View Full Version : 2019 Cruze 1.6 diesel

April 28th, 2021, 06:13 AM
I just bought a 2019 cruze 1.6 diesel. I've been reading the forums trying to understand the tuning process and have run into conflicting info.

Do I need to find a supplier for the stock tune file or an I able to read the controller?

Does Efilive support flashing only or will I be able to edit the tune file in V7?

Is this vehicle a PCM or separate ECU & TCM? Is transmission tuning available or just engine?

Are there any other considerations that I need to know about?

April 28th, 2021, 11:10 AM
GM hasn't used combined PCMs since the late 2000s I believe (P12 and LS1B were one of the last ones in 2007), everything newer is ECM + TCM now.

Per EFILive's website, that's an E98 which the Colorado/Canyon diesels use so you should be able to read the ECM once you obtain a Controller Authorization code. TCM isn't supported, but try to see what it is and it may be supported (if it's a T76 you may be in luck).

April 28th, 2021, 11:52 PM
Thanks for the help. I had no clue about the Controller Authorization. I'm still under warranty so I just wanted to pull the tune to take a look and patiently wait for the warranty to expire. Do you know if the ECM records reads and read attempts? I didn't realize they've gotten so strict on security, maybe it's not a good idea to read at the moment for me.

April 29th, 2021, 03:33 AM
You need to use V8 from ~Jan 2021 or newer as EFILive has automated the Controller Authorization process, you no longer have to purchase the code for $50. So make sure you're using the latest sofware, then you should be able to read it out.

There shouldn't be any logged attempts around reading, there likely are with flashing (controller dependent).