel ratios. A WB will make this quite simple. If the AFR's look good, then look at timing. If timing looks good, then I would start suspecting a physical problem. This could range anywhere from oil entering the intake manifold to a worn cam lobe to a failing lifter.

July 20th, 2006, 03:46 AM
ok thanks guys I will get on it and get back with results.. :notacrook: