View Full Version : Not caring for the new update

March 18th, 2021, 12:03 PM
I have used EFI Live for years and it always seems as though there are major problems with every update I have done. I updated everything the other day and now I can't BBX log. That was my favorite feature. It saves a file and when I try to open it I get Error code: ERR_WIN 0/0. I have Uninstalled and installed both programs and wasted half the day messing with it.

March 19th, 2021, 09:26 AM
So, there was no calc_pids.txt file under EFILive>V7.5>User Configuration. I put a copy under there and it is now working. In case anyone runs across this.

March 19th, 2021, 10:49 AM
Now I noticed that you can't copy a table. For example I used to copy the entire KR table with labels and paste and subtract with labels to B5913. That feature doesn't work anymore. This is basic stuff that should have been thoroughly tested before a release. This just added a substantial amount of time to tuning a vehicle properly.

March 19th, 2021, 11:55 AM
Now I noticed that you can't copy a table. For example I used to copy the entire KR table with labels and paste and subtract with labels to B5913. That feature doesn't work anymore. This is basic stuff that should have been thoroughly tested before a release. This just added a substantial amount of time to tuning a vehicle properly.

Yes, it is basic stuff and yes it was tested. I just tested it again and paste and subtract with labels appears to be working correctly.

Is this in the V7 software or the V8 Beta software?
Which exact version of the software are you using?
Can you send me the tune file that you are using and the steps to reproduce the copy/paste problem?

Note: You should log these types of issues via our help desk system so it can be tracked and managed until it is resolved.


March 19th, 2021, 12:29 PM
Paul, thank you for the response. Sorry to be frustrated over this. I have V7.5.32 and V8.3.3. I am logging with my V2 flashscan (that is up to date) I don't like driving around with a computer, I would just rather use the Flashscan. I then open the scan file on a laptop. The file opens up under EFILive Scan V7.5, and the tune is opened under EFILive Tune Tool, and fuel edit. If I open B5913 and go to Scan V7.5, under my KR map, highligh the table by clicking the top left box, copy with labels, then go to tjn tool, highlight table and paste and subtract with labels. I get this.

March 19th, 2021, 12:32 PM
I get this.

March 19th, 2021, 12:42 PM
I get this.

Instead of pasting into EFILive, try pasting the data into Microsoft Excel (or just Notepad). That way you can see what is on the clipboard, like this:


The top left cell MUST have the word LABELS in it - that signifies the data was "copied with labels".
The cell to the right of "LABELS" contains the horizontal axis name (APCYL_DMA), the cell to the right of that contains the data name (KR)
The cell under "LABELS" contains the vertical axis name (RPM).
All other cells are the values in the axis and/or data.

If the data is not formatted like that then you will see that message.


March 19th, 2021, 01:00 PM
This is what I get when I paste to Notepad. I have done it this way for years and have never seen this problem.

March 19th, 2021, 01:17 PM
That is a concern, that data should paste with labels correctly.
I installed the current public release on a new (virtual) PC and tried the copy with labels and paste and subtract with labels and it worked correctly.
At this stage, I'm not sure what the problem could be.

Can you copy/paste with labels between similar tables in the tune tool - i.e. can you select a block of cells in the low octane spark map and use "copy with labels", then "paste with labels" into the high octane spark map? Does that work?

The only other thing I could suggest is try upgrading to Beta-6, available here:

Note: Beta-7 is will be available in the next day or two - so keep a lookout for that update.


March 19th, 2021, 01:30 PM
I copied in the tune from low octane 0.84, and 0.88 column. I pasted them to Notepad and everything appeared correct. I highlighted the entire high octane table and pasted with labels. Every column up to 0.84 was populated with the 0.84 data, and from 0.88 and above was populated with the 0.88 data.

March 20th, 2021, 12:17 PM
I copied in the tune from low octane 0.84, and 0.88 column.
Did you copy-with-labels...?

March 20th, 2021, 12:40 PM
It appears as if your V7 installation is corrupted or damaged or just not installed correctly.

The first clue is that the calc_pids.txt file could not be found - that file should always be installed during a successful install.

The second and more obvious clue is the error message that you are seeing is not in the latest V7 software. This is the error message you posted:


Notice the spelling mistake on "seleceted"?

This is the error message that you should see if you have correctly installed the latest V7 version (public or beta):


Maybe try uninstalling V7 and deleting the V7 installation folder C:\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V7.5 (assuming that is where you installed it).
Then re-install the latest V7 software.

When you run the V7 Tune Tool, select the Help->About option and make sure you are running version:
V7.5.32 (for the public release) or
V7.5.34 (for the latest beta release).


March 20th, 2021, 12:55 PM
Now I noticed that you can't copy a table. For example I used to copy the entire KR table with labels and paste and subtract with labels to B5913. That feature doesn't work anymore. This is basic stuff that should have been thoroughly tested before a release. This just added a substantial amount of time to tuning a vehicle properly.

OK, looks like I've confused the issue. Your first post was about the V7.5 software, so I assumed the complaints about pasting with labels were also about V7.5
However, After doing some investigation, the error message you posted is actually from the V8 software.
So firstly I need to fix the spelling mistake in that error message (oops) and secondly I need to understand how you are copying/pasting data.

Are you copying from a V7 scan tool map and pasting into the V8 tune editor?

