View Full Version : Scope of Tutorials

July 19th, 2006, 09:20 PM
There seems to be a good push to increase the number of tutorials. As stated in many threads, some tutorials are not feasable, and others may be.

This poll is so we can get a better idea of what possible future tutorials should cover.

July 19th, 2006, 09:51 PM
I'd vote for 1-3 ... some general info is important to understanding what is happening (e.g., why is 14.63 a good thing as for AFR), some things when applied to or with EFILive, as well as some step-by-step howtos to get people started ...

July 19th, 2006, 11:05 PM
For what its worth, we also believe better documentation and tutorials are required for EFILive. What started out as a "not too complicated" scan tool for LS1 engines has now grown into a complete tuning system for multiple vehicle platforms and will soon be expanding even further.

The documentation/tutorial requirements are being addressed behind the scenes and if you have technical documentation writing skills and would like to participate in making EFILive even better, please contact me directly at paul@efilive.com.

And remember, EFI University (www.efi101.com (http://www.efi101.com)) has put together an EFILive specific tuning course. As soon as it is ready and if you can spare the time, I highly recommend attending.


July 20th, 2006, 01:49 AM
One of the problems I have been having while starting out is all the acronyms the experianced guys throw out. IFR, PE, TCC etc.. Sometimes post can be littered with acroyms (which is not a bad thing) and it is hard for me to try and understand what they are talking about. I have yet to find a glossary that list them all and explaind what each is, and where is can be found in the tunning and scan tool.

July 20th, 2006, 03:07 AM
Glossary is one of the things that definitely needs to be around ... there's a start of one (though yet w/o explainations, just the long version) in the Wiki ...

July 20th, 2006, 03:33 AM
Glossary is one of the things that definitely needs to be around ... there's a start of one (though yet w/o explainations, just the long version) in the Wiki ...

What is the "Wiki"

July 20th, 2006, 03:50 AM
what we should do is tailor the methods to given problems. so we'd start with:
I [do|do not] have a wideband and i am tuning [1998...2006] [fbody|vette|gto] for a [NA|spray|FI] application.

from that on, different parts would appear or disappear depending on what is applicable.

generally tho, we need to start with concepts, and just use EFILive or HPT as examples (it would be really easy to write for both of them since the concepts are the same, just slightly different look/feel to them) and maybe that way people would get it that frontends dont matter, only concepts.

July 20th, 2006, 03:54 AM
Guess it's like the old saying about not giving fish, but teaching how to fish ... ;) The HowTos are kind of the fish (which newbies need to get started at all), while the knowledge of what they're doing will keep them going ;)

The "Wiki" is just a way of jointly writing up information, in more or less organized manor ("more" I hope) so that others can access that information. Best example is most certainly Wikipedia (you may have heard about it ;))

July 21st, 2006, 04:24 AM
1-3 would be my selection

July 21st, 2006, 08:07 AM
Acronyms can be looked up on the internet anywhere. As far as tutorials for everything... I don't think it is possible. The best most simple thing that could be done would be to just expand on the basic explanation given when you pull up each map on the tuning software. Something like IAC, what it is , and what effect messing with it will do to the running of the car and or how it migh effect some other table.. You get the idea. I think??

July 22nd, 2006, 02:29 AM
Acronyms can be looked up on the internet anywhere. As far as tutorials for everything... I don't think it is possible. The best most simple thing that could be done would be to just expand on the basic explanation given when you pull up each map on the tuning software. Something like IAC, what it is , and what effect messing with it will do to the running of the car and or how it migh effect some other table.. You get the idea. I think??

^^^^^ I couldn't agree more!!

There are volumes written on systems control management and the internal combustion engine.

Tutorials should be specific to the EFILive end user.

Internal combustion/systems control is a very broad subject.

July 26th, 2006, 03:02 AM
The best most simple thing that could be done would be to just expand on the basic explanation given when you pull up each map on the tuning software. Something like IAC, what it is , and what effect messing with it will do to the running of the car and or how it migh effect some other table.. You get the idea. I think??

^^^^^ I couldn't agree more!!

There are volumes written on systems control management and the internal combustion engine.

Tutorials should be specific to the EFILive end user.

Internal combustion/systems control is a very broad subject.

I've come to the realization that I'm basically stupid when it comes to this software, but am trying to "Sponge" up everything that I can pertaining to EfiLive (even reading the other forum, which has some good info on it too).

As you can probably tell, I voted yes to the tutorials. I voted for #3 and think that if I can learn the basics of what each table, formula, etc. does, I think that I can muddle my way through it (with some help from you guys ;)) .