One thing to note about the V8 editor is that it won't allow values that cannot be stored in the ECM. For example most spark tables will only allow an accuracy down to 0.5 degrees. So if you have a cell with 31.5 degrees in it and you perform a "paste and subtract" option that causes 0.1 degrees to be subtracted so that the value becomes 31.4 degrees, then the V8 editor will force that value back to 31.5 degrees because the ECM can only store the values: 30.5, 31.0, 31.5, 32.0 etc. It cannot store any values in between.

See this post for more details:


March 20th, 2021, 02:52 PM
Yes I did copy with labels. I'm Uninstaller everything, and will try a re install shortly. Thank you for replying.

March 20th, 2021, 02:53 PM
Yes I did copy with labels. I'm Uninstaller everything, and will try a re install shortly. Thank you for replying.

The question I am trying to figure out is:

Are you copying from a V7 scan tool map and pasting into the V8 tune editor?

If so what versions of V7 and V8 are installed?


March 20th, 2021, 03:06 PM
Sorry Paul. Yes I am copying from V7.5.32 and trying to paste to V8.3.3.

I just opened the tune in V7.5.32 and it pastes properly from the scan in V7.5.32.

But even after the reinstall I can't get the copy with labels from B5914 to paste properly to B5913 under V8.3.3 even within the same tune

March 21st, 2021, 01:10 AM
I got thinking last night so I did a paste to Notepad with Tune V7.5, Tune Tool V8, and Scan V7.5. RPM row under Tune V7.5 are listed as RPM, under Tune Tool V8 as <rpm>, and under Scan V7.5 as RPM. Not sure if this would cause the problem

March 22nd, 2021, 06:58 AM
I tried it again using V7 Scan and V8, these were my results:

The V7 scan tool map. I'm using the "n" (number of cell hits) option so that I can copy some useful data, since I had zero knock displayed when using the "x" (average) display.

Data that was copied, displayed in Notepad:

V8 tune map before pasting:

V8 paste option:

V8 after pasting:

V8 after un-selecting the cells that were automatically selected by the paste operation.
You can see the modified cells.

Does that help at all?


March 22nd, 2021, 08:22 AM
That's weird. Still the same results. I am doing everything like you are, and it won't work in V8 only V7. Can you copy with labels 4 grouped cells in low octane and paste with labels to high octane and have only those 4 cells populate?

March 22nd, 2021, 08:36 AM
Like this, its weird, they aren't even in the right cells.

March 22nd, 2021, 12:47 PM
Looks like you may have "Interpolate" and "Fill to edges" switched on.
Right-click on the map and select the "Copy/Paste Default Settings" option and make sure it looks like this:


More info about interpolate and fill to edges:

(edit: I will also fix that documentation - it repeats itself and
has a grammatical error, this is just not correct English: "boundaries defined by labels a on the clipboard")


March 23rd, 2021, 02:14 AM
I did have interpolate ticked. I have never been in that section so I'm not sure how that happened.

Anyways I figured out the problem. I noticed in your scan you have the title as KR. I had the original title of {B5913_B5914} Retard due to knock (SD).map. When I changed the name to KR it worked. So I changed the name back and it didn't work like it had been. After messing around with it for a while the problem was } When I removed that it worked again. Must be the V8 does not work with that character. Hopefully this helps other people out.

Also I noticed a little typo. Under available PIDs RAFPN is typed as REFPN

March 23rd, 2021, 09:25 AM
The { and } characters are definitely the cause of the problem and that needs to be fixed, thanks for finding and tracking down the fault. As you originally stated, that issue was not caught in our internal testing and it should have been.

The problem is caused because the copy/paste feature allows you to copy data tables from the V7 and/or V8 scripts and then paste that table data into a table in V8 or you can copy data from a table in V7 or V8 and then paste that data as a table data into a script.

I.e. the right-click menu option: "Copy As Lua Source (Shift+Alt+C)" creates the correct Lua syntax for a data table in a script file.
E.g. assume you highlighted this text and selected "Copy As Lua Source (Shift+Alt+C)"

Then you can paste that data into a Lua script like this:
That Lua source code contains the { and } characters at the start and end of the table and the start and end of each row.

When you go the other way, copy a Lua table from a script and paste it into a table in the tune tool, EFILive only pastes the data between the { and } characters.
So when you "copied with labels" from the V7 map the first line looked something like this (with "LABELS" as the very first thing in the data):

LABELS CYLAIR {B5913_B5914} Retard due to knock (SD).map

EFILive V8 incorrectly (and naively) stripped off all characters that were not within the { and } characters, which left the first line looking like this:


Then EFILive V8 looked for the text "LABELS" and since it could not find that text it showed the error message that there were no labels in the data on the clipboard.

I'll get that fixed in the next update.
Again, thanks for taking the time to figure out the problem.


March 23rd, 2021, 09:29 AM
Thank you for working on this for me. Looking forward to the new update.

March 23rd, 2021, 09:31 AM
Also I noticed a little typo. Under available PIDs RAFPN is typed as REFPN

Where exactly is that typo? Can you please provide a screen shot?

See this article on how to capture screen shots:


March 23rd, 2021, 10:02 AM
Feel free to move rename and or delete this post if you want to keep things cleaned up